Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

[Town] Aurolus


Bellon the Wise

The honor is mine fair friend!

Waterpicker by his house.....


Hello, I would like to join the town, and I intend to act as it's Ranger. Rangers are a top notch defence, and Shipwreck cove has one, I think that your town could use a crack shot with a bow. On another note, the town is well built, it looks like effort has been put into it, and that's what makes a good town.


Hey id love to join your Town and with two other people and build a Guild Hall or The Dark BrotherHood Sanctuary. Please reply.

Damen Black

I wanted to express my surprise with the beauty of your city. You have a nice and easy to navigate lay out with well constructed buildings.


I think I might like it here
I would like to join your town :D , But i am requesting other towns to see what i get into. So thanks for your time :D


Looking to join your town... Would be awesome :D ive been wondering aimlessly on the server for awhile


Lord of Altera
sure there is, aurolus is always happy for new members. when your on look for my name or packisback13 we're able to add you to town. i wont be on till monday so you may not be able to join till then but if i see you i will invite you. Haope to see you around town soon! :D