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My Hollowworld Adventures (Gromm Wake)



(Before I talk in 'Gromm mode' please note that when I joined Hollow world, I planned this thread for a while. It means much if you read it all. Thanks!)

Ack, I wanna tell ye a story.
About me! Gromm!
I'm going 'ta tell ye about when I first came 'ere.

When I arrived in 'da northern kingdoms, I wanted one thing.
Adventure and fame!
Well, I arrived in the first corner of Altera and me life.
The Gypsy Camp.

This is where I met many of my trusted friends.
Like Dani. I'll talk about 'im later.
Anyhow, I dug around, and found out how to get fame!
Well, everyone hates Mermaids. Why?
I have no idea! The silly dwarf I was at the time...
So, me plan at the time, was to go to the Land of Mermaids, and 'ave a chat!
No one dares do that. But 'den there's me!
And what not better person to talk to then the Mermaid Queen herself?
So, off I went, to the land of Mermaids.
And how quickly it was, when I met the queen herself.
Well, I approached her, and bowed, politely.

Well, dare I say, I lived.
It was not all that bad, really.
She made me a 'pet'. If I remember right...
A Scholar and some sort of Jester, hehe.
I spent most of me time around Seria, her daughter. Which was quite funny.
Most would have died do'in this, but I live.
Yet, I must say, I escaped...
I got on the wrong side of Abbey, the queen, so I ran away.
Quite fun, these times.

Anyhow, I went back to the Gypsy camp and met Seth.
Seth is, as far as I knew, commander of the Yearnem! The dwarven army!
So, I quickly ran to the dwarf city of Thaall, where I met many other of my kind.
But, there was little adventure.
Yet, I loved Thraall, for it's beauty.

I love Thraall.
I ain't a deep down digging dwarf...
...but this place, I loved.
And the people there, I loved too.

Anyway, I could not always be in Thraall, talking to my fellow kinsmen.
I needed a job. And what not better job then Dani's?
Dani, whom was the first ever man I met, is a trader.
So, I work for him!
And, what great times they were. Dani is a fine fellow, and very funny as well!
Dani operates in Heavens Reach. A fine city!
Also, when I worked hard, he gave me gifts, although most of the time, I tried saying no, for
he has already gave me much for the job.
I remember one time, he gave me a diamond pickaxe!

Anyhow, time passed, as it normally does.
It has been a long time since I ran away from the Mermaids.
I never think about going back, either.
One of my friends, in Thraall, was having a party!
It is Roman's Birthday. I forget the date. It was long ago.
But I remember who was there, and how much fun it was!

I also found a taste in Black Sheep Bitter.
A fine ale. Dwarven brew, my favorite drink.
But I get drunk very easily.

Great times.
Since I was drunk, though, I don't remember much.

A lot of time passed, with adventure.
But I forgot most of them...
..I was having too much fun.
I do remember doing a lot of mining for Dani.
And I did see Seria again.
Pet or not, I still be good to me friends!

'Tis was good times.
But the bad times were 'ta come soon.

I never saw it coming. Nor do I remember much of it.
But I was getting a little tired of Thraall and my Kinsman.
Each day, they got more aggressive.
So, I moved to Heavens Reach.
I worked with Dani to save money, then bought a home in the city.

The grand city....
It was amazing.
But what I did not know, was Yearnem was against Heavens Reach, and the house within it.
I did not want to get into any wars.
So, they kicked me out of Yearnem.

One day, in Heavens Reach, I met a lