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Character profile - The Tactician (Valonyx)

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Lord of Altera
My RP character:

Name: I am mostly known as Magnus Arcturus in the Northern Kingdoms.

Nickname/Alias: Some used, in the past, to also call me Edwin Blackfly of Lonmar, in the countries around and in Stormhold. I also have been called more commonly Valonyx, or by my righteous title, The Tactician.

Age: Around 40.

Gender: Male.

Race: A human, born from the most northern realms.

Height: around 7' , pretty tall for a human like me.

Weight: must be around 90 kg.

Hair: My hair is dark black, and pretty short. I do have a nice beard, mostly black but with bits of grey throughout it.

Eyes: My eyes are somewhat considered special, with their light purple color.

Skin: My skin is mostly pale but a little tanned.

Identifying marks: I am often recognized by my rare eyes and by the long, battle-earned scar covering my face from under my mouth to the beginning of my hair. Some also recognize me on the battlefield by my height.

Appearance: Some say, that when i wield my holy armor, i look like an angel coming down from Harateth's realm to judge the heretics and infidels. Without it, i mostly have the posture of a veteran crusader and the gesture of a leader.

Strengths: Particularly skilled at strategy and commanding, my many victories gave me the nickname which everyone rightfully fears, ''The Tactician.'' I am considered quite a good soldier by my knights and I am greatly versed in the lore of the gods and their worlds. My friends know me for my honor, my courage and my sense of justice and pride.

Weaknesses and fears:
Although i may be one of the greatest field commanders of Altera, i also possess deadly sins that costed me a couple of easy battles, such as my arrogance on the field, when my tactics can't overcome a hardened battalion of shield-brothers that do not fear either death or a skilled horde of armored crusaders, and also my cupidity and ambition.

Religion: I serve the god of justice and truth, Harateth. I fight evil under all its forms to protect the innocent.

Profession: I, Magnus Arcturus IV, am the Grand Master of the Golden Crusade, an holy order that is binded both by blade and spirit to His holiness Harateth . We wage war to the dark forces of the Nether, and our sworn enemy is Queen Grief the terrible.

I was born as a son of a small noble, somewhere near Heaven's Reach. Life was hard, and unforgiving. Even if my father was a land-baron, we had to work in the fields till night too, as our town was poorly and wasn't even able to suffice to its own needs. I grew up as my father's favorite, probably to become a merchant so i could help our family prosper. Even in my younger years, my family and the townsfolk would whisper about my usual eyes and my overwhelming height. I was not really annoyed by the blabbering of the peasantry, since they were too scared to tell it loud. As i grew up more and more, i started to get interested in warfare and politic. my father would even hire a veteran man-at-arms to teach me strategy and weapon fighting, even if he wasn't rich. While the years passed, nothing really important happened in our village. As i barely reached 19, the nightmare happened.

within the previous year, we had learned of increasingly weird messages from woodsman and farmers, reporting that strange noises and unusual lights could be heard and seen near an old abbey in the forest not far away from our village. One day, a few weeks after my father passed away of illness, everything went wrong. That especially black night, we heard people shouting and calling from help, and fire starting in hovels on the frontier of the village. It was dark cultists, who made an heretic temple in the depths of the abbey! At that time, i couldn't know it, but they summoned vile beasts from the Nether realms and invaded our village, looking for sacrifices. I wasn't as strong as my father at that time, and instead of fighting, i made one of the worst errors of my life and cowardly ran out of the village to get help. As i ventured forward in the forest, i happened to fall down upon a group of cultists. I tried to defend myself, but they were too strong. At the very moment one of them was about the deliver the finishing blow upon me, His Holiness Harateth intervened. he sent one of his messengers, to punish the infidels! Before falling unconscious, i saw a golden form flying down from an astonishing ray of light piercing the darkness of the night.

When i woke up, i was surrounded by a group of soldiers wearing golden armors, with shining swords and crosses on their helms. Then one of them, i suppose it was the captain, since he was wearing a purple hooded-cape over his armor, gave me water, and then wanted to know if i was a survivor from the burned village a few miles away. I answered yes, and then asked who they were. He told me about their crusade, their beliefs in Harateth, their life as Crusaders. I then knew who i would become. A Golden Crusader.

(Author's note: i may write more about my character's story, his beginnings with the order, just tell me if the first part of his story is interesting and if you want me to continue).



Lord of Altera
Nice! I love your use of the word "abbey".. if you understand why :p. Make sure to clean up the grammer mistakes please, if you want to. _ Sincerely, Abbey the Grammar Nazi
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