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[Valiant] || Erwin


Lord of Altera

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= C h a r a c t e r =

= P A T R O N =

= R A N K =
= P A S S I V E S =
[ ]S P I R I T U A L | W E A P O N
[ 4 ] M A R T Y R
= A E S T H E T I C S =
][ Divine markings thematic to their divine form upon the body.
][ The eyes take on a ring of color about the pupil thematic to their Divine.


= Q U I R K S =
][ Superficial wounds that would not require stitches seal over
with a metallic sheen within five minutes
][They provide a sense of safety and assurance to those
feeling vulnerable with a moment of prolonged eye contact.
= U N I V E R S A L =
= S P E L L S =
[ 0 ] P U R I F Y
[ 1 ] I L L U M I N A T E
[ 0 ] V I S I O N
[ 9 ] D I V I N E | W O R D
[ 5 ] F E A S T | O F | T H E | G O D S
[ 1 ] B A P T I S M
[ 0 ] S T E E D
[ 0 ] D I V I N A T I O N
[ 0 ] A N G E L I C
= D I V I N E =
= S P E L L S =
[ 6 ] R E D I R E C T
[ 11 ] S H A R E D | B U R D EN
[ 6 ] S H I E L D | O F | F A I T H
[ 5 ] C A L L | O F | T H E | B A N N E R
[ 0 ] R E I N F O R C E
[ 0 ] S T R O N G H O L D
[ 4 ] S U I T | U P
[ 1 ] B O L S T E R
[ 0 ] E X P O S E | A R M O U R
[ 0 ] L I G H T N I N G | A R C
[ 0 ] H E R O I C | R E C A L L
[ 0 ] S P E C T R A L | A R M O U R Y
[ 0 ] R E L E N T L E S S
[ 0 ] B A R R I E R
[ 0 ] E N F O U L D R E D
[ 0 ] A R M I S T I C E


= A R T I F A C T S =
= T R I N K E T S =
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Lord of Altera


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  • 06/01 // He reached out for the lingering embers of his faith to rekindle his faith of old.
  • 06/04 // He returned to the shrine he built once back in the past by the footholds of the Cathedral and tidied it up. Relighting the flickering flame of the shrine, he, in a way, rebuilt it, taking this as one of the first steps of his journey back to faith.
  • 06/07 // He polished off his smithing experties after Valtae became interested in aquiring armor for herself. As his first craft in a long time, he smithed an armband dedicated to Valiant, now wearing it as his holy symbol.
  • 06/10 // Encountering radical anti-mage cultists while spending time with Reinhard, Carla and Adda in the tavern, he stood up to the promise he made, to protect mages aswell, and fought with the cultists. Holding himself back from doing anything out anger, he tried to incapacitate the cultists, to hand them over for questioning. In the end, the cultists succumbed to their wounds caused by daggers and broken bottles. Feeling disappointment towards himself, he and Rein took the bodies and burnt them at the pyre. He prayed for Valiant to find place for the cultists in Unlife.
  • 06/11 // After Valtae approached him for advice on what armor should she get, he promised to smith her a cuirass made of machanite, which he did so. Giving it to her, he refused any payements, offering it for free, as a means to pay off some of debt he owns her, for healing him many times before.
  • 06/17 // Reaffirming Reinhard about himself and his strength, he shared wisdom he himself learnt while following Valiant's path. Showing that strength comes from the soul not just the body, that even in the hardest and darkest times, standing up to the challange gives hope to everyone.
  • 06/23 // Erwin would talk with Bennett, looking for some guidance from him. He would explain his desire to try to move on and help others, to do good.
  • 07/02 // Encountering a jishrimite effigy in the docks, he destroys it to rid the area from it's effects.
  • 07/02 // Taking on the alter ego 'The Nameless Knight' he took part in Leonhardt's duel. And whilst in the end, he lost the fight against his Battle-Brother, he fought valiently and with honor.
  • 07/03 // Standing between Leonhardt and Arvyth, he eases the tension and prevents the two from engaging into a fight.
  • 07/10 // After learning of Leonhardt's disappearance in the Lost Frontier, he volunteered to help find his friend, standing up for him, as he hadd for him.
  • 07/12 // Erwin would seek the help of a Animancer to formally apologize and express his regret to the elf woman who's life he took during the Siege of Eldpoint.
