Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Just a Passenger


Name: Passenger
Nickname/Alias: Adam. That's his given name. Not many use it though.
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Race: Human.
Height: 5' 9 (1.75m)
Weight: 80kg (176 lb)
Hair: Untamed black hair.
Eyes: Brown eyes
Skin:Tanned skin from working outside.
Identifying Marks:A scar over the left eye from an accident as a child.
Appearance:Dark clothes. Hood over head to keep a sense of being anonymous.
Strengths:Quite strong for a human. Patient. Being able to work for days without resting. Having the ability to meditate for long periods of time.
Weaknesses and fears: Strong sense of guilt for being responsible for the disappearance of his little sister. He needs a lot o food. He can go days without sleep but can't go a couple of hours without food.His mother's voice... it strikes fear in his heart.
Religion and cults:No gods. As the son of farmers he follows nature itself.
Profession:Blacksmith and farmer. At least that's what he did before.
Backstory: Adam was one of 13 brothers and sisters. He led a happy peaceful life until one fateful dinner.
In his young lad's way he teased his baby sister about her lack of contribution to the family ore chest.
The girl took it to heart and set out to find at least some coal. She was never again seen.
The guilt of having pushed his sister to a travel from which she would not return drove Adam mad. He became violent, short tempered.. he even kicked a chicken once. That was the last straw for his mother.
Her voice like thunder: " No son of mine will go down a path of destruction! You will join the monks and learn to control your emotions and your temper. You will not waste your life on thoughts of Chaos! "
His mother was a sweet, kind soul.. oh but when she got mad she could strike fear in the hearts of warriors.
So Adam left and lived with the monks for two years. He learned that the world was to be respected and that all that natures provided was sacred. He learned how to view himself as nothing more than a Passenger, a visitor to the wonders that Altera had.
He learned how to move in ways that did not disturbed the peace around him. How to go unnoticed. He vowed to protect the balance and keep away from anger.
To redeem the years of raging madness he took a vote of silence, as he learned that quietness speaks louder than screams.... Unless the screams came from his mother. Then nothing can beat that.
When he finally embraced peace the monks let him go and he set out into the world with the hope that one day he might find his sister.


Lord of Altera
haha glad to have you in Uthrandir adam! if you didnt know im the headmaster and the alchemy teacher there please dont hesitate to ask any questions!