Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active Jaspis Azerwind


The Green One
Retired Staff

Header made by Solar

Wonderful pic by Elz

Updates in this color.
General Information:

Name: Jaspis G. Azerwind
Other Names:
Titles: Princess

Age: 22
Race: Elf
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Who even knows?
Current Residence: Mockingbay
Relationship Status: None
Social Status: Princess of Azerwind

(This is such a heavy WIP it's not even funny. ._.)

Physical Appearance: Lithe elven woman with brown eyes and brown hair

Height: 5'9
Weight: 120lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Color: Light peach
Shape of Face: Looking a bit Diamond-y
Distinguishing Features: Pointy elf ears, being an elf child
Build of Body: Lithe, with a dancer's body.
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Style: Short and curlier than pictured
Complexion: Fair
Posture: Very good from mom's teaching and ballet
Is Seen By Others As: Citrine's lil sister
Scars: None
Voice: (I'll find something...)

Generally cheerful and enjoys pulling pranks.

Likes: People, drawing butts, dancing with sibs, pulling pranks, learning
Dislikes: Being bored
Strengths: Fairly intelligent, can grasp what's happening in a situation, can draw really good butts
Weaknesses: Impatient, inappropriate, wily, tends to go far beyond the line of acceptable in her pranks.
Fears: Being alone in the poor district
Values: Fun
Education: High because mom makes her do work
Languages: Common, Marrian, and Discurvian
General Attitude: Jovial
Religious Inclination: Whatever her mom tells her to pray to
General Intelligence: Reasonably high
General Sociability: High
Alignment: Mischievous

~ Ongoing
X Fulfilled
/ Abandoned
H On hold

Marvelous art by Smurf :heart:

Short Term Goals:
Draw more butts [~]
Talk to more people []
Spend more time with fam []
Write Apple sis []
Learn more at Ruby Academy [~]
Take care of Adorable McFluffyButt [X]
Apologize to Citrine [X]

Long Term Goals:
Who needs to plan for the future?

Clothes, drawing implements

Tunics and long skirts



Owned Homes:

Carried Inventory:
Usually pictures she's drawn. (Mainly butts)

General Inventory:

General Wealth:


Illnesses: None yet
Allergies: Gets hives when she eats peanuts
Injuries: None yet
Sleeping Habits: Sleeps deeply
Energy Levels: High
Eating Habits: She likes good food
Exercise Habits: Runs around and does kid things
Memory: Not so good
Unhealthy Habits: Bugging people
Drinking Habits: Underage

Born to Diamond and Idon, she is a princess
She gets bigger and starts pulling pranks
She begins studying ballet and basic alchemy under mom's direction
Begins drawing butts
Mom gets sick
Pranks stop while Mom's sick
Meets new people
Sif thing happens
Sif thing ends
Mom gets better
Pranks start back up
Apple goes away to Sangria
Sent to Ruby Isle Academy
Back to visit MB, giant crabs attack
Ruby Isle learning
Back to MB for feast, drugs a couple guests
Grounded from Ruby Isle
Goes back to Ruby Isle
Accompanies Carlos to a ball in Thorne


Gone already. :c
Fairly short and full of drama, sick mothers, and butt drawings

Teen Years:
In progress

Family History:
Mother: Diamond
Father: Idon

Past Places of Residences:

Places Traveled:

None whatsoever

Peaceful or violent:


Combat Training:

Training & Skills:
Home taught self care
Minor Alchemy
Minor wound tending

[Insert listed of skills/talents/things they’re trained in here]

Other Trivia:

Occupation: Princess, brat
Favorite Types of Food: Quality food
Favorite Types of Drink: Quality drink
Hobbies/Pastimes: Drawing and playing pranks
Favorite Colors: Greens


Relevant Family Members:
Diamond G. Azerwind: Mom, abdicating? mokwar
Idon Azerwind(?): Daddy, is around here somewhere Ddaug
Citrine Azerwind: Big sis, acts like second mom, I knew you couldn't stay mad at me~. Love you sis. :heart: Samiwashere
Agate Azerwind: Twin, Fun Catena
Apple Azerwind: Goat sis, fun and sweet, missed while gone. Changed somehow... Ruulu
Amethyst Azerwind: New baby sister! Welcome to the family little darling!~ Solar
Romantic Interests:
Trusted Friends:
Friendly With:
Arianne: Maid, give me more cookies Bobert
Lillium: Teacher, teaching me alchemy. Patient and answers my questions. I kinda did a bad, huh? Cukie1
Loose Acquaintances:
Reid: Guard, dance more. Spirit
Jerr'co: Guy, interesting. The Tottot
Disfavored Individuals:
Wary Of:​
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The Green One
Retired Staff

Misc. Stuff

This crown/circlet (Not often worn)
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