  • 07/14 // As injured arrive to the Landing Hospital from the Expanse, he does medical work. Treating Matt's injuries.
  • 07/15 // After meeting with Anya, he offers his help in hunting down her slave trader captors. Later on, Erwin offers some help in combat training, where they spar. After things begin to slip out of control Erwin has to knock Anya out. Taking care of her injuries he awaits until she wakes up. Once awaken, he explains that a focused and clear mind will result in better chances at winning a fight.
  • 07/16 // Erwin would meet Kethron at the guardhouse, requesting to be a volunteer for the defences of the landing. With the Sword of Damocles hanging over the landings, he would share his thoughts about how the landing could be defended and civilians spared from the carnage.
  • 07/18 // Taking a once shattered and broken sword, he would spend days and night reforging the sword using glimmersteel to put the pieces back together. Using all of his blacksmithing skills he revives the sword and takes it to the Valiant shrine in the cathedral. His hands, bleeding from holding the sword with bare hands, he would pray and make the offering.
    Spoiler: Offering

  • 07/21 // Joining forces at Eisenheim, despite being banished from the jurisdiction of Eldpoint, he faces the incoming demon and cultist forces. Elminating a cultist and a flying demon, he suffers light injures. In the end, they triumph over the invading forces. Erwin thanking Valiant for granting them the resolve.
  • 07/23 // Joining forces with the inquisition at the Lodestar's Ruins, he faces the onslaught of the demon army, fighting on for hours, dispatching dozens of demons. Getting gravely injured, when the Demon General throws his own sword into his chest. Pushing though the pain, fueled by resolve and his reletnless nature, he returns to the fight with sword in body. Praying to Valiant to let him stay up and keep fighting, he aids in the defeat in the Demon General before losing consciousness due to bloodloss, falling into a recovery coma for the time being.
  • 07/31 // As the demon armies march on the Landing, he joins others in defending the city. Blunting their attack and defeating them on home turf, they force triumphs over the demon army.
  • 08/01 // Joining the defence of the medical camp at the Adventurer's Guild, he holds the line with the others, trying to fend of the demon hords. As fire spreads and the gate is breached, he remains with Lieutenant Adelhard in the front while others fall back to escort the wounded out. Holding out till the very end, he falls with Adelhard, buying enough time to evacuate the wounded from the hospital.
  • 08/04 // As the demon's general made her appearance, Erwin stood against her words, and expressed that they won't give the Landing without a fight. Summed up in one sentence: 'Fuck off back to the abyss. Or we'll chase you back ourselves.
  • 11/16 // Meeting with Suhkoiza while out training in the proving grounds, the spar for some time, resulting in Erwin winning, by throwing her over his shoulder. He gives her some advice and offers to train her in foot combat.
  • 11/17 // Meeting Eirlys in the Den, he notes that he saw her name on the sign up for the hunt. After talking a bit, he remembers he has a spare sword he could lend to her. He hands her his spare masterwork glimmersteel longsword for the hunt, expressing that even the slightest of difference is worth the effort.
  • 11/19 // Meeting with Sydri in the Den, Erwin chatted with her about why people learn how to fight. He would offer her to help her out in training, promptly heading over to the proving grounds for a spar. Defeating her, he accidentally tears an old trauma of her open. Trying to comfort her he stays with her a bit, reassuring her that she is not alone, and she can ask for help anytime she needs it. Standing by his statement he would escort her home aswell.
  • 11/19 // Returning to the Landing, he runs into a commotion outside the Den where an elf was run over by a cart. After Guinevere tried to feed on the injured elf, Leonhardt knocked her out. Figuring out she is a vyre eventually, Erwin would convince Leon to neither sunbless her nor stake her, but cure her with Holy Water, saving her from immense pain.
  • 11/23 // Keeping his promise, Erwin would visit Sydri to train her in protecting herself, giving her fighting lessons.
  • 11/25 // Practicing his archery skills, Soup finds him, giving him a few tips and sharing her mind a bit. Being a terrible archer she offers him to help him become a better one. Erwin only accepts the offer under the condition that he can help her become a better when it comes to foot combat.
