Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Deceased Maceo de Courtnay


Bored Brit


Bored Brit
- He's alive.
- New Theme:
- Complete overhaul ~ still a WIP

I need all who had and still want relations to like this, so i can put them on tomorrow.
I've added those that liked this post, only the Personality section left to complete.
Anyone else who wants a relation or RP just poke me here or in a PM.


Bored Brit
13th of Sunbright, 2293

If a holy man were to lie, in order to rid the world of Heresy would he be acting on God's will or would he be a victim of Sin?
If those who are of false faith can lie, cheat and murder their way to power and wealth, is it right that I still give them my respects?
Murderers without cause must be struck from life, but who is to decide a just cause?

I have found myself plagued with questions, contradictions to my faith. I have not been able to bring myself to pray bar those at the Sun's rise and fall which I have been uttering since I can remember. What is my purpose? Why was I brought back? What is the next step?

Questions are rising
Contradictions are many
Have I lost all faith?
Yes they are eastern
poems, but they were
the easiest to remember