Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Chapel] Rosslyn


Lord of Altera
Chapel Rosslyn
Upon finding the proper resting place for his beloved Mother, Mallor was made to witness the most Holy sight he had ever seen - The Sanctification of his Mother's soul. Thus, on the very spot her bodily shell sent her imprisoned Soul to the Heavens, he built and founded the Church of the Holy Mason.​
Being a fine craftsman, Mallor had no problems raising the Church on his own. He would, however, require help running it - the stores do not fill themselves, and the expected Monks would need housing. Also, in these troubled times, where armies scour the land on the Quest for the Thrones, monks trained in battle will be of very much use.​
As such, Mallor the Saintborn began to preach the Word of His Order. He would need the fellowship, and the scattered souls flocking to the warmth of His Church would need the much needed protection and shelter the walls give.​

Prayeth thou do not tradeth my
Fore His blessing is thine,
And my walls His.