  • 11/28 // He would participate in the tourney organized by Soup under his alias, The Nameless Knight. Even despite posessing no experience in jousting and very minimal knowledge in horse riding, he would still go forth the same, managing to win at least one bout. Whilst in the end defeated, his forearm fractured, he hanged around aiding the others by handing them lances or helping them over to the hospital.
  • 12/01 // Meeting Aki while sitting outside the Ashstadt Valiant shrine, they talked about event's in his life and his curse. He would express that, even despite not remembering the exact moment of his mistake, he regrets every second of it. And that he will always push on to try and make it right, despite knowing, he probably will never be able. Listening to Aki's advice, he gave the jousting shield he used to Valiant as an offer, and expresed his regret and grief, and asked to help him remember his actions, to never repeat them.
    Spoiler: Offering

  • 12/10 // After bandits attacked a caravan just outside the landing, he accompanied others in handling the situation, preffering to use non-lethal methods to handle the bandits. His shoulder bashed in by the leader with a mace, he pushes through the pain, but the bandit leader takes his own life. Luckily none of the merchants are dead, but several bandits are. Troubled by this, he goes around sending off the mostly young, fallen bandits to Valiant's afterlife.
  • 12/12 // With the same organization of bandits turning up in the Landing Tavern, trusting his gut, Erwin with the help of Leon held up a suspicious person, finding a note on a planned assassination attempt on a noble. Rushing over to the scene, he took part in fending off the bandits uisng non-lethal force. Whilst the father dies in the attack the rest of the family is saved. He would try to squeeze some information out one of the bandits to no avail. He would send off the dead bandits who died in combat to Valiant's afterlife.
  • 12/15 // After a little girl went missing in the Landing, he accompanied the search party to find her, searching through the entire Landing. Eventually they would find her in the company of glowing orb, that she was trying to help. Aiding her in this, they return her to her family. Erwin would give the mother 500r so they may fare better in the coming winter.
  • 12/17 // Returning to the Kraken's Den to refill his rations, he overhears a pair of nobles from Eldpoint disrespecting the sacrifice of the soldiers who fought in the Ivory War. Noticing that the others in the tavern seem to be on edge about something, spotting something on the balcony. He would call out the disrespect from the two nobles while moving over. As Ayda warns him about an attack, four assassins would try to kill the nobles with crossbows from the first floor. Moving his body in the way, he intercepts one of the bolts, taking the blow instead. After Valtae begins to tend to the attacked nobles he would begin to pursue the attackers. Chasing them through the tavern and roofs into a back alley, yone of the assassins break their neck as they fall from a roof, the other dies after accidentally stabbing themselve in the chest as Erwin tackles them. Unfortunatly 3 of the assassins die and one escapes, leaving them without anyone to question. One noble succumbes to her injuries whilst the other one surives thanks to their efforts.
  • 01/03 // Erwin would gift Soup a set of lamellar cuirass, made by him. He wouldn't ask for anything in return.
  • 01/05 // Erwin would begin teaching Saoirse how to defend herself with non-lethal force, as she expressed her distaste to harming others. He would forge her a glimmersteel dagger.
  • 01/07 // Erwin would organise and host a joust in the Landing for the sake of the new year. He would open the joust with a small speech before granting a small offering to Valiant for good fortune. Afterwads he would help everyone get ready for their round and tend to the injured with the help of Valtae and Fjord. in the end, he would hand out the victors their prize and close the joust.

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Lord of Altera


  • 01/08 // Running into Eirlys and Amicia sparring at the White Tower Inn, he would ease Eirlys pain using [Shared Burden], first time casting the spell after ages.
  • 01/09 // Stumbling onto an underground cave whilst working on his home, he turned it into a shrine for Valiant, placing an offering there.
  • 01/17 // Erwin would run into Laicelem and Soup, with the earlier offering a spar, Erwin would accept and fight Laicelem. Fighting with honor and without Valiant's blessings he would offer Laicelem a draw, aknowledging his landed hit on him aswell.
  • 01/18 // Learning of Soup's misfortunes as of late, he would relive her of physical pains using [Shared Burden], aswell begin working on a helmet for her.
  • 01/21 // Joining Laicelem, Aki, Soup to aid Theodosius and Astrakhan, he would accompany the group into the forests south of the town, to rid the area of the northern raider presence. Finding remains of asrakosiand, he would be shaken aswell, reminded of something from his past. He would offer a trial by combat to one of the raiders for information on their camp.
