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The Abyssal


HollowWorld's Announcer
Lore Staff
Server Outreach

- THE -
-= A B Y S S A L=-

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"Corruption bred in the willing mortal"

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[ Signing a Contract ]

To Sign a Contract, one must first contact a Greater Fiend or another Abyssal. These Fiends can be found within one of the fortresses of the Nether, summoned in a dark ritual, or stumbled upon during an encounter. However, the Fiend must be willing to offer it- and only a candidate with potential is given the offer. If the Fiend doesn’t believe the Contract will last, they will not accept the deal. The cost always comes with the price of ones Soul, at least to bind it. Once contact is made, the two entities must agree on two things.
-The purpose of the Contract
-Character’s signature and name .

Once the two are written, the parchment disperses in a smoke of embers and the Abyssal will feel their soul tethered to the Greater Fiend.

OOC: Create a thread in this section titled [Abyssal] Name with the following form

Character Name: Their name.
Race:Character Race prior to alterations
Type: Abyssal
Dealer: Which Fiend or Abyssal they signed a Contract with
Purpose: What goal/s they are pursuing
Appearance: What changes they now show
Log: When they change rank, When they enact acts of corruption, when they leave and return from hiatus. Make sure to date it.


Bound Soul || The soul is now tied to the Greater Fiend. Physically- it's in the form of a contracted tatoo symbolic to the Fiend, at a location of choice. This doesn’t allow the Soul to be freely twisted around, but the tether allows an understanding between the two entities. If the Abyssal dies, the soul returns to the Fiend and cannot be stolen by lesser magics. Summoning the Fiend through rituals becomes a little easier, even if communicating it through other means isn’t effective or successful (Fiends are quite busy spreading their Corruption). The Fiend might use whatever form of communication it can with the mortal to direct a message or order, but the motions of life beyond the Contract are left to them to pursue. Fiends do not intervene within their lives beyond advancements and changes.

The Wish || Generally one single desire, the Fiend or Abyssal grants a wish within the Contract. For the Fiend to grow, the Contract must last. And with that, the Fiend will provide as close to whatever the Abyssal sought as a wish in order to maintain this agreement of power. As should the Abyssal giving new contracts. If the request is beyond its ability, it would choose not to make an unreachable Contract, since it becomes a failed contract to them as well. If the Contract has more than one desire, the cost will increase. The Wish can be like the following: A Faustian Bargain for arcane power, an Artifact, or something abornomal and unachievable. Meaning- a child if two parents cannot concieve, or mutations favorable to the Abyssal. Wishes aren't always granted in the moment- it may take dedication and time, or the patron may request a task or obstacle.

The Catch || The binding allows the Fiend to grow in power. The more Contracts it has, the more power it gains. Should the Abyssal fail to meet the expectations of the Fiend’s Contract, there will be dire consequences ranging from curses, the loss of one's self or their soul being taken. The Contract does not instantly grant a wish or desire, either- there is usually a trial, obstacle or routine offering the Abyssal must enact in order to fulfill the Contract and obtain or keep what they truly want.

Death & Resurrection || Casted out from gods and goddesses, the Abyssal aren’t looked at fondly for their souls are now tied to the Hellscape and their greater Fiend. Upon death, their soul is violently pulled through the Nether Rift before it can reach the Afterlife. Their bodies will turn to ashes, leaving whatever they wore to remain there. There, they appear within a soul of jars, full of others dead and chained. Here, if their Contract isn’t fulfilled, they are allowed the choice of returning to the world. They’ll rise again through the sands of souls within the Nether near a Rift, covered in corpse ashes and specks of broken bones. They won’t recall their deaths exactly, or the soul of jars, but can have vague flashes of the violence that occurred leading up to the death. They will remain ill and disoriented, carrying visible wounds and scars of how they died.

If their Contracts are fulfilled, they will remain within the Soul Jar.

(Write a form within the Revival Queue if attempting to revive.)

Appearance || The Abyssal appears as descriptions listed in the Infernal forms, but more vicious. Their skin may alter and carry on the natural colors of their Contracted.

