Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Erikor Walterius


The Lurker
Retired Staff

+ Some silly Moor Elf gave him a stabby bit. Added falchion to his weapon list.
+ Ashna and Lilith moved up into the loved category, with a changed blurb for Ashna. @solus
+ Added some new goals. @Deathseal123


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Aged Erik up to 15. Adjusted measurements accordingly. General changes to profile in lighter blue.

Also, he finally cut his hair. @solus @TurtlePrada :p

Minus the goatee, but yeah. Or Sam Smith. However you want to see it.

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The Lurker
Retired Staff
Erik has a new goal. He has been given the task of filling a journal with knowledge of as many blades as he can, as well as their uses. Particularly the blades most widely used on Grafjell. A nice distraction and gives him reason to leave his house more frequently again.~


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Oh. Oops. I meant to age him up a while back. There we go. The babby is 16. ( They grow up so fast. ;-; )


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
heh- my uncle is younger than me


Lord of Altera
I mean that Lilith is currently older than Erik. And if Erik is older than Myrrik.. :p
my head hurts from reading this. it can't wrap around the reality that Myrrik is younger than Erik, and Lilith is older than Erik while Myrrik is her twin. while she might be a minute younger than Myrrik