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The Equilibrium

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Lord of Altera
Fellow Alterans

Is very troubling the amount of bandits and thieves in our world. Von of the largest cities in all Altera is entirely filled vith bandits. Thieves rule an entire third of the realm (SW). Because there is no von iron law, these mongrels are left to run around doing as they please, stealing and murdering vith the support of a major entity, Protraras.

I am proposing ve unit and try to remedy this problem, there vill alvays be bandits, but at least ve can keep them start opposing them, let them know there time is coming to an end. This is not another silly revenge plot because belonging vere stolen (although I have been robed before :p) this is to help everyvon and equalize the current disproportion.

The plan is in several phases.

Phase von, scrambling SW.
Currently bandits under the lead of Deadpress guard the portals and make uue pay a toll to travel safely. The bandits ar surprisingly vell organized, therefor our assaults vill be seemingly random to disrupt their syncronization. Ve vill use traps, suprise attacks, and general gorilla warfare tactics to eliminate the overconfident bandits. Ve vill not bring diamond equipment along, alvays light inventory. Iron swords, tnt, lava buckets, and potions, phase von is unconventional and cheap, a loss for us is very minor, but I vin is crucial.

Phase two, Siege on Protraras.
Vonce there grip starts to loosen on SW ve vill have gained more support. Hopefully larg towns vill come to our aid and ve can truly carry out a siege. This vill include not trading or speaking vith any protrarians and continual assaults at the valls themselves. Also, ve may begin dueling bandits vith full equipment in SW.

Phase Three, Stabilizing.
By now, many bandits should be dead or shaken, there numbers and spirit broken. But this could alvays change, so outposts vill be established. Safe zones and vatchtowers vill be built throughout SW and all protrarians vill be monitored.

This is very optimistic plan, and vill require much effort and time. But is doable, and is a noble cause, if uue ar interested fill out form:

Name: ingame (rp)
Town: region(s)
House: the family kind
Reason for joining: blah blah blah
I agree to fight for balance and am willing to die in battle for the Equilibrium: Signature

(Alright, that was all rp, hope you enjoyed my accent. Seriously, I think this would make for some great rps/battles and it is a little goofy how many bandits there are proportional to the population of the server)

Ve can also be asked to eliminate certain targets that have robed uue. Vonce killed, all belongings that vere stolen from uue vill be returned if possible. Ve vill do this for free.

Current Members:
Sygdrid Icecloak (hshotwell)
Mori Adam Saeradan (BLargtheAwesome)
Barin Thundershield (Jimmyshotwell)
Cronous lucian (tdoggy27)
Seth Jenkins (Seth_Jenkins)
Gondarf (benijim)
Ulrych Lonmar (tomahawk777)
Zairen Dren (SpiritualDetox)
Jack of Detrion(jakp25)


Loyal Servant of Altera
Did you talk to Dead about seiging his town? :eek: Plus an evil mermaid witch lives in Protaras so you better watch out....


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Name: Basil Marshall Saeradan (IGN: BLargtheAwesome)

Town: Tauredal

House: Saeradan

Reason for joining: Mmph... Why not?... I could do some good, and still get to torture people.

I agree to fight for balance and am willing to die in battle for the Equilibrium: Perhaps not fight, but torture prisoners... That I can do.

Signature Basil Marshall Saeradan


Lord of Altera
I have not spoken with dead, but all battles will be schedualed. As for opinions about protrarians, we are allowed to think and trade with whoever we do or do not wish to. And yes, there are already enemies of protraras, but this group is focusing on reclaiming SW as weel as shaking the bandit capital.. I would hope that those towns will support us.

Mori, welcome to the equilibrium. Your dungeon will indeed be useful.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Name: Barin Thundershield (Jimmyshotwell)
Town: Snowfall village
House: (None at the moment)
Reason for joining: To beat some bandit to a pulp
I agree to fight for balance and am willing to die in battle for the Equilibrium: Barin Thundershield


I would recommend speaking to Draco, then you might be able to get the support of Stormhold and its allies....maybe


Lord of Altera
Name: tdoggy27 (cronous lucian,)
Town: new valkri
House: house of icecloak
Reason for joining: TO DESTROY the evil bandits the cause pain to the innocents
I agree to fight for balance and am willing to die in battle for the Equilibrium: Cronous Lucian house of icecloak


Lord of Altera
Name: Seth_Jenkins (Seth Jenkins)
Town: Thraall, New Valkyria, Final Breath
House: The Noble House Yearnen
Reason for joining: The Bandits have been a menace for too long now, it is time we rose and stood against them, I have been robbed before and we should be stopping this menace
I agree to fight for balance and am willing to die in battle for the Equilibrium: Heir of Yearnen, Seth Jenkins


Loyal Servant of Altera
Name: Gondarf
Town: None atm
House: None
Reason for joining: Lost my family to bandits...
I agree to fight for balance and am willing to die in battle for the Equilibrium: Not willing to kill but i wouldn't mind helping out in the dungeons, if you get what i mean.
Signature: Gongarf


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Sir Benijim... I work in my dungeon by myself... But, if you wish, I will let you... Guard it or something... Move prisoners around, mayhap?... Dispose of the dead people... That lot.

Also, just for the sake of finally having another prisoner after so long... I will be Mori for this event...


Loyal Servant of Altera
No dont worry, i know when im not wanted... Ill..... stand and watch on a hill or something... Thats what i end up doing... Thankyou for your time anywway


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Your wanted, on the one condition I am the only one who tortures the prisoners... I'd never let somone else do that... To fun to share, really... *Evil laughter*
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