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Assassin For Hire [Closed]

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The Very Best, That No One Ever Was
(This is unrelated to the bounty thread)
(So far is not approved so no making offers yet)

Liese the assassin is starting to see some friction between the people of Altera and believes that now her services (killing and nothing else...) may be useful to some people at this time.
You can contact her in secret to make an offer for a target, but she will only do it or a good reason and not just something like "they are part of that other town" or something like that. (more detailed rules on it bellow)

Liese is the sporting sort and will give plenty of forewarning to her target and a chance for the target to out-pay the original client and has the option to kill the original client (who will also be warned).

She expects the pay to come half before the killing and half afterward (if she is successful, and if not will pay... most... of the money back {need to make up for lost stuff}).

Also, if she succeeds, when they are revived she will give all lost items back to the victim. Unless they are being a sore loser and attack when they already lost.

Rules to this:
Will not kill any of the kings/queens or people of equal rank (tried that a few times, didn't end pretty)

No killing for no reason / dumb reasons, also has to be rp related (up to me to determine if the reason is valid or not)

(most likely more to come, just cant think of them now)

In order to request a kill you must tell me it either with a private message in game or on the forums in a private message! This message must include your RP name, the target names (both rp and user), the amount offered, and a good rp reason for making your order. (not on this thread! I plan on keeping clients somewhat anonymous)


Grand Lizard
I would like to put a bounty on Moochick, i hear she is going around assassinating people for money. This would be very bad for business and i would like to get her "removed" if you know what i mean.


The Very Best, That No One Ever Was
I'll take it that "the world is now a better place and that everyone is getting along" as a reason for why I have no requests. :D


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
I would like to put a bounty on myself, 2000 radiants, given that i retain the dropped items.


<3 Hollow World
Warlord Halfmad said in Roleplay said:
Any of this crowd of fools from Uthrandir:
Headmaster Ari
Wizard Oliver
Wizard Kai
Zane Frostfire

I will pay 1000 rads for each of them but I'm negotiable and putting a price on ridding Altera from this bunch of holy-than-thous is priceless.

The Junfeyn will not counternance these fools breathing the air of Altera for a moment longer, I require their blood as fuel for our dark rites and training of our new Dark Mages and hopefully it's a bitter pill Bellon will choke on.

We will do it ourselves in time, but if by some fluke you are more skillful than you appear and kill one them all the better for our plans.

It's a shame to have to waste such talent, but if they won't join us they have to die.
On a side note Bellon seems to want a fight, so I'll give him one ;)


The Very Best, That No One Ever Was
I would like to put a bounty on myself, 2000 radiants, given that i retain the dropped items.
Depends of if you mean mine, if I fail, or yours, if I succeed.

The first is you can keep any of my items that are not diamond equipment,
The second is, yes I do return items.

Also I need a good rp reason to go with this :p


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Moo said:
Depends of if you mean mine, if I fail, or yours, if I succeed.

The first is you can keep any of my items that are not diamond equipment,
The second is, yes I do return items.

Also I need a good rp reason to go with this :p
If i die, you give me my items back and i give you two thousand.
If you die, you give back my two thousand, i give back valuables.
Rp reason is that i took a bet with steel that no assassin could kill me. I contacted you through aliases so you dont know youre takin the hit on me.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
I wont kill for hire.
But as General of Altera's First, if any of the High Kings give me a target, they are as good as dead.


Lord of Altera
I'll pay you to kill 'em all.
Ok, that'd be tad tough to do...
I'll find targets...
No one post a bad reply to this..
(or you're next) :eek:


The Very Best, That No One Ever Was
oh... I guess I should close this thread, changed character again.
Altera wasn't profitable enough.
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