Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Inactive Warren Rivers | A lie


Bored Brit

Did I mention he's severely British?


Current Status:
After a long journey south, Warren has found a new home.

General Information:
Name: Moriarty Jason Warren Horatio Rivers Windsor Lydel
Official Name: Warren Horatio Rivers
Other Names: Horatio Karthon, Moriarty, Potato the Jester of Cochran, Horatio
Titles: The Watcher, Boss, Pick, Thief
Age: 41
Race: Halfling
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Workaholic
Current Residence: Who knows?
Relationship Status: Married.
Social Status: Business owner, Thief, Guildmaster, Mayor. Nothing.

Physical Appearance:

Height: 3 ft
Weight: 40kg
Eye Color: Green
Skin Color: Tanned White
Shape of Face: Chiseled, profound features.
Distinguishing Features: His bloody height?
Build of Body: Pretty well built for strength and yet still nimble.
Hair Color: Unknown to most, Warren's hair is actually ginger/red. He often kept it shaven to keep this secret. His eyebrows were naturally light and easy to dye.
Hair Style: Short-Cropped now that he can be free of his alias.
Posture: Warren often changes his posture to the role he feels he has to fit, and due to this cannot remember the way he used to be.
Is Seen By Others As: [I dont know, ask them?]
Scars: Faint scars across his cheek and chin.
Voice: Severe British Accent. The Original region being North Western.

Likes: Life, money, secrets and Acting different roles.
Dislikes: People.
Strengths: Nimble, fast. Can climb rigging as well as buildings.
Weaknesses: Hates most people,
Fears: Death, Losing others, Losing Lena
Values: "Everyone has their own rules and laws, how am I to know what they all are and if I am indeed breaking them?"
Education: He is fairly well educated.
Languages: Common
General Attitude: "Shit happens."
Religious Inclination: Visage and Jax
General Intelligence: 8/10
General Sociability: Depends on what role he is playing.
Alignment: Chaotic Good.


Wardrobe: Often wears, as shows on his skin, a shirt, leather waistcoat and brown trousers.
Jewelry: Only that which he steals.

-Rats, named Jeff and Ron SirLuamTehDoge
- [-]

Owned Homes:

Weapon(s) on belt:
-Small Blackjack
Items on person:
-A small picture of Mor, Nia and Will
-A small picture of Mor and Lena
-A small picture of Mor and Andal
- A flask of Tea, on his belt.
- A water skin, on his belt.
-A crude map of the Tambry underground, stuffed into his pocket.
-A faceless coin


Illnesses: Gets seasick at the start of each voyage.
Allergies: [None]
Injuries: None
Sleeping Habits: Sleeps when tired.
Energy Levels: Fairly energetic most of the time.
Eating Habits: Eats a whole lot.
Exercise Habits: He runs, climbs and does pull ups whenever necessary.
Memory: Fairly well, it needs to be to remember his roles.
Unhealthy Habits: He's an annoying Kevin.
Drinking Habits: Tea.


Peaceful or violent: Mostly Peaceful.

Weaponry: Potatoes

Combat Training: MASTER at Potato Throwing

Other Trivia:

Occupation: Guildmaster, Family Patriarch
Favorite Types of Food: Anything.
Favorite Types of Drink: Tea.
Hobbies/Pastimes: Smoking and reading.
Favorite Colors: Red, white and blue.

Past Places of Residences:
-Lydel [As a child]
-Stables at the Crossroads
-Old Thieves Den, Tambry
- Cochran
- Queen's Port
- Lydel [Recent]
-Lydel's Worldly Oddities, Tambry

Places Traveled:

-The Big Blue Sea
- Queens Port
- Myrneth

- Arget Isles

- Up North [Bastion Stone 1]


Relevant Family Members:
-Andal Lydel [Cousin] Ddaug02
-Cedric Lydel [Cousin] Balatro
- Sarai Knotwise, [Cousin] Sarai Knotwise
- Lena Windsor-Lydel [Wife] Lirakitty


Romantic Interests:
- Lena "I never wanted t'have to lie to yer but I knew nothin' else." Lirakitty


Trusted Friends:


Loose Acquaintances:
-Ava Grey "I wished I took yer down before. . .But its over now eh" Joseph12Q


Disfavored Individuals:





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Bored Brit

Sneak Skills
Mor has been constantly messing about with a small padlock he keeps at home. If he manages to beat his last time, he allows himself to buy a new wig/costume.

Pick Pocketing-

Is there ever a time when this won't be needed?
It seems that the more time Mor has, the more skills he works on. Lately he has taken to painting and learning new scripts.


This goes hand in hand with Disguise, Mor believes himself to be one of the best liars in Altera. . .Whether he is or not. . .Is a different matter. However, how many people out there can /truly/ lie to themselves?

Petty Theft-
Mor is a thief, he does as he needs. He sees something he likes? He takes it. Simples.

Mor is still. . .Adjusting to this new style of theft and burglary is hardly something one can practice /alot/.


NO ONE in Altera could beat Mor at this game. He has been practicing this all of his life. It is the one area of life he is truly proud of.

Combat Skills

After he got impaled by a Dagger and nearly bled out. . .Mor hates these blades.

Practicin' with meh Crossbow

Mor's only form of weaponry.