  • 01/29 // He would fight the offered trial by combat with the captured raider. According to terms of combat, he would fight unarmored. Wearing a starblood armband to only rely on his own martial prowess, he would best the raider, deciding to spare him, leaving his life in the hands of the citizens of Astrakhan.
  • 02/06 // He would've attended Leonhardt's sermon to support his friend. Later taking part in the debate, sharing his opinion and belief, that gods can change according to their followers.
  • 02/06 // He would've constructed a small pillar at the ruins of Lodestar to commemorate those lost in the battle and during the war against demons.
  • 02//12 // Erwin would've conducted the baptism of the child of Valtae and Fjord, Elis. Building a small shrine at Frostlight for this purpose, and to try and bring Valiant and Mages closer, he would offer a shield and baptize Elis.
  • 02/21 // Running into Bennett at the Landing Cathedral, they would reminisce about day of Archon's and the Cathedral's fall, reflecting on how much has happened since. Erwin would reflect on the importance of the decision he made that thay, and how that and Bennett had set him down on the path he currently lives. He would express how he set an example for him to follow and that they might not be related, but they'll always be brothers in faith.
  • 02/23 // After a fresh report on the Garulf hunting the forests near the Landing, he would lead a hunting party he had organized to fell the beast once and for all. Tracking the signs of the beast to it's lair, the party would be attack by the Garulf. In the ensuing battle, Erwin would use [Redirect] several times to focus the Garulf's attention on him, granting openings to the other party members. But after a misttime dodged, the Garulf would tear off his right arm. Refusing to be out of the fight, he forces the Garulf's attention on him again. Just before the beast is fell, Sydri would recieve a fatal wound, to which Erwin would take off his Mother's Embrace Scarf to treat her, which he used to tie off his bleeding arm to save her life, at the possible cost of his.
  • 02/24 // Having survived the battle with the Garulf and brought to the hospital at the Landing, he would be infected by the Garulf's curse, gradually turning him agressive and filling with him a desire to hunt. To combat this before the curse spreads out of control, he would ask to be locked away in the guardhouse's holding cell, to protect others from himself.
  • 02/26 // After recovering from the Garulf's illness. He would find his way to the Landing's cathedral, where he would make a prayer to Valiant. And in turn, offer the garulf pelt he had acquired during the hunt.
  • 03/05 // Even despite covered in horrible burns and missing his right arm, Erwin didn't back down against Leonhardt's challange to a duel, after his statement about mages. The two would eventually pitch the duel for a later time, when both of them are physically suitale for it.
  • 03/07 // Erwin would've written a letter to Eldpoint, seeking to make right what had went wrong a long time ago, and to convince them for the banishment to be lifted, in hopes he could be of aid in there aswell.
  • 03//14 // Erwin would've accompanied Leonhardt and his squires to aid Frost in searching for a suspected effigy. Trekking the snowy terrain for hours, they wouldn't be able to find one, coming to the conclusion one may have been removed recently.
  • 03/15.1 // Erwin would meet Storm in the ruins of the Cathedral, catching up with him with the goings of late. He would inquire why he views Valiant badly, despite having been a blessed of him in the past. Leaning of his curse, he would share his experience regarding it, offering his help. He would aswell reassure him, that despite being a mage now, he can still be favoured by Valiant. Sharing his belief and understanding of his faith, he would state if he has to dethrone Uriel to make Valiant favour mages aswell, he would take that journey all the same. He would run int Azuran later that day, having a conversation about everyone's different understanding of their faith, sharing his belief that gods can change.
  • 03/15.2 // Finding Laicelem at the Den in the Landing, the two would enjoy a conversation. Regarding the changing state of things, Erwin would share his beliefs with him, giving an insight into his own understanding of his faith, and goals. Learning that he had turned away from his faith as of late, he would try to reassure him, that perhaps his faith lies elsewhere, giving his own example, of moving from Ignis to Valiant.
  • 03/16 // Later in the day, Erwin would respond to a scream of distress, as a Nathair was seen in the Landing. Learning that the snake belongs to Bubba and he want's it back alive, he would refrain from using any weapons. Following the giant snake around the Landing, he would fail to shifts it's attention to him with the use of [Redirect], as it wasn't out to hunt, but to digest. In an attempt to try it from reaching the sewers, he would've jumped on it's back, only for it to wrap itself around him. Luckily with the use of [Call of the Banner], he would've scared the snake enough to get it off of him. Unfortunatly for them the Nathair took refuge in the sewers, disappearing in it. To avoid further complications, Erwin would start placing out posters, warning the people to stay away from the sewer entrances.
