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[Town] Ama Rivetos


Queen of the Wilds
Settlement Name: Ama Rivetos (Previously Lindisfarne)

Mayor: Zotikos

Co-Mayors/Assistants. Alvice, Infernohawk, Malldar

Current Wealth: 200k


Population: 16

Daily Tax Rate: 3 %

Cheapest Plot Cost: 0

Biggest Plot Cost: 0

Description / Introduction:
The city of Ama Rivetos is a unique collection of the best and the worst. As the city existed once as the infamous Bandit town of Lindisfarne led by Royo Kraken, and then the Bandit Queen Tchel Alvice... the city's history has been steeped in blood.

The new leader Zotikos, who is also head Zealot at the newly restored Monastery of Skeira (Goddess of combat, war, and healing), took over when the Bandit Queen in her volatile nature, could no longer handle the leadership of the town.

Some say she left the position to him, to lead something even more sinister in the dark sinister underbelly of the town where the blood of so many battles did seep to...


Alvice, Koga1211, Zotikos, Zozzle, Malldar, Alec197, Steelcryo, James_Longstreet, Audio1, Infernohawk, Vandraymen, DarthCorey, xGrapesx, Lunamoore, Neverendingdawn, Jagster08, DeathJaw, CrushNekro, MrBubbles

Jobs/work in Ama Rivetos:

RAIDER/BANDIT/THIEF/ASSASSIN - (Always Open, Discreet inquiries may be directed to the Bandit Queen)

(Must take a secondary job as well to contribute to town economy)

FARMER - Malldar

SHEPARD - (Open)


MINER - (Open)



BAKER - Zozzle

BREWER - Alvice

HUNTER - Alec197


CHANCELLOR - Infernohawk


SCRIBE - (Open)


WOODSMAN - Royo_Royal

ARCHITECT - Infernohawk, Jagster08

Please pm the mayor with what Work Job you want! If you take the position of Bandit, you must also choose a secondary job to contribute to the town. Also, if you think of another job that isn't on the list, please shoot the idea by one of the leaders.


1. What Zotikos or the town assistants say, goes.

2. Just because you play a bad guy in RP does not give you the right to troll and be a dick OOC. You will be kicked if found doing so.

3. Everyone must apply for a job on the town forum to make our town economy function.

4. Always close the gate!!! Never know when an invading force might pop in.


Settling in Altera
Town assistants! I need you to start badgering people about being more active on the forums. I see many people in the town that have not selected a job. Remember, being a bandit is not a primary job! And do not tell Zotikos that you are a bandit. He may likely strike you down where you are. The duality of the city is fragile at best, it is tolerated and makes for great in city RP. And to add to that I ask all residents to please select an occupation! It won't hurt, it won't take long. Just do it. Thanks so much. I'll be posting more screenshots within the week!

Also you can now not only choose bandit to have a combat role. We have a monestary dedicated to a goddess of combat, which means we do have space for warrior monks. Also my character is Nordic and is looking for Huscarls, raiders, and men for an army as well. So don't feel like bandits are the only ones having any fun!


Lord of Altera
Well now I'll do the photo tour of Ama Rivetos! This thing will include everything the average person can see in the city!

It starts off with landing on the beautiful boat, which we will soon be redoing:

As you go to enter the city, you see the beautiful architecture of the walls and gate, done by none other than Tchel herself! (I helped with towers)

Being a very observant person, you notice the notice board on the left side and decide to check it out and see the warm welcoming to the city written upon it:

Which brings us to our last stop, the boat out of the city, because we hate outsiders!

Thank you for taking the tour, and remember, if you show up here, we will kill you instantly! :D


Queen of the Wilds
Updated the tax, leadership, and description. Zotikos is now the mayor! ;D

(Also please keep the spamming of the thread to a minimum)


Settling in Altera
Ok, time to address a new issue in town: Basements. Due to basements spiraling out of control and people tunneling into others' basements and people expanding vast chasms, I will be limiting the sizes of basements (as I probably should have done before). Basements can now no longer go out beyond the edge of your assigned plot. If it goes under a plot someone else owns you will be told to fix it. Basements now are also to be no deeper than 10 blocks, if they are you will be told to fix it. If you do not fix things after you are told to do so appropriate measures will be taken. If there are any exceptions to be made please ask me or a town assistant and have them notify me. As always, have a pleasant day wherever you are and I look forward to seeing you in game!


Settlement Name: Ama Rivetos (Previously Lindisfarne)

Mayor: Zotikos

Co-Mayors/Assistants. Alvice, Infernohawk

Current Wealth: 200k


Population: 16

Daily Tax Rate: 3 %

Cheapest Plot Cost: 0

Biggest Plot Cost: 0

Description / Introduction:
The city of Ama Rivetos is a unique collection of the best and the worst. As the city existed once as the infamous Bandit town of Lindisfarne led by Royo Kraken, and then the Bandit Queen Tchel Alvice... the city's history has been steeped in blood.

The new leader Zotikos, who is also head Zealot at the newly restored Monastery of Skeira (Goddess of combat, war, and healing), took over when the Bandit Queen in her volatile nature, could no longer handle the leadership of the town.

Some say she left the position to him, to lead something even more sinister in the dark sinister underbelly of the town where the blood of so many battles did seep to...


