Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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OOC Game Night


Dark Council Elite
Saturday the 16th of August
1 PM CST (-GMT -6:00)

Hey there! I've been doing a bit of thinking and have decided to organize an out of character game night for the server, as everyone needs a bit of a break from RP and drama for awhile. Feel free to post ideas for games and activities in the thread below!

I have decided to give the carry-around currency that people never really use in RP a purpose: emeralds! During this event, it will be necessary to have a few emeralds on you so that you can enter some of the games! All funds acquired through this event will go towards paying out prizes on games, and the remainder left over will go towards The Academy. Everyone who enters this event will have their name marked down and receive a discount on any In-Character classes they would choose to take at the Academy!

Now, please note: it is crucial to understand that this is an out of character event, so if you want your immersion in tact on that day, stay away from the area.

Now that that's out of the way, let's go over a few of the ideas I've had for activities!

  • Thunderdome
Exactly what it says on the tin. Consisting of 10 players per round, everyone will be locked in a dome (with a spectator area to watch if anyone'd like) with no armor and wooden swords as their only weapon (aside from their hands!), where they fight to the death. The winner will get a prize of 2,000r for the victory each time, so if you're good at PVP, there's your place to get money!

-Entry fee is 2 emeralds.
-Victory prize is 10 emeralds.

  • Thunderdome X
This is the same thing as the above, but with a few small changes!
-Personal equipment and armor is allowed!
-No prize for winning!
(As some people have better equipment than others, that just wouldn't be fair!)
-Entry fee is 1 emerald.

  • Rumble Pit
In this event, there will be a group of 3 people dropped in to an arena accompanied by 10 skeletons armed with medium grade equipment. The last man standing wins. If all three are taken out by the skeletons, nobody wins!

-Entry fee is 2 emeralds.
-Victory prize is 5 emeralds.
-Personal armor not allowed.

If you have an idea for an event, let me know!

Time and date is TBA.

Entrance in to the event is 5 emeralds. There will be a drop box!

Currently coordinating with Michcat. If any other staff members are available to help, please say so!

Also coordinating with @IceandFire
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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Why am I tagg- oh.

Small irk:
  • Thunderdome
Exactly what it says on the tin. Consisting of 10 players per round, everyone will be locked in a dome (with a spectator area to watch if anyone'd like) with no armor and wooden swords as their only weapon (aside from their hands!), where they fight to the death. The winner will get a prize of 2,000r for the victory each time, so if you're good at PVP, there's your place to get money!

-Entry fee is 2 emeralds.
-Victory prize is 10 emeralds.
The winner will get a prize of 2,000r for the victory each time
-Entry fee is 2 emeralds.
-Victory prize is 10 emeralds.


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Pole smacking
4 people stand on a field filled with poles with a slab on top, a bit parkour like
The objective is to smack people of the poles with a knockback I sword/stick

-entry fee is 1 emeralds
-no equipment allowed
-winner gets 2 emeralds


Lord of Altera
A hide and seek withing a certain area... I dunno, I'm a fan of faster hunger games I guess


The rosiest of forests.
Pure OOC event where the leftover funds go to an IC organization ...
I sold carrots OOCly to get funds I needed to buy building things with, which then goes towards IC organizations. This is just a fun way of doing it, and it's your own choice if you want to participate and give or not.


Dark Council Elite
A reminder, voting gives you 60 emeralds a day - even only voting one day is more than enough to enjoy the event fully!


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Actually, I believe it's been said somewhere else before that emeralds are the IC currency. Radiants are there for convenience.


Lord of Altera
Hey there! I've been doing a bit of thinking and have decided to organize an out of character game night for the server, as everyone needs a bit of a break from RP and drama for awhile. Feel free to post ideas for games and activities in the thread below!

I have decided to give the carry-around currency that people never really use in RP a purpose: emeralds! During this event, it will be necessary to have a few emeralds on you so that you can enter some of the games! All funds acquired through this event will go towards paying out prizes on games, and the remainder left over will go towards The Academy. Everyone who enters this event will have their name marked down and receive a discount on any In-Character classes they would choose to take at the Academy!

Now, please note: it is crucial to understand that this is an out of character event, so if you want your immersion in tact on that day, stay away from the area.

Now that that's out of the way, let's go over a few of the ideas I've had for activities!

  • Thunderdome
Exactly what it says on the tin. Consisting of 10 players per round, everyone will be locked in a dome (with a spectator area to watch if anyone'd like) with no armor and wooden swords as their only weapon (aside from their hands!), where they fight to the death. The winner will get a prize of 2,000r for the victory each time, so if you're good at PVP, there's your place to get money!

-Entry fee is 2 emeralds.
-Victory prize is 10 emeralds.

  • Thunderdome X
This is the same thing as the above, but with a few small changes!
-Personal equipment and armor is allowed!
-No prize for winning!
(As some people have better equipment than others, that just wouldn't be fair!)
-Entry fee is 1 emerald.

  • Rumble Pit
In this event, there will be a group of 3 people dropped in to an arena accompanied by 10 skeletons armed with medium grade equipment. The last man standing wins. If all three are taken out by the skeletons, nobody wins!

-Entry fee is 2 emeralds.
-Victory prize is 5 emeralds.
-Personal armor not allowed.

If you have an idea for an event, let me know!

Time and date is TBA.

Entrance in to the event is 5 emeralds. There will be a drop box!

Currently coordinating with Michcat. If any other staff members are available to help, please say so!
Oh, when I saw OOC game night, I thought you meant we all play battlefield or Halo or something like that.


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
4 people are droped on each corner of the labyrinth and need to work to the middle,
-winner gets 4 emeralds
-speed potions allowed,
-pvp not allowed
-entry fee 2 emeralds


Lord of Altera
Oh, when I saw OOC game night, I thought you meant we all play battlefield or Halo or something like that.
I was thinking of shifting that game world in the server to hunger games or going onto direwolf server...
But that sounds good too... To bad I don't play either of them, but oh well