  • 03/17 // Holding a sermon in the ruins of the cathedral, Erwin shared his experience and personal understanding of Valiant, but most importantly shared an old idea, to bring mages and blessed together. Sharing his belief that gods can change, he elaborated the idea, that perhaps through enough efforts, he could sway Valiant to see mages more favorably, bringing blessed and mages together under the faith. Having been advised, that perhaps bringing other blesseds of Valiant to the same idea could help, he would set out to do so.
  • 03/18.1 // Attending his hearing by the Eldpoint Council, he would state his request the reconsider his banishment, in hopes of future cooperation. He would explain his desire to continue helping and keep to his oath of bearing the pains of others. Answering questions considering his past aids to the Kingdom, he would tell of his deeds during the demon war. In the end, he request would be accepted, his banishment lifted.
  • 03/18.2 // Finding Milah after the hearing, he would share a conversation with her, regarding his present understanding of the relation between mages and blessed. Explaining his desire to unite the two for the better, instead of being at odds. Sharing his understanding of Valiant and beliefs, he would explain if he needs to strive for exalthood to achive this, he would.
  • 03/19.1 // Meeting with Leonhardt at the ruins of Lodestar, the two would go forth with the duel they had agreed upon, Erwin defending his statement that magic and mages are not evil. Fighting with honor, at one point Leonhardt would diasrm himself, leaving an opportunity for strike, which Erwin would not take. Landing several hits on the knight, at one point the two would land blows on eachother severe enough to stagger them. Realising they will not achieve anything like this, they would settle to have a philosophical debate instead. After the duel he would use [Shared Burden] to lessen the pain his blows gave Leon.
  • 03/19.2 // With Leonhardt and his squires departing from the ruins, he would turn to pay his respects at the memorial pillar he had built there. Even calling down Valiant's banner setting it on the stone as a symbol of his respect and gratitude to those who had fought with them to beat back the demon armies.
  • 03/24 // Finding Sydri at Frostlight, after hearing from his kidnapping he would be relieved that she had managed to escape from Rogal, reassuring her he will answer for his crimes sooner than later. Aswell through [Shared Burden] he would dull her pains, taking them on himself.
  • 04/01 // He would've visited the recruitment games in Astrakhan, aswell taking part in them. He would've stepped in as Kristoff took words upon his heart, threatning Theo, trying to calm the situation. Later down the line he would eventually convince himself to voulnteer for the forces of Astrakhan, refusing to take payment during his time there. He would make an oath under the Valiant banner. Lastly he would wrestle with the eark, Tiek, beating her.
  • 04/04 // Running into Maple in the Den, she would ask him if he knew any smiths that could make her a cuirass. He himself being a smith, he would offer his help, skeptical he would offer a spar to prove the quality of his works. The two would fight with sheated weapons. In the end, Erwin would best Maple, altho he himself recieving a fair few blows. Despite her refusal, he would use [Shared Burden], resposible for her sorry state, fearing she might fall unconcious on her way home. He would begin working on a cuirass for her.
  • 04/05 // Finding Andrew and Lerina in the Den, he would join their company. Talking through all sorts of things, eventually the topic would come to training and Erw would offer to Lerina to teach her some hand-to-hand combat. Leaving with her to the area infron the Cathedral, he would teach Lerina the basics of it. He would also explain the importance of not only relying on one's brawn to solve misunderstandings but words aswell. With her lightly malnourished state, he would use [Feast of the Gods] to get her something to eat before returning to the Den.
  • 04/08.1 // Whilst refilling his rations at the Den, distress would be heard outside as a man, thinking he can fly with makeshift wings, was about to jump off the roof of the tavern. Asking for the others to buy time, he would hurry inside the Den to reach the roofs, to try and convince the men otherwise and bring him down safely. Trying to calm the men, he would use a ploy, casting [Call of the Banner] to make the men believe the divine don't favor him in his attempt. With aid from Vowrawn aswell, they men would be brought down safely.