Here are a few pictures that feel like Karthon.
Such Cute Very Cute.jpg Mor1.jpg
Goals & Accomplishments-
  1. Get Rich [ON GOING]
  2. Build Windsor Bay [ON GOING]
  • Obtained a Manor
  • Children
  • Marry Lena
  • Work. Work hard.
  • Obtain the Faceless coin
  • Join the Guild
  • Set up shop properly
Letters to Friends
Upon leaving The Dogs Moriarty said:
*A letter written, unsent in Mor's room*

"Dearest friend,
Too long have we tried to continue the goal of my cousin and too many times were we undermined.
I believe its time we call an end to this chapter to allow a new one to begin.
The Dogs have died.
They died with Andal and we just insult him by flogging his dead horse.
I am leaving the Dogs with my family to live a new life, a new name. A new face.
I thank you for all we've gone through together and I hope one day you'll join us here, when you are ready.
Your Hound,
Moriarty Windsor
Upon Will's Death Moriarty said:
*Yet another letter written, unsent in Mor's room. This one will never reach its intended party.*

"Dearest friend of mine,

When last I wrote to you I bore bad news, now I am the one to bear the bad news.
From the beginning we had each other's backs and from the beginning we were at
each other's throats. I would say we became inseperable early on. Big and Large,
thats what we were. Even when death came for us that night in Cochran
you did not leave me, we died together. For each other.
Then when we came back we were once more together but then
again at the time, we were all together. Those I have lost were not yet lost;
Andal, Yourself and Niallrys, you all stood by me, you stuck with me.
Yet ever since that point I pushed you, all of you, away. I was selfish with
my own goals. I knowingly went against each of you on multiple occasions, be it the whole
Cedric fiasco or the Scourge incident.
I was overly cocky and
too sure of myself, I was so convinced that I was better. I was wrong.
I look back and I see each of you having something I didn't.
I write this letter because of my most recent failure. A failure that cost me
so much. I failed to follow your orders and for it. . .you died.
If I had done as you asked I would have been in your place and that
is where I belong. I am no more than scum in the night, a plague of rats in the shadows.
Dearest Will, I promise here before the entire pantheon, I will do my best to
make you proud. I will look after your family, I will train your siblings. I will always
be a servant to your family because even after a lifetime of service from me, I would still not
have made a dent in the things you have done for me.

I think its time that I let sleeping Dogs lie, I'll always love you brother.

Your Hound,
Moriarty Windsor


Upon his release from Prison Moriarty said:
The following is an IC letter sent from Mor to Niallrys. The writing would seem to be rushed or pained.
Dear Nia,
I asked of you too much, I thought of you too little. We met by chance in Cochran and since that day our lives have been helplessly entwined. I want you to know something Nia. . .I love you with all my heart. You are the best sister I could've hoped for, Will too. I wish we could only live knowing each other again, and not be seperated worlds apart. I do not ask or expect forgiveness, I do not ask or expect you to love me again. I ask you only to remember me as I was before. I failed you Nia and for that I will suffer eternally. This may well be the last chance we get to talk, I must have you know the following as I failed to teach you them in person.
- Remember the poor, even when you are not. Life is a coin and just because you flipped heads does not mean you should forget the other result.
- As Balatro said, if there is anything worth being serious about, it is worth laughing at.
- I, the fool of Cochran, am here. I will always be here. Consider me your constant in this existance, your moral compass. If you look at your actions and see them delving below mine, you know to change. You are better than I am.

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Bored Brit



Current Patriarch: Moriarty Windsor-Lydel

Current Heir: Andal Lydel

Current Seat: The Windsor Estate

The Windsor Lydel’s are a proud family. Comprised of halflings, they are not often put into the limelight and are often needlessly scrutinised due to their size. They claim to have a familial connection to House Lydel the validity of which is currently unknown.


[ Image ]


Average Wealth (IC):

The Windsor treasury currently contains over 250,000 radiants worth of jewels, valuables and money.

Windsor Bay- {Publicly Owned} [-]

Windsor Estate- {Publicly Owned} [-]

Lydel Ruins- {Privately Owned} [-]


Windsor & Mutt- {Publicly Owned} [-]

The Divine Trinity- {Publicly Owned} [-]

Andal's Fist- {Publicly Owned} [-]

Altera map-WL.png
Black- Owned/Claims
Grey- Presence

-There are those out there who claim that Moriarty Windsor-Lydel has dabbled in unlawful activities such as theft and plotting to murder. Some go as far as to say he has been jailed for such. Its all nonsense of course.


[2259]-[Moriarty Windsor-Lydel]-[Genesis]-[Moriarty Windsor-Lydel founds the clan.]

[2260]-[Moriarty Windsor-Lydel]-[Land]-[Moriarty Windsor-Lydel purchases land in the south of Tambry, once known as Lydel or Coopershire, now known as the Lydel Ruins.]

[2260]-[Moriarty Windsor-Lydel]-[Wedding]-[Moriarty Windsor-Lydel marries Lena [-].]

[2260]-[Moriarty Windsor-Lydel]-[Land]-[Moriarty Windsor-Lydel purchases land on the Isle of Scourge. He dubs it Windsor Bay.]

[2260]-[Moriarty Windsor-Lydel]-[Birth]-[Andal Windsor-Lydel is born, named after the late Lord Andal Lydel.]

[2260]-[Moriarty Windsor-Lydel]-[Land]-[Moriarty Windsor-Lydel purchases land under Anhald in the ruins of Twilight Falls.]

Plans for the Future

- Reach Noble Class
- Recognition
- Be Content

OOC Info:

This information is written as Moriarty would advertise and log the family's information. Due to such there are discrepancies to what others may believe. However, as said, these are an extension of his IC beliefs. IC is IC.
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Bored Brit

The King of Disguise is Dead.

The Dogs lost their first man.

May House Stirling Fall in Peace now.​


Lord of Altera
I hope I boohoo'd hard enough for his poor dead soul. Some mentor you are. Nia is gonna sleep on your porch all drunk and angry now. XD


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
I knew I should've just chewed up some Athelas and spit it in Mor's face... :(

French Roast

Lord of Altera
This is no critique of the character at all, but please tell me I'm not the only one who is glancing back and forth between this guy and Sherlock's biggest rival.