Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Garn the 'Goat'


Magus of Nothing
Here is the link to another copy of the profile;

Name: Garn
Nickname/Alias: Goatman, Goat, Furry.
Age: Nearing 26 years of age, his upper body appears like that of the late-twenties.
Gender: Male
Race: Caparii- A Greathorn
Build:Alike a dwarf on his upper body. His legs are thickly muscled also, he can run remarkably quickly and balance on quite small areas. He is about six foot three inches near average for a Caparii of his type, but taller than the average of his race as a whole.
Hair: Trimmed short in the human fashion, he is making attempts to fit in.
Eyes: Pale green, they resemble that colour of light passing through a leaf.
Skin: Tanned, where there is skin visible. This is due to the fact clothes are mostly unnecessary. If you were to shave his legs it would be near white.
Tattoos/Scars: None.
Distinguishing Features: His large horn. One is missing, this should be evident from the beginning.
Traits or Blessings: None.
Physical Flaws: He cannot swim, his hair gets water-clogged and his hooves offer little ability to swim.
Physical Qualities: Well muscled, he can run quickly. Reasonably tall.
Clothes: None.
Hygiene: His fur has a slightly ‘animal’ scent, but other than this he is well groomed.
Voice: Deep, although can raise to quite a high goat-squeal when in pain.
Family Heritage: He is the son of two forest wardens, named Oak and Holly. Tree names are common within his family.
Object(s) owned of sentimental value: His spare horn. He has adapted it onto a staff of sorts, and it has a deadly sharp point.
Worships: Shalherana, goddess of nature.
Disabilities/Illnesses: None.
Intelligence Level: That of your average Caparii: He knows much of the forest, of nature, but lacks wider general knowledge.
Known Languages: Fae, Common.
Title: The Herdshepard
Political alignment: None at the moment.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Marital Status: Currently in no relationship of that sort.
Personality: Depends upon the situation. He is known to protect those he sees as weak fiercely.
Hometown: None, just the forest.
Current Home(s): None.
Fears/Insecurities/Phobias: He both fears and hates greylings. Cities confuse him, make him feel uncertain about himself. He would prefer a nice forest or meadow any day.
Short Term Goals: To spread the message of nature to those who live within the stone confines of cities.
Long Term Goals: To settle down within a forest home, possibly obtain some of those ‘children’ things.
Alignment: True Neutral
Profession: Forest Warden, he protects nature in it’s various forms.
Other notable things: He wears ‘goatshoes’. A kick from him will likely break bones.

Color: Green
Food/drinks: Tree Sap. Fruits.
Animal: Goat.
Activity: Talking to animals.
Person: His parents are tied for said position.

God: Shalherana.

Least Favorite:
Color: The myriad of colours that come with fire.
Food/drinks: Caparii Flesh. Caparii Blood.
Animal: Burrow-worm.
Activity: Dying.
Person: A Greyling.

God: Funnily enough, Bilworth. Money is... the cause of why the forests are being destroyed.

View on Races:
Humans: Too varied for a singular opinion.
  • Forest: Admirable creatures, they protect nature nearly as fiercely as he does.
  • Silver: Frilly, weak. Too concerned with their own appearance.
  • Corrupted: Although changed, they are still creatures of Grief. Not to be trusted.
Dwarves: Stone loving shorties. No respect for the forest, not to be trusted.
Greylings: Despised.
Halflings: They mean no harm to anyone, nor any harm to nature. Liked, generally.
Syrie: No general opinion, he doesn’t know them.
Nakam: Generally liked, they are mocked also for what they appear to be.
Caparii: Liked, all Caparii are brothers and Sisters under Shalherana’s gaze.
Earthspawn: Destructive, no respect for the forest or anything. Disliked strongly.

Who your character knows.
Loved: Mother, Father, Shalherana, Farica, Sasha
Trusted: Galenai, Willow, Thora
Liked: Ced
Unsure of:
Wary of:
Afraid of:
Disliked: Earthspawn, Aren
Hated: Greylings


Magus of Nothing
I am defined by that part of me which I cannot change. I am defined by that part of me that makes me what I am, but not who I am. All through my life, humans and elves and dwarves have tormented me with the name of 'Goat'. I am not a goat. I am a Caparii, and I can hear and understand what you say. You call me by only a half. And that half by which you call me is the half that is least important. For my brain is not there, nor my heart, nor lungs nor stomach, nor any other bit that lets me live.​
I hear a buzzing in my right ear. Persistent. Annoying. I sigh, and swat the fly away, for what else could it be? My hand connects with something slightly bigger than a fly. Something that screams. Something with ears like a bat's.​
I roar, and leap up, spreading the vile creature across the grass. They hiss and claw at me, but they are small and my legs are string. With every kick, another falls, it's chest caved in, it's head smashed, bones broken. But still a buzzing in my ear. I swat at it gains, and something cracks. A snap. I turn to see my horn fall to the ground, a Greyling next to it. I see nothing but red as I stamp down upon it. I pick up my horn. Funny. It looks bigger from this angle. Hah.​
"I guess I'll just put it back on huh?" I chuckle. I place it against the lump that remains. I let it go.​
"Huh, it doesn't stick. Hah."​
I grab it again, and put it against my head. It falls, again.​
I sigh. Why is my horn being so strange?​
I put it in my bag. Maybe it'll stick on tomorrow? I could make it feel better. That could help.​
My Horn
I managed to cope. It's not as if I was limbless. Or headless, although given a few minutes, I'm sure the latter would have occurred. I examined it. It was a fine horn. Still was. Curved, the end sharply pointed. I looked at it. I stared, for a long time. Then I smiled. Why just toss it away? Why not adapt it.​
I grabbed a quite large branch, and begun to carve it with a small knife. This would take a while. But it would be worth it.​
I smiled at my work. A club. A club, with my horn as the bit that would hit people. A club to protect Shalherana's forests.​


Magus of Nothing
This post is for every little picture any person blesses Garn with. I love you lot.