  • 04/08.2 // Travelling to Ashstadt to attend the planning of the defences of the town, he would share his ideas and experiences, aswell help in assembling the final plan for the defences.
  • 04/10 // Travelling to Blackrush to seek Mylohk, Erwin would speak with him regarding the war, knowing very well neither Matt nor Melarue would want aid from them, he would ask him, in case of a defeat, don't allow Callas to exploit the victory. The two would also reflect on the events of the past. Moving over to the shrine by the earth pit, Erwin would make an offering, placing the sword Bennett gave him half a decade ago on the shrine, explaining his history with it to Mylohk, praying that may they triumph.
  • 04/15 // Accompanying a party to New Soolera to answer a call of aid. He would aid workers in clearing a path for roads in the Black Mountains, and help looking for a lost caravan. Running into several Emperor Scorpions, Erwin would fight valiantly to fend them off and escort the caravan to safety. At a certain point he would advocate for the splitting of the party, with one part escorting the caravan to safety and the other looking for the remaning survivors. His decision would pay off, as a child would be rescued aswell. He would aswell aid the rescued caravaners by gifting them a sum of 5000r.

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Lord of Altera


  • 04/17 // Travelling to Frostlight. Erwin would run into Asero and Arvyth as the two watched Lerina's hand-to-hand exercise done by Sophie. Erwin would explain his views on honor, and what it means to fight honorably. Later down the line Asero would offer a spar to him, which he would take. The two would combat with Erwin landing the first hit. At one point Asero would disarm him with a strong blow, offering a yield. He would refuse and go onto winning the spar, by knocking Asero out with a pommel bash. Later he would use [Shared Burden] to lesser his pains.
  • 04/18 // Attending the ball in the Landing, he would find himself winning the prize of the raffle. Being humble about it, he would go to distriute the nearly 12000r in the slums to those who need it.
  • 04/19.1 // Travelling to Frostlight on his way home. He would find himself in a conversation with Laicelem, Arvyth and Alexandra regarding jousting. Later, learning that Alex is interested in learning how to fight, he would take her on a first lesson, teaching her proper footwork and maitaning balance.
  • 04/19.2 // Meeting with Arvyth in Frostlight, the two would share a conversation regarding smithing, before Arvyth brings up wanting to polish off his combat skills. Offering brush off spar, him and Erwin would do so for a bit, eventually shaking up Arvyth's skills to a former state.
  • 04/20 // Travelling to Blackrush, Erwin would find Bennett amidst smithing. The two would share a conversation regarding Ashstadt and choices, and taking right choices. Erwin would aswell ellaborate on his goals in his faith, trying to seek to better the relation mages and Lady Arcane shares with Valiant, aswell strifing for a higher position if he needs to. Erwin would aswell share with Bennett that he kept the sword he had been given half a decade ago, when he only started following Valiant through Bennett, explaining he had brought it back to Blackrush, finding it rather symbolic to return it to where it was made. Altho reflecting on he regrets that choice, curious to what lengths would've that sword accomanied him.
  • 04/21.1 // While in Frostlight, Erwin would've met Leofwine. Asked about his blessing, Erwin would elaborate about his faith, explaining the ways one could show worship to their chosen divine. Dedicating actions to them and incorporating their tenets into one's life. He would also explain that whilst one can follow the understandings of others, its much better to find one's own understanding of the tenets and the divine, creating their own understanding of their faith. With Leof showing interest in learning more about Valiant, he would take him to the shrine he had constructed in Frostlight. He would teach him the first tenet, Hold True To Thy Given Word. Explaining his own understanding of it, and encoraging him about exploring the tenet himself, to find how he understands it.
  • 04/21.2 // Travelling to Astrakhan, Erwin would note the sparce protection of the city, starting to gather support for raising a wall. Aswell reaching out to Laicelem on his opinion and for the sake of a rematch spar. Running into Theo, he would tell him awell his proposition regarding a city wall, which he would approve of aswell. Once at the barracks Erwin and Laicelem would spar, with Erwin knocking Laicelem out rather fast, after landing a pommel bash on his head. Using [Shared Burden], he would lessen his pain before returning to his duties.
