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Cynthia's Journal


Lord of Altera
(( please note, this is written in Cynthia's native language and not common tongue ))
Cynthia Gallente's Journal
~Private DO NOT OPEN~
Today I found myself in a strange new land.
I made my way to the town square, but only after snatching a new outfit that just happened to be laying on the ground.
I stood near the town square for a long time, just observing these people. There were a lot of new races for me. It was enough to make my head spin!
I met a bunch of nice people.
There was Elinia, I think she was a human, but we had a language barrier problem.
The Marshall, he seemed like a nice enough guy. Really likes the gods!
noname, some guy muttering about the prophet.
Jeff, we hung out at the Mead.
Sigurd, I had a lot of problems with his name.
David, he tried to pick pocket me, but I had nothing.
A huntress, but for the life of me I can't remember her name.
Kembur, a really nice elf who gave me food, tools, and showed me where the Sorrowlands are. We shared a meal together and offered a prayer to Shalherana.
I met a couple of creatures called graylings, they were taking care of a dwarf child when some humans began to harass them over it. How sad to see racism even here.
Lord Storm Arcturus. I told him I was looking for work as a barmaid. He took me to his city, gave me a small apartment, and told me about the great war.
Later the Marshall told me that the Church of Might sacrificed babies.
Babies?! Can they really do that?
Surely he meant it in some sort of jest.
A bunch of fights broke out in front of the Mead, seems like it's the bar to be in this city.

Well, night is drawing near. I better make myself a premium mud hut before the moon rises.

(Cynthia Gallente's Adventures in Altera, I don't know the dates yet. So I'm going to start with my own numberings.)
(Cynthia Gallente's Adventures in Altera, Day 1)



Lord of Altera
Day 2
I've gotten started on making The Bunny Lounge!
I've laid the foundation, and even made some amount of walls.

Monsters come out at night here.
Walls are important.
But it seems as though they are afraid of the light, so I'll need torches to keep them away.
Also, if the star's rays hit them they burst into flames.

I found a golden helmet today!
It was being worn by a zombie.
My gold helm now! It's really rather luxurious.

Well, it's pretty late, so I'm going to lie down on the floor now.
(Note to self, make a bed)



Lord of Altera
Day 3
I got murdered several times today.
First was by a coward whom stabbed me in the back. It happened so suddenly that I didn't get a chance to see his face.
Quickly after that by another coward who stabbed me in the back, and caused me to burst into flames. I swung around quickly, my fists ready to defend. I think I struck him once. And I think his name is ... something Baron? Baron something?
Later was by a pair of gentlemen whom visited the Bunny Lounge.
I gave each of them a roast porkchop. Which they devoured quickly.
Then they got up and started to leave, and invited me to go with them to see their house, and go on a picnic.
We crossed through sorrow and out towards the west.
After crossing several hill tops, I only fell a few times, we made it to a small hut.
Apparently this is where one of them lived.
I forgot to mention, one of the ((hoozihots, i forget the title will come back in and fix this)) caught up with us in town, and came along to their house.
We are on the hilltop, I undefended being as I believed we were going for a polite and mature meeting, and suddenly fighting broke out. I was stabbed and cut multiple times before being shoved off a mountain top.

Enough about death.

I finished The Bunny Lounge!
Now with a roof, tables, chairs, a counter, a menu. Dear Shalherana is it grand.
I put the ears on top. Two gigantic rabbit ears which rise from the horizon.
Hopefully this will call customers to me!

Well journal, thanks for listening.
Tomorrow is another day.



Lord of Altera
Day 4

Queen grief attacked today!
Port Silver was a battle ground for the brutal battles.
I stayed indoors as I was armed with only a bucket.
After the fight I ventured out and did my best to assist men whom had be stuck by arrows.
A nice girl was able to help me mend their wounds. .. (what was her name?!)

I found the Census Office later in the day, and they helped me change my name in the official registry.
Later I found a man with interesting looking armour...
Tevlor, I think his name is.
But he seems to suffer from some sort of mental ailment, as he collapsed to the ground and convulsed.
He woke up, and acted as though he were someone else.
Needless to say, I kept a sword at the ready in case the man decided to attack.
Which he never did. . .

The auction house.
I bid on several auctions.
I won!
Did you know you have to go to the auction houses whilst empty handed?
They will not give you what is rightfully yours if you are carrying something as you enter.
Oh well...

Well Journal, thanks for listening.
Hopefully I have some more fun tomorrow.



Loyal Servant of Altera
I had more arrows in me than a quiver could hold that battle, didn't even realize it till this lass pointed out I had an arrow sticking through me chest and out me back :p


Lord of Altera
Day 5
Slow day.
Someone dug a deep hole in front of my house again. I think it's the same guy who likes stabbing folks in the back.
I made a couple new paths on the property, hopefully he wont dig holes at the end of these too.
Got my first paying customer today, he bought 5 chicken breasts! WHEE!
I wish I could frame up my money and keep it as a momento.

There was another fight outside the mead, again.
Looked pretty bad too.
I wish these people would stop squandering the gifts Shalherana shines down upon them.
Speaking of!
I really like the Tavern of the Sisterhood. Needs a bartender though, but still a nice place.
Quiet, out of the way, peaceful. It faces the setting sun, and moon.

I hung out with Jeffery again today.
Something's bothering him, I wish he'd talk to me about it. At least I hope he's talking to someone about it.

Alright journal, thanks for listening.



