Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Jan 18] The Past, Present, And Future of Thiil


The Lurker
Retired Staff
View attachment 57838

It is sometimes easy to forget where we are, where we have been, and always a mystery of where we are headed. As this world of ours keeps turning, we leave traces of our lives behind in little ways. Even after we are gone, there are hints that remain.

In an attempt to preserve those traces, Thiil would like to welcome all to a most historic event. Long ago a chest was buried with mementos, memories, trinkets and treasures. It was a time capsule commemorating important moments by those leaving them. The time draws near to reopen that chest and to remember that which was buried. It will be a time to reflection and discussion as we comb through trinkets of those that are no longer with us, and those that still remember.

Some items may be added to the Historical Archives for posterity to see. Some items may be reburied as we invite everyone to participate yet again in the burial of another moment in time.

When: Saturday, January 16th at 4:00 pm. EST
Link for timezone conversion}
Where: The cozy hamlet of Thiil, under the trees near the farms
What: Uncovering a time capsule. Placing items in to rebury all over again.
OOC Information: We are opening a time capsule buried in Thiil exactly one year ago. We will go through the items. Some may be added to Historical Archives. And then just like we did last time, we will add new items and bury it for another year.

If you'd like to participate, bring one or more named items to the event. Books are also allowed in place of a named item. Each person who wants to participate will say a few words about their item, why they want to leave it for posterity, and will put it into the chest. It will be buried and forgotten. In one IRL year, we will hopefully reopen it. It will likely be a whole new batch of players, and vets mixed in. We will see what sort of trinkets and goodies old players- Er, characters... left behind.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
you're welcome c:

It's also sort of funny because when I did this event the first time, I was wondering, {Hmm... Will I even be here in a year?}

And at this point I know I'm just part of the woodwork. I ain't goin' nowhere anytime soon.~


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Tempy. What. I don't know what this is, but is this event post really the place for... whatever this is?


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
Hey folks! This is happening.

Date however is being changed to this Sunday, rather than tomorrow!

Same time, same place. See you there.