  • 04/22 // Meeting with Theo at the Astrakhan barracks whilst in the midst of stretching, Theo would request a counseling from him regarding worries. He would share his experiences with Matthias and his views on power and his fears that he might be on the way to become a tyrant. Aswell ask Erwin on his views about power and strength. He would explain how he understands power and strength as an opportunity not a goal, something to be used wisely. He would also reassure Theo regarding Matt that, give him time, and observe before doing anything, changing his mind for the better.
  • 04/24 // Whilst in the Landing, visiting the memorial tree, he would encounter Sydri in a horrid state, her leg and arm broken and her face burnt. He would burden himself with ther pain aswell try to calm her down to explain the situation, learning of Reinhard's exploits. He would also take the burns from her face through [Martyr], altho unable to take the branding. Taking her to the hospital, he would send a word to a formist, Azalea, to come to their aid.
  • 04/25 // He would accompany an incursion into Nid Arach with a group. During it he would stop Eirlys from robbing a passer by, aswell using [Shared Burden] after she ran into a trap. Fending off arachian bats while pushing Artesia and Sydri into a corridor after the screeching stunned them.
  • 04/26 // Leofwine would find Erwin in Frostlight amidst meditating, the two would share a conversation. Inquiring about his advances regarding his faith, Erwin would move on to teach Leif about the second tenet, Fester not thy body to disrepair. Sharing his own understanding that, one should know their limits and keep a healthy state outside and within aswell. But he would encourage Leof to find his own understanding.
  • 04/29.1 // Whilst in the Landing, Leofwine would find him in the Den during the morning hours. Sharing a short conversation he would accompany Erwin to his usual morning training. Settling infront the Cathedral, he would answer Leof's questions regarding how he came to follow Valiant, aswell telling him the tale of the Cathedral's fall. The two would spar shortly, where Erwin would easily overpower Leof, but would share tips and advices on how to better his combat skills. He would take the injuries he inflicted on him through [Martyr] and lessen his pain aswell.
  • 04/29.2 // Joining Laicelem and his group on an incursion into Nid Arach. Defeating a few undead, they would set out on a plan to capture Bolvark for information. Erwin and Asero would keep him occupied by taunting him, being shot at with crossbows several times but luckily through [Shield of Faith] and evading he wouldn't be hit. After buying time fo Laicelem, Asero would boost him up on the side of a gallery, only to be shot point blank by a crossbow, fracturing 3 of his ribs. But their antiqs would buy enough time for Laicelem to take out the crossbowman. Erwin eliminating one as it jumped down from the wall, promptly impaled by his sword.
  • 04/30.1 // Meeting with Theo, they would discuss the recent events regarding Reinhard's assault on Sydri, trying to come up with a plan to bring Reinhard to court. Eventually they would come up with an idea, with Erwin meeting with Laicelem to ask for his help aswell. Erwin would also discuss with Theo his run-in with Uriel, expressing his worries that he isn't looking to ever give up exalthood, further fueling his goal to one day, be the one to take it.
  • 04/30.2 // Leading the supply caravan sent from Astrakhan to Queensport. He would join the other ones, treking for days through the harsh northern weather. Running into an ambush, as the road was blocked by a tree, he would combat vyres, trying to burn the caravan, felling one of them. Altho losing a portion of the supplies due to blood poisoning, they would be able to deliver them to Queensport.
  • 05/03 // Returning to New Soolera once again to try and aid the city. The party would be tasked with searching for a lost caravan. Setting out, they would run into two young tremorbacks, one of them injured. With Aki, Erwin would heal the injured tremorback with [Martyr] before proceeding. Finding a hold up in the tunnel through the mountain. They would be ambushed as the entrances would be blown, with smoke starting to sweep in. Making their way throuhg the rubble, he would use [Bolster] to better their chances. He would first try to make the bandist surrender using [Illuminate] but they would persist, the fight would continue. He would be able to stop Eirlys from killing a child bandit, just barely, before she was flattened by an Eark. As an axe was lodged into her head, he would suffer from a PTSD attack, ending up beheading the Eark. Getting to his senses he would return to the tunnel to help the caravaners out. He would be able to stop Jal'Bara from executing the still concious bandits, stating that, they still can turn their life around, showing mercy.