Abilities ||
[x] Contract | With a flick of a hand, a contract parchment can appear in front of the Abyssal. When writing upon it, it draws the blood of the writer to continue the script. When both parties sign off upon an agreed deal, it will disappear in a puff of smoke. The Abyssal and new bound will now be tethered together. The bound will now become Abyssal.​
[x] Infernal | Those turned Abyssal can communicate with Infernal by written and spoken form.​
[x] Shift || With a short chant in Infernal and a drop of blood, the Abyssal may shield their true form with an appearance more befitting their usual selves. Horns are smaller, eyes appear normal, skin can be paler or darker than usual but not to an extreme, etc. If they have wings, they may be smaller in this state.​

[x] Dark Wings || Upon reaching the stage of Consumed, leathered wings with sharp bone tips above the arch will appear upon the back of the Abyssal, between the shoulder blades. They can be aesthetically small or at least as large as the size of their body frame. They don’t aid in flight, unless the Fiend grants it within their abilities, but they become an extension of the Abyssal. They can feel it, it can spread on will, and it can unfurl and furl. It can’t be used to throw punches or be useful as a shield, but it can buffer others back if pushed against them, or cover one from a light breeze. The wings will disappear to ashes if one loses 1 of their 3 contracts, or is no longer Consumed. [In sacrifice of wings, the Consumed may have a thin long, or medium, length tail with a dull pointed triangle end (up to the length of ones arm). It cannot be used as an extended body part and is mostly an aesthetic addition.]​

[Chosen Infernal at Heart] Those that are Abyssal have achieved a closer atunement with their patrons, furthur than the surface reaches of an Infernal might. The Abyssal is considered a higher tier of Fiendish, but does not have the abilities the Infernal have, including dark vision, mimicry, etc. The difference between the two is that those that are Abyssal are better at controlling their emotions. Some are even able to supress their influence so that it becomes miniscule. However, those Abyssal can taint objects and turn Infernal themselves if they choose to. They can then consider themselves [Abyssal + Infernal] or "Abyssal & Infernal at Heart". During the act of making a Contract, they can also gain the additional Infernal trait as part of their bargain. They will then carry all abilities the Infernal have. The lesser Fiend cannot be unbound unless the Abyssal is severed from their contract or has died and revived, in which they return to being just Abyssal .
Taint Object || The Abyssal will be able to corrupt a precious object (something made of metal), through a small ritual. They will inherently know the procedure slowly over time. By chanting to their Fiend with a specific intent, drawing a summoning circle on the floor and drawing blood (from themselves or another), they can summon a minor Fiend to possess the object within the circle. The circle must be empty of any other souls, including themselves, or else those within the circle will be vulnerable to possessions. If the procedure is not done with care, something very wrong can occur. This can only be done once per week. (Occurs for remainder of Campaign)

Holy War || Fiends and Gods do not coincide as one abhors the other and the other defiles their meaning. Some Holy spells take twice the effect on the Abysmal : Holy Water and Holy Fire. They cause more severe burns and injuries. The wounds from these injuries take twice as long to heal. Contact with any Iron, Silver, or Blessed Holy Symbol also burns upon touch.

True Form || All Abyssals hold a demonic 'true form' which is the closest to their true appearance. This form is different for each, though will always hold themes and connections to the Greater Fiend they are in service to. They stand taller, wings larger and more imposing, and their skin takes on a different hue as well as a slightly leathery texture. The skin is coloured in shades of reds, blacks, whites, or blues (or of their Contracted Fiend), and is usually marked with more prominent dark veins around areas where the skin is thinner. The Horns appear more dramatic, their presence intimidating, and the eyes shift to solid colours thematic to their Patron. Some have illusory steam or smoke exuding from them, or ashes/embers. The Abyssal may optionally have a leathered tail with a dull pointed end as long as one arm, or shorter, if no wings are chosen for their form.

Death of the Fiend || The Death of a Fiend, however it may come to be, might nullify the contract completely. Or it may call forth another Fiend that will quickly take its place. It becomes an uncertain gamble.

