With the changing of heads that’s gone on with Storm’s Landing, and trying to keep player involvement up, rent has fallen to the wayside several times. With one last restructure it is our hope to bring all builds under the same rules and make the process of renting quicker and easier for staff and players alike. While the new system will take getting used to, it will be an overall better system for renting in Storm’s Landing.
The Project Manager of Spawn is IceandFire
Renting Property in Storm's Landing
Renting Property has now become an automatic system, reliant on player's actively monitoring their own regions.
/arm help - Plugin help lists all commands.
/arm addmember region newMember - Add a member to your region plot
/arm buy region - Buy the nearest rent plot
/arm extend - Extend the rent of your plot
/arm info region - Read info about a plot
/arm limit - See the limits of your plot purchases
/arm listregions - List your regions
/arm regionfinder - Prompt a GUI that will show you available plots and teleport you to them
/arm restore - Reset your region. Warning- all materials will be taken by the server.
/arm sellback - Reset your region and sell it back to the server. Warning- all materials will be taken by the server.
/arm tptofreeregion regiontype - Teleport to a type of region. See types of Regions below.
/arm gui - Open a gui that shows your purchased lands, or search for a place to rent. The following are available options for all Storm's Landing Property Owners:
The # of Plots any Storm's Landing property owner may have is a total of 2. Here is how they are distributed
Black Market- 100r
Slums Market-200r
Dock Market- 300r
Slums- 500r
Middle Class- 1k
High Class -3k
Farms- 1k
Shipyard- 500r
+Search Storm's Landing for a suitable spot! Find a sign that is green "For Rent". Right or Left click, without crouching, to see more information when facing a Rent sign.
+Search through the GUI system. /arm gui - Click the Compass, and any type of Renting plot. Hover over your options. You are able to teleport to these areas to view them.
For Rent. Green = Available. Red = Rented
Region Name
Price of the Region / For this # of days.
The Maximum # of days the plot can be rented
To Purchase a PlotRegion Name
Price of the Region / For this # of days.
The Maximum # of days the plot can be rented
Crouch and Left+Click the Rent Sign. There is no confirmation- so be sure that is the plot you want.
Or type- /arm buy region
When you purchase a plot, you're able to..
-Add/Remove members
/arm addmember [Region] [Member]
-Teleport to your region spot-Reset your region back to its original state. All materials placed by you or another member will be removed and given to the Server. There's a 7day cooldown.
-Reset your region back to its original state and Sell it to the Server. You don't get a refund and your materials do not return. (Reselling with % funds is a work in progress)
-Extend the rent time of your region by another xx amount of days
-Show the region's info in chat
Sell Plots to another Player:
The GUI inventory doesn't help in selling plots to a player. However, a command allows you to offer your rent spot region to another. Use the following commands:
/arm offer Buyer Region Price - Offer a buying player the price of your region plot
/arm offer cancel - Cancel the offer
/arm offer accept - Buyer can accept
/arm offer reject - Buyer can reject
-The offer times out if they are afk or do not respond.
-If accepted, The buyer will now be the owner of the rented region. The region does not reset- all materials remain as they were and the new owner of the rent plot will own it. The timer will continue.
Region Expiration & Reset!!
Staff helping with Region Resets:
-You get a 2 day warning before your region rent expires on its end-date.
-Your plot will return to an empty plot and all materials not removed will be taken by the Server.
-There exists backups of all reset regions. If you do not extend your time or evacuate in time, Staff can restore a backup of your plot, so long as no one has rented and fully built inside it afterwards. If someone has, we can start a Moderation Conversation with those involved to coordinate saving the New Renter's items, restoring the backup, removing the items, and restoring the new renter's plot items.
-We appreciate all players that can keep up with their rent or evacuate on time to avoid hassle!
Currently Suspended
Requesting a custom build is simple, first you have to find the area you want then fill out the short form below.
Please be aware that when requesting a build the style of build will resemble other builds nearby. So if you choose to request a build near the slums, you will be built a build of the same style as the slums.
And lastly please note, custom builds do not come with interiors. You have to provide those yourself.
-Character Names(s):
-Area of the Build: (Screenshot of the Dynamap + Coordinates)
-Intended Use: (Is it a home? Is it a business? What kind of business? This helps the builders best create a build that matches what you want.)
-Notes: (You can add build specifics here and screenshots if you have any.)
Rules of Owning Property
Rules of owning property in Storm’s Landing are fairly simple and standard. Along with the OOC rules of not griefing or stealing, the following rules should be adhered to.
-If you are banned, the property will be cleared out and put back on the market. This does not extend to temp bans of periods of time less than one month.
-Basement and any underground structures not created or approved by the Spawn or Build Team is not allowed. Anyone found to have created an underground basement or other structure without approval will have the structure removed and may possibly lose their right to own property in Storm's Landing.
-The same goes for external additions to your home. Do not add anything drastic outside your home or edit the base 'house' itself without the okay from the Spawn Team. Things such as the addition of small market stalls and other small things will also require the okay. New rooms or other larger additions, are not. If you're unsure, it's best to ask.
-Each player is limited to the purchase of only two buildings in Storm's Landing.
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