Lord of Altera
Day 6
Rather uneventful, started a tree farm.
Hung out at the mead some. There was probably a fight.

Day 7
Met a man named Aloan today, well... Met him before, but learned his name today... He was keenly interested in my tattoos.
I told him a bit about them, didn't tell him too much though... He'd think I was nuts!
He had tattoos too. A green one going down over his left eye.
Said that it was something about Engem.
Met a man named Jayden. He had a really cool outfit.

Speaking of outfits! I finally reworked that dress I found, made it into some thing a lot more comfortable.
I'll try to draw a picture of it later for you.

Okay journal, I'm going now.
Need to do some work to the ice room I made.



Lord of Altera
Day 8

A man was slain by monsters outside of the lounge today. He had quite a bit of high quality gear too...
Being the good hearted person I am, I rushed and collected his gear, though the zombies were already pillaging it by the time I got there...
I fought them off and collected as much as I could find.
I brought it all back to the lounge and waited for him...
When he returned, thanks to the grace of Shalherana, I amiably gave him back his gear. I could a sold it all for at least r10,000.
He didn't say thank you, not even once. All he did was fly into a rage and accuse me of taking his stuff. Then he slew me.

I returned to the lounge shortly after, and cobbled together a sword of stone, and donned the armour I have found.
I found the man again, he was near Port Silver...
I managed to strike several heavy blows before he miraculously vanished.
He's a coward, a low life, and a waste of human flesh.

Okay, bye journal.



Lord of Altera
Day 9

Lousy day.
I don't wanna talk about it.
I'll try to draw my new outfit for you instead.


Lord of Altera
Day 10

I had a dream about home last night...
About my friends... mom was there too.
I haven't seen her... anyone... in so long.
I really miss them.

I won't ever be able to see them again either. They are gone. Too far away for me to ever see again.
I miss my kids.
I ... hug them, hold them, love them.
I can't.
I can't!

Tommy. I'm sorry.
Melinda, I never even got to meet you. But I love you too.
I love you both so much, please... please....

I'm sorry.



Lord of Altera
Day 11

Tevlor, the mute, and I went on an adventure to the nether castle today.
What a freaky place.
Well, first we wandered into the wrong space. A big open field... which really puzzled us.
But then we took the nether ship, that got us to where we wanted to go.
We carefully crept into the castle, a forboding voice greeted us.... Which creeped me out, but Tev seemed to keep cool about it.
Then we saw them, pigmen... creepy creepy looking zombie pig people things. Holy crap - the castle was full of them, and every time you turned around there were more!
Then we saw them. Blazes. Floating critters that shot fire. Lemme tell ya, i CANNOT dodge fire... I was in flame sooooo often during the fight.
Then it happened.
My stupid brain got the better of me.
Tevlor warned me against it, but I didn't heed the warning.
He told me "Leave the pigmen alone."
But.... I felt brave, and strong. Taking down those blazes was going to my head.
I swung my blade right into the back of the nearest pigman, and what a mighty blow. It semt him flying!
Oh that was great. My joy didn't last long though. For I had merely struck the creature, he was still full of fight, and happily slew me in return.

I awoke in Shalherana's Grove. Alone.
I hope Tev faired better than I...



Lord of Altera
Day 12

Huzzah! Went on a voyage today!
I was speaking with Lemrac about it earlier, and after going home and thinking about it a bit I decided I'd join.
I love an adventure. My tone might not be coming through, but I said that with evil intent.
So off I went to the recruitment office.
HOLY CRAP! The line was looooong!
I think this was possibly the busiest I have ever seen a place here on Altera.
So after hours and hours of waiting we finally got to board the boats.
Or at least, go to a new waiting area. >_<
Tev was there, said he barely escaped from the pigmen. That's good. I was worried about the little guy.
Lots of folks I know where there. Lots.
Even more folks I didn't know!
We all had to line up, and sign in.
Able Body. that's my profession. At least, that's what I said. How would it have looked if I said "Captain" but I get sea sick? Heh. They would not have understood that at all.
I was asked to distribute food stuffs to people!
I'm not sure, but that request may have come directly from the Queen.
It was difficult getting people's attention. It was really noisy and hectic...
But I did manage to get their attention eventually, and was able to pass out a fair amount rations.
Then we boarded the ships.
I was put on Skye Jepson's ship. She seemed nice, wish I had a chance to get to know her better.
Bunks were prepared for everyone.
Tev was on the same ship as I! That was cool!
HE showed me where mine was. Bottom deck, all alone.
Har har, very funny. Someone has a cosmic sense of humour here...
Once we set sail the seas got a bit choppy.
Choppy enough to make me lose my lunch.
And then breakfast.
And then dinner from last night....
Someone gave me a root to chew on, tasted like ginger....
That helped a bit...
But then the seas got rougher, a lot rougher...
A storm rolled in.
A huge thunderstorm rolled in, right on top of the three ships.
My stomach was rougher than the seas, anything that WAS in me... well, it WAS in me, but not for long.
A bolt struck me!
How it didn't KILL me I'll never know.
But... I sure as hell did NOT feel right after that.
So I stumbled down to my deck.
Fell down, is the accurate word.
All I could do was be sick.
Then some jerk comes and coughs his blood all over me.
So here I am, puking, coughing, bleeding, fried, snot coming out of every opening.
The sea of mess that I made next to my bed rivaled the sea outside that wanted us dead.
It all goes blurry after that, I think I passed out.
Or... I might be dead now.
I really don't know.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if I was finally allowed to die?