  • 05/04 // Leofwine would find him whilst paying his respect at the memorial tree in the Landing. The two would share a a conversation, catching up on recent events. He would explain the virtue within selflessnes, and that held power is an tool for greater things, instead of being an end goal. Moving to the cathedral, Erwin would inquire if Leof had made an offering yet, explaining the importance of it to him. Once at the cathedral, he would move on to the next tenet Do not abandon diplomacy out of lust for war. Explaining his own understanding, of the tenet aswell. He would aswell assist Leof in making his first offering to Valiant.
  • 05/07 // Helping to organized a War Game in Astrakhan to polish up the training of soldiers, he would be tasked with leading one of the sides during the mock battle. Setting out a batteplan with taking advices from the other officers, they would engage in battle. After a drawn out scouting, they two sides would finally engage, with Erwin leading from the front aswell. After having to improvise the they would gradually begin to overwhelm the other side, forcing them to cede to field, achieving a close victory.
  • 05/11 // Meeting with Theo in Astrakhan, Leofwine, Xiqu and Iuno would join them, as Theo gave the three a tour of the town. Moving to Theo's home, they would discuss the development of Astrakhan, Erwin voicing his opinion on a needed barracks upgrade, for better accomondation for the troops, aswell finalizing the city wall plans to provide defence for the town. The group would also discuss the current political situation and developments, with Erwin raising word to trying to find the most peacful outcome possible. Proposing that he'll speak with Matt aswell.
  • 05/12 // Visiting the Den, Erwin would encounter two orphans, in conversation with Mihrnael. Making sure they have eaten, he would give them some advice regarding the Landing and where they could find a living, aswell offering his rented room as shelter if needed. As the two headed to depart into the cold rain, he would double down, handing them his cloak and about a week's worth of funds, poiting out the important buildings within the Landing before returning to his drink.
  • 05/13 // Attending the court meeting in New Soolera regarding the three surviving caravan attackers. Erwin would be focused on tryin to prevent the execution of the prisoners, beliveing they deserve a chance to make their mistakes right, knowing from his own case the possibility this. When giving his second testimony, he would ellaborate on how mercenary work can be done out of need, rather choice. He would succeed in his efforts, with two of the prisoners waved from death penalty, but not for the third one. He would give a last ditch attempt to try but it would be futile, shortly Theo taking over the talking. He would make a decision on bettering his diplomatic skills and his temper.
  • 05/22 // Setting foot in the Lost Frontiers with an expedition group, Erwin would fight through a constant wave of undeads and raiders, getting his nose and left forearm broken during the combat, but eventually fending off the waves, securing the outpost for the near future.
  • 05/27 // Venturing into Nid with Asero and Valtae, the trio would find a skraagite cultist completing a ritual, through using [Redirect], Erwin would command the attention of him, allowing Asero to knock him out. Detaining the cultist, they would take him for later questioning. He would also rely on [Call of the Banner] to create a distraction for the other two to get across a river unharmed.
  • 05/31.1 // Aster would find Erwin in the cathedral meditating. Engaging in a conversation, Erwin would soon find out his eagerness yet lackin confidenece. Reassuring him with the same words that were spoken to him by Bennett when he first learnt of Valiant, he would pour some courage into the boy. After expressing he doesn't know how to pray, he would give a short demonstration, elaborating on the importance of prayers, despite how simple they are. He would become interested in learning how to handle a blade, which Erwin would offer lessons upon their next meeting.
  • 05/31.2 // Responding to the attack of the Rift Fort in the Ashlands, he would tag along a group to investigate. Gathering information about a newly emerging demon threat. Whilst originally he didn't want anything to do with demons, with the recent kidnappings, Erwin changes his mind. Putting out heralds and pamphlets to gather more information he would begin organizing an expedition to establish a foothold in the Hellscape for further operations.
  • 06/01 // Aster would find him in the morning within the Landing, and as he promised, Erwin would give the boy lessons regarding swordsmanship. He would teach the basics to im, passing on the importnace of footwork and balance. He would also reassure him to train with patience and persistence.
  • 06/03 // Taking part in the arena fight in New Soolera, in his first fight he would quickly disarm his opponent, but out of fair play, he would offer back his opponent's weapon, eventually besting him once again, earning his respect. During the half-time show, an Emperor Scorpion would be unleashed on volunteers and as things turned south, Erwin would use [Redirect] to draw the scorpion towarsds him. On unlucky footing he would be grabbed by the scorpion and perish as it conducted lobotomy on him.

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