Alvice, Koga1211, Zotikos, Zozzle, Malldar, Alec197, Steelcryo, James_Longstreet, Audio1, Infernohawk, Vandraymen, DarthCorey, xGrapesx, Lunamoore, Neverendingdawn, Jagster08, DeathJaw, CrushNekro, MrBubbles

Jobs/work in Ama Rivetos:

RAIDER/BANDIT/THIEF/ASSASSIN - (Always Open, Discreet inquiries may be directed to the Bandit Queen)

(Must take a secondary job as well to contribute to town economy)

FARMER - Malldar

SHEPARD - (Open)


MINER - (Open)



BAKER - Zozzle

BREWER - Alvice

HUNTER - Alec197


CHANCELLOR - Infernohawk


SCRIBE - (Open)


WOODSMAN - Royo_Royal

ARCHITECT - Infernohawk, Jagster08

Please pm the mayor with what Work Job you want! If you take the position of Bandit, you must also choose a secondary job to contribute to the town. Also, if you think of another job that isn't on the list, please shoot the idea by one of the leaders.


1. What Zotikos or the town assistants say, goes.

2. Just because you play a bad guy in RP does not give you the right to troll and be a dick OOC. You will be kicked if found doing so.

3. Everyone must apply for a job on the town forum to make our town economy function.

4. Always close the gate!!! Never know when an invading force might pop in.
How can i join cause i really want to be the fisherman or innkeeper!


Lord of Altera
Epik.... you're not even from here. Please don't be rude to our applicants. He/She is fine.

All you need to do to join is ask myself, alvice, Zotikos, or Malldar when we're on and we'll get you set up.


Settling in Altera
Thanks for the praise nooberoob, greatly appreciated. Though as lovely as the town is the whole thing isn't getting ported over. Only the rich and prosperous upper tier will be looking like this. The lower portions will be different. Lets just say we're getting ANOTHER facelift... Hopefully it'll stop sagging one day.

And Djonna we'd love to have you in the town. Catch any of us in game and we'll be happy to let you in after a short RP session and some good healthy conversation! See ya in game!


Lord of Altera
Though as lovely as the town is the whole thing isn't getting ported over. Only the rich and prosperous upper tier will be looking like this
What is getting ported over exactly?
And why only make some of the new town look like how the current town is?


Settling in Altera
The parts you choose are being ported. And the reasoning is it needs to be a town built around a monastery, not a town built like the monastery. The primary reason is geography though. You can't just dump an old town into a whole new world and expect it to fit in perfectly. We're piecing in what bits we can an I suspect you'll actually be very pleased. The town will be built on a tier system with the monestary at the top of the mountain. The upper class tier buildings will be built around the base of the mountain and the lower class around the gullies and beaches, near the ports. The layout is hard to describe without showing you all but perhaps I'll do just that. Jagster I'll need your help of course in this and I don't want you to think we're throwing out all of your hard work (which is why you get such an influential voice in what goes) but think of it as a way to expand and get to build on a new architecture doing different things. Also, Tchel is leaving the town to start up the bandit town. Anyone who wants to follow I understand just please let me know ahead of time so I don't go looking for you one day just to find out you're gone. The town of Ama Rivetos has some great great plans ahead of it. We're a big part of the nation Avalon now and one of the greatest houses in the new realm, and it will only get better. Let me know if you need anything clarified and I'll see you in game!


Lord of Altera
Technically, Even if Tchel starts her own town she can still be a part of the new Ama Rivetos and that also goes with anyone willing to follow her. As I understand it, in the next map players can be part of more than one town. So if anything this possibly increases the amount of people which will be living in Ama Rivetos, so it certainly won't decrease the amount already living here (despite the problem of slowly dwindling numbers and stagnation). But currently I have no plans to leave Ama Rivetos unless something major comes up in the future.
Oh, one more thing, I guess this means a lot more hard work will be coming my way shortly :p

Note: I was actually going to propose splitting the current town into sectioned areas, but it's seems you have beaten me in that idea for exodus. I also think that sectioned areas of town will help with both construction and possibly increase RP if the emphasis is on the divide between rich and poor.


Settling in Altera
You are a Master Spy for a reason Jagster. Thanks for keeping me informed. That's really cool and makes sense to be able to have multiple residences. You're also right on the dot as far as everything else goes and oh yes... plenty of work for you. You'll be compensated of course and what's more fun then designing and building anyways? I really look forward to this new move and adventure. I'm really excited to show you guys the spot we found. Though it was a hard choice, I found so many great places but ultimately picked this one because it's close to our allies. Bring trees (mostly pines) to plant! Hope to see you there!


I think I might like it here
After I died twice trying to get there :p Finally got to the new city location. I must say superb spot. I took the liberty of taking a few screen shoots. 2012-04-25_23.19.45.png2012-04-25_23.18.31.png2012-04-25_23.17.31.png2012-04-25_23.07.24.png of course it needs some fixing up. Maybe make the cliffs a little more shear here and there but otherwise perfect as far as I am concerned.


Settling in Altera
The cliffs and hills will be smoothed. And also the mountain made to look less like it's about to topple over. Some work has to be done but it will be astonishing when it is. Also I'm gonna be absent a while guys. Final exams up until Wednesday so wish me luck. I know it's bad timing but it can't be helped. I'll still check the forums so update and ask questions all you need.


I think I might like it here
Good luck on your exams. Is there anything in specific that needs done for the transition to be smoother?