(More Information is Redacted and will be revealed as time progresses)
Credit: Solus
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HollowWorld's Announcer
Lore Staff
Server Outreach
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|| The Abyssal Successions ||

Progression || Abyssal can rise and fall within the succession of their Contracts. Both aesthetic and limited beneficial abilities are granted as one continues to advance through the Abyssal Successions. The features must be related to a demonic or Fiendish nature, or relative to the Fiend that was contracted with. And must be discussed with the relative manager of Fiends or Lore through a ticket or a conversation.​
Unholy Sacrifice || The Abyssal can sacrifice an Artifact, in order to advance through their succession by one. (2 commonplace or divine trinkets, 1 fabled/legendary or divine artifacts)​
Propagate || For every three people that are given Fiendish possessions and turned Infernal, the Abyssal can advance a rank. For every singular person the Fiendish pulls under the Contract of their Fiend, they will advance a rank.​
The Fall || If an Abyssal dies, they will lose a succession rank.​
Succession Ranks ||
[Fledgling] The Abyssal gains an ability akin to their Contracted Fiend's themes.​
[Enthralled] The Abyssal gains an ability akin to their Contracted Fiend's themes.​
[Consumed] The Abyssal gains a second ability akin to their Contract Fiend's themes.​

Contracts that offer Successions:

̶̤̯͓̖̦̟͍̟͙͕͌͌̑̈́͆̍͌̔̊͑̽̄͂⛥̶̢̺͈̗̣̱͍͍̘̣̗͂̅̆̊̇̑͆̓̒̈́̏̍̐͝ ̷̡͚͈̥̗͍͇̝̈̒̍̓̾̇͑̔̈̇N̸̛̹̠̬͙̳̬͓̠͚͔̩̟̞͇̋̿ǐ̸̫͌g̵̹͒̑̎̐̎̈́͜͜͠͝ḩ̷̧̛̛͚̺͍̬̫̣̼̖̘̳͓͐̌̄̓͌̎̉͂̎̚͝t̸̡̢̜̭̯̟̖̤͈̼̱̳̜̋ ̴̛̛̖̭̲̰̺̤̠͖̱̩̻̗̔̽̆̄̏̀̿̌͜S̴̩͉͙̦̈́̿̎͆̓͆̔͊̐̅̌t̷̡͚͈̦̺̠̘͖̱̓͝a̵̢̠̫̬͍͚̽̋̍̋̏̑̉͒̍͋̀͝͝ͅr̸̢̞̘̝̱͍̾̑̽̈́͒͒͠ ̵̺̪̠͎̲̩̻͎̪͈͓̈́̌̔̀́̿̄̂͆́̾̄̕̚ͅ⛥̵̯̒̍͘͜͜͝ ̸̸̨̡̧̧̧̼̤͇̞͔͕̣̬̠͈̼̹̽̄̎̌̊̿̉͐̈́̅̌̽̓̀̆̒̋̔̊

Twisted Night Star: All things come with a price.
Colors: White, Blue, Teal
Symbol: A laughing skull with curled horns affixed by a star.

[Fledgling] By choosing one target in a 3b radius, the Fledgling can heighten a known negative emotion that the target is feeling. If the target feels fearful, they can be even more terrified. If the target is upset, they can grow more angry. The target can be aware of being meddled with a contested roll of Soul+Determination.​
[Enthralled] Three times a day, the Abyssal's fingers and arms can turn a tainted black. Their hands can appear more blackened with cracks of teal or white lines sliding upwards. Sharp, black claws form upon the nails, as sharp as steel. They can enact 1/4inch deep cuts and leave blistering wounds on contact.​
[Consumed] The Abyssal is able to teleport to a location they see within rp range (50b). They burst into a blue smoke of brimstone that puffs outwards and appears in the same manner in a designated location. The spot must be somewhere they can feasibly see, be tangible, and must be somewhere their body can feasibly reach. They cannot teleport through windows or cracks in the wall, for example. But can burst and appear atop a fence, or a roof, or across a hill. This takes two combat rounds to prepare first, and then reform elsewhere. The action gives a small fire-fizzle sound and does not carry any flashes. The process takes 1/3rd as much energy out of them as it would if they normally would climb a wall or walk across the range, preventing them from teleporting large expanses over little time. They can carry objects so long as they’re feasibly able. Only the Abyssal can use the ability, no target can come along.​

