Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Whitelist Application: Flobin_ [Accepted - Jase]


Lord of Altera
1. What is your Minecraft username?

2. How old are you?

3. What country are you from?

4. Have you read the King's Law, Code of Conduct, Official Lore, and the Player Guides yet?
Yes I have

5. In your own words, how would you define metagaming and powergaming?
Metagaming is basically cheating in information for roleplay. For example using OOC information ICly even though your character would have no logical way of knowing. Powergaming is pretty much God-Mode. Ex: Immune to everything, never loses, never dies, has no weaknesses, always perfect. Dodges, parries and blocks every move in a battle.

6. Do we allow X-Raying mods or X-Ray texture packs on the server?

7. Name one of our current Mentors.


8 Tell us about yourself
My name is Rowan, I have been doing minecraft roleplaying for 5 years, spanning from Uthrandir, Vivere, Myaeron, Massivecraft, Odrea Roleplay

10. Did anyone refer you? If not, how did you find our server?
I found you guys looking for MCRP servers.

About Your Character!
This section is about the character you intend to use once you join the server.We ask that new players follow these guidelines during this portion of the application:

Character Name:
Pronounced in Elven: Yolek
Pronounced in Common: Jo·lek
Jolek Cydris:

Jolek Cydris is a non-traditional moor elf. He was raised above the ground in a swamp shantytown called Skralos. It was fronted by Dwarven elite, of whom enslaved an entire flock of Moor elf migrates and forced them into a labour class system of which to mine, refine and export tar, for lubrication, preservative and fuelling reasons. [Forging and Lamp oils]. Skralos also had an underground trading system in which gangs of Moor elves would move things outside the watch of their dwarven usurpers. Jolek left at a young age from Skralos, making a name for himself throughout the land. A non-traditional Moor is one that doesn’t live underground or counts himself associated into the drow hierarchy. He has no traditional background. And doesn't really see his race as the most defining feature of his own character.

Character Age:
Fourty Nine

Character Race:
Moor Elf


Jolek is quite the refined Moor elf. He stands at 6'2" and weighs roughly 180lbs (82kg). He has sharp features from his lemon-shaped Eyes to his heavy jaw. He has crisp white hair, always kept moderately short. His arms almost hang below his knees, giving him a wingspan of over six feet itself. His palms are wide, his fingers in comparison look flat, thin and bumpy. He has small pursed lips and a long Roman nose. Jolek, unlike many other Elves, can grow facial hair, although it comes out white and stubbly and isn't the most pleasing to the eye. He's pretty noticeable within a crowd because of his Lavender skin and height.



Written Test!

Jolek’s words to his ship captain had referred to the removal of his boxes and other effects from his lodgings on Leaking Star. The work was not heavy, but it had much been hindered on account of the frequent pauses necessitated by the exclamations of surprise of each and every event he carried upon the ship. Of which the good captain had brushed off himself, but the sailors of the ship more joked about on account of Jolek’s inexperience on a marine vessel.

At the last moment of leaving the port, Jolek had been detained by the important customers, whom, even in the exceptional circumstances, he was not the man to neglect. Especially curious ones wondering about strange goods from abroad. Moreover, there was a convenience in some of the shipmates, arriving at the designated INN. Nobody there knew as of yet his idiosyncratic accommodations. Having a room nearest to an exit or stairwell. Which had an extra set of lamps brought into it, all paid for so he could conduct his work in this room. He had, therefore, sent a letter of his specific lodgings, in a hired Brougham; whilst he went across the country to a certain group of wheat and barley ricks he was told of a few miles off, telling of the hour at which he might be expected the same evening. This accounted for this horse and buggy trotting out to meet him after their separation of more than four hours. By a strenuous effort, after leaving Mockingbay, and then coming back from an educational conversation about the fermentation of barley and other grains. He had made it back to the INN for supper. After finishing off a supplementary amount of stew, rabbits leg, and bread - just as he had finished he looked up from the table to see the burly Innkeep walking over him to stop at his table with a flat expression.

“I already paid” Jolek concluded assumingly.

The Innkeep shook his head. Holding out a letter to him, stamped with a brown wax seal impacted with an embroidered ‘C’ on it. Jolek looked up to him. Surprised at first, but relieved his face of this short emotion realizing this man was just passing along the letter to the rightful recipient.

“I see. Do you know who handed this to you?” he inquires.

“Ahh, he didn’t say a word ‘bout his business. Just told me who ye were. Handed me off your accommodation letter uh’swell. Was wearin’ a hat.
“Had a beard ‘n’ specs. Here’s yer key.”

Jolek takes the letter and key thanking the man; placing the key on the table. After the Innkeeper turned to leave, he split open the sealed letter, pulling out the parchment.


Dear Sir,

Pleasant regards on you reaching the continent!
I expect thoust inform me of your strides in progress as you operate within the deeply uncharted. I reiterate, if you extend yourself fervently, let your own history become your downfall. You are not protected. The gain here is your establishment. This right of passage was not earned by you alone. And you are to update me weekly unless specified by me. Or unless your work disposes you of such.

One of our agents amid many Sable’s intercepted information of a dancer entering the continent. We are unsure if you are compromised, but we are to believe your cover is still ambiguous at best. Establish contact with this woman. We are attentive to the Sable’s involvement here. Perhaps a new sapling of the family is being accessorized to these parts. It would be conducive if you inform us of who she is immediately so we can do an investigation on our side.

Legion is Liberty
Emry Copperfield

Jolek promptly stands, grabbing the key, folding up the letter and slipping it into the inside of his coat. Taking his saddlebags over his shoulder. He takes the plate up to the bar table of the INN, leaving it there.

“Thanks again,” He says, nodding as he heads to his room, settling in for the night. All his belongings sit nicely around the room.

“Pays to have it your way.” He says with a grin.

Jolek burns the letter the next chance he gets.
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Lord of Altera
To be clear. My character was only influenced by these Dwarven slavers in his backstory. In no way shape or form is he truly connected to largescale antagonists. It was a relatively small shanty that he was born in. He left in his teens because he didn't see any future deriving from the town. Took to travelling, thieving and crime from a young age and was shown to be an adept speaker in common. Over time he has taken an interest in learning about the physical world and alchemy. Using his money to learn anything he can about the elemental world. So to be clear, Jolek has only been affected by their rule in one way: Which is that he ultimately won't have his dream or future controlled by anyone indefinitely. That no group will have a hold over his goals. Or his family.

[The picture is just to show off my character]


"Something need doing?"
Hey Flobin! Thanks for your application! However I do want to ask you, just for my personal curiousity what you meant by the letter in your written test?

Is Jolek meant to be an agent of some kind? If so for whom? Can you explain that for me a little more?


Lord of Altera
Hey Flobin! Thanks for your application! However, I do want to ask you, just for my curiosity what you meant by the letter in your written test?

Is Jolek meant to be an agent of some kind? If so for whom? Can you explain that for me a little more?
No, Jolek isn't an agent or Emissary coming into the server. I wrote this up based on his original composition. I will be playing a solo-route this time around. Jolek will be a free-thinking character with no strings attached to any kind of group outside the server. That also goes for the original query of largescale antagonists... I assume. This is based on a book I am currently writing and so I thought the written test didn't connect to the server as much. As for who Jolek works for.

(I'm going to explain this quickly because I don't want to re-tell another story.)
His name is Emry Copperfield. He was a surgeon in a town that began manipulating the people. Originally, Emry sent all the townspeople against the guards to take over, essentially. Emry fell into a deep depression where he realized he couldn't truly help people. Or have them change for the better. So he began to torture and manipulate these people, using the many techniques of brainwashing. The last guard in the town, Nico. Was the only person to survive Emry's takeover. Emry watched him kill many of the townsfolk in front of him. He destroyed Nico's entire world just to get to him. Because of everyone there. Nico was the strongest. He used the whole town to get to Nico. Jolek came much later in this story. Emry became this person who wanted "the best" out of people. Originally trying to find people's breaking points and guilts through trust therapy. This turned into a twisted nature as Emry opted for control rather than his patients having free will. Realizing that they would eventually fall back into the same patterns they always carried. Emry is kind of like your classic Doctor Faustus or 'Negan'. Although I haven't watched the Walking Dead. Nor do I want to.
Reiterating: Jolek came into the mix of this, later when Emry was established. Seeing potential in Jolek. Opting to take him under his wing. But realizing, later on, he couldn't trust him. Brainwashing him AND his brothers and sending them off into the world to collect infrastructure. Especially as Jolek in this story is a chemist. He was quite useful to Emry.

I could say a bunch. But I really don't want to. Because It's my book and story I'm writing... So I hope this clarified most of what you were asking.

Man, this wasn't a quick explanation.


"Something need doing?"
No, Jolek isn't an agent or Emissary coming into the server. I wrote this up based on his original composition. I will be playing a solo-route this time around. Jolek will be a free-thinking character with no strings attached to any kind of group outside the server. That also goes for the original query of largescale antagonists... I assume. This is based on a book I am currently writing and so I thought the written test didn't connect to the server as much. As for who Jolek works for.

(I'm going to explain this quickly because I don't want to re-tell another story.)
His name is Emry Copperfield. He was a surgeon in a town that began manipulating the people. Originally, Emry sent all the townspeople against the guards to take over, essentially. Emry fell into a deep depression where he realized he couldn't truly help people. Or have them change for the better. So he began to torture and manipulate these people, using the many techniques of brainwashing. The last guard in the town, Nico. Was the only person to survive Emry's takeover. Emry watched him kill many of the townsfolk in front of him. He destroyed Nico's entire world just to get to him. Because of everyone there. Nico was the strongest. He used the whole town to get to Nico. Jolek came much later in this story. Emry became this person who wanted "the best" out of people. Originally trying to find people's breaking points and guilts through trust therapy. This turned into a twisted nature as Emry opted for control rather than his patients having free will. Realizing that they would eventually fall back into the same patterns they always carried. Emry is kind of like your classic Doctor Faustus or 'Negan'. Although I haven't watched the Walking Dead. Nor do I want to.
Reiterating: Jolek came into the mix of this, later when Emry was established. Seeing potential in Jolek. Opting to take him under his wing. But realizing, later on, he couldn't trust him. Brainwashing him AND his brothers and sending them off into the world to collect infrastructure. Especially as Jolek in this story is a chemist. He was quite useful to Emry.

I could say a bunch. But I really don't want to. Because It's my book and story I'm writing... So I hope this clarified most of what you were asking.

Man, this wasn't a quick explanation.
Based on that- I am quite happy to say that you can write - and that you are good at it to. But due to the requirements, do you mind writing up something that reflects the backstory of Jolek in this world? In regards to how you would play him for the written test component ...?


Lord of Altera
Based on that- I am quite happy to say that you can write - and that you are good at it to. But due to the requirements, do you mind writing up something that reflects the backstory of Jolek in this world? In regards to how you would play him for the written test component ...?
Sure! You could also treat the RP with the letter as being redacted. Maybe I'll just fix it up. And write another one, too.


"Something need doing?"
Alright- I think this is good. Do remember to start your character off with only rudimentry knowledge of fighting- espionage- alchemy- thieving etc. This allows for character growth in the future. Same with weapons and armor.

Do note-
A non-traditional Moor is one that doesn’t live underground or counts himself associated into the drow hierarchy is not correct in the current lore. Moor elves live upon the surface but- they do have a clan hierarchy which I suppose you could say he is not a part of. In this place you would call him clanless. I suggest you brush up on the moor elf lore, to help integrate your character into the world.

If you have any questions, let me or another mentor know!


I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our King's Law. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question ingame.

If you're stuck unable to interact with anything or chat, try using /warp whitelist, if this doesn't work then please message a staff member with the problem.

+You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.+

Survival Guide - Read this to help when you login!
The King's Law
How to Create a Character
The Official Lore
Town Census
Plugins Command Guide
Donate to the Server!

Lastly, please make sure you understand the following points.

+Do not Powergame, Metagame or use X-Rays on the server! Our moderation team makes sure to deal with severe reports.
+ Anyone found to be griefing our server and subsequently blaming their sibling, friend, dog or any other person other than themselves will be banned irrespective of their innocence.