Boon || Those under his wing are able to warp small portions of nature through their touch, and force it to carry a more nether-like equivalent appearance. Grass can appear like red crimsonroots. Vines can twist and turn green-blue and shriveled. Any violent tendencies they have will calm when corrupting nature.​
Bane || Those of the Night Star tend to have vivid nightmares of madness. Visions of faltering in battles of armored foes, falling great heights, and being persecuted. Magical means can ease it, but cannot remove it entirely.​

T̷̨̪͍̩̜̖͎͇̝̫̬̯̠̊̅̔̂̈́̚̕h̵̪̺̏ę̸̜̳̭̯͎͕̥̟͉͔͖͈̣̟̽͑͋͊̔̿͗̎͑̀͊̏̕͠͝ ̴̲̣̗̤́͋̅̇̀̓͐͆͌́͆̂̓̀̀̄͘͠Ṭ̸̨͔̟̝̞̱̠̱̟̟̯̝̩̳͎̻̀̽̿̎̚̕̚ŵ̷̡͚̻͔͓̫̼͚̱̘̤̥̆̃̄̑̚͠i̷̹̭̯͌̀̆̓̋̉̏̓̎̄n̶̢̨̤̬͔̞̹̤̦͇̾͋̾̏͆̓̈́͐͋̔͐̍̄͠͝͝ṋ̸̡̛͉̭̼̞͎̣̓̄̀̇́̉̂̎͝͠è̶̛̼̍͆͋͗̑d̸̛̬̺̘̱̠̦̘̼̪̙̮̗̉́̓̈̎̈́̏̇̌̓͠ ̷̢̧̢̟̲̤̺̮̼̞̼͔̻͒̍̇́͗̎͐͊̊̃̈́̑͘H̴̳͕͎̤̟͌̃̇͋̃̂́̒̓̈́̏̀͝o̶͚͓̫̰̺̤̫̫̠̾͊̃̑̅̀̎̌̃̎͜͝ŕ̷̛͙̰͈̺͇̩͙̜̔̔̑̿͊͛̈́́̿͛̓͗͂̕͘͜͝ͅǹ̴̨̡̮̩͈͍̗̰͎̘̕̕

The Twinned Horn : Only in the heart of destruction, there will be peace.
Colors: Red, Black, Yellow
Symbol: A twisting, hypnotic circle with two outstretched leathered wings.

[Fledgling] The Hellscape's heat follows them where they go- causing falling rain or falling snow to never touch them, wafting into steam on contact instead. Light snow may slowly melt in their viscinity in a 3b radius, though more frozen matter will remain.​
[Enthralled] Three times a day, touching an object of any metal can quickly alter it in an intense heat that does not harm the Enthralled themselves. It is equivalent to Refined Irzis-Fyr. The metal turns a red-hue, wafting black-smoke.​
[Consumed] Upon the concentrated will of the Consumed, the Abyssal is able to shift and form into a body of soot and smoke over the course of a turn, eyes glowing red with demonic energy. They are still as dense as their natural body in their gaseous form. While in this ashen body they have no need to breathe and can pass through cracks or barriers made of wood (not metal or stone). Weapons and heavy armor do not transfer along with them in this form. It takes an action to reform and they're able to move at walking speed. Spells and Blooded Silver successfully struck against the gas force them out of the form.​
Boon || When in proximity to fire or other heat sources, the flames grow much hotter and carry a reddish hue if the Abyssal's senses or emotions are heightened. Dark smoke can then waft from their breath.​
Bane || Those of of the Twinned Horn are perturbed and uncomfortable in extreme cold conditions if remained there too long, or in contact with cold objects long term. Magical means can ease it, but cannot remove it entirely.​

T̸̼̥̓h̵̡̛̩̳̭̠̆̇́e̵͍̳̺̎ ̷͈̮̰̭͎̑͆̒͝S̶̟̯͚͚̿͑͑̀̕è̴̢̼a̷̺͒͒̋͌͠m̴̨̞͉̗͖̎̏͘s̴͇͆̓̒t̴̘̱̥̓̃͑̚̕r̶͔̹̼̈́͛̚e̸̟̞̿ͅs̸̯̗̋͌̇̎s̴̗̯͗͂̋̉̽

The Seamstress, Hand of Midnight: Weave the Chronicle
Colors: Grey, Silver, Black, Teal
Symbol: A tome filled with silver script, surrounded by a helix of black and teal chains

[Fledgling] The Abyssal is capable of smelling the twisted lifethreads of an entity within three meters. If that entity is corrupted as either an Infernal or an Abyssal, the Abyssal smells brimstone emanating from them, though they cannot determine their precise nature. This effect also extends to any entity that is corrupted by demonic energies, but they again cannot determine their precise nature. The effect can be resisted by anyone within the range with a contested Soul+Determination check. If the target succeeds, the scent is masked and they get a vague sense that something was watching them and they are immune to this effect for 24 hours. This ability does not extend to objects, and abilities that alter scent completely nullify it.​
[Enthralled] Thrice per day and over the course of a turn, the Abyssal can pull from the tapestry of the Seamstress, summoning to their person a legendary dagger forged with blackened steel, tinged with accents of silver. The dagger lasts for one OOC hour. If thrown or dropped, the dagger will disperse into fog one turn after the fact.​
[Consumed] The abyssal gains a finer control of their appearance, specifically that of their attire. By focusing for a turn they can cause their clothes to shift and change like rolling fog, changing their appearance, shape, feel, and all other obvious aspects. The material retains its mechanical properties, weight, and density regardless of what it looks like, though this will only apply to the areas the altered material covers. Two impacts to metal-equivalent armors that have been altered will revert it back to its original form. This will only work on the clothing that the abyssal is wearing, and the effect will be lost for articles that are removed.​
Boon || Once per OOC week, they can choose to appear as either a Young, Middle-Aged or Old version of themselves (though they cannot age below the biological age of eighteen). This effect will not undo serious injury or lost limbs, overall size or height, nor will it affect any diseases they have. This effect will last for the duration of the week and cannot be altered once chosen.​
Bane || There is a constant feeling within their heart that they are not doing enough to become the greatest possible version of themselves. This anxiety may manifest, during vital moments, as a desire and impulse to perform otherwise uncharacteristic deeds to feel accomplished, or it may make them doubt their own actions and focus on their own shortcomings.​


T̶̛̘͉̫̥̅̂̑͆͗̈͒ͅḣ̴̠͈̲̫̼̻̓̌e̶̠̲̹̠̭̦̔̀̋̄̇͆́̿̽̀ͅ ̶͙͓͖̅̓́̋̅̑̈̌m
The Archfiend: x​
Colors: Black, White, Red

The x: x​
Colors: x
Symbol: x
[Fledgling] By touching a willing target, the Fledgling is able to share an envisioned illusion vaguely thematic to Fiends or the hellscape. It lasts for a combat round.​
[Enthralled] Three times per day, the Enthralled is able to engulf their hands in ethereal hellfire. Its property and severity is equivalent to a torch's fire and is harmful enough to cause minor wounds. It lasts for one combat round.​
[Consumed] Their eyes will begin to glow and illuminate. They’re able to see as far as 30m radius within a dark room or outdoor area. Brightness will be heightened for them, but the colors of the area will become vibrant. Because of this nocturnal ability, they are ever sensitive to natural light in general.​
Boon || Once per day by praying over a canteen’s worth of water they can corrupt it into Unholy Water. This liquid burns all physical entities, save for those touched by Fiends. When consumed by Abyssals they become euphoric.​
Bane || As they walk the path of the Unholy, they become strongly averted from Holy grounds. Standing within areas blessed by the Divine brings them great discomfort and minor pain upon the soul. They always carry the stench of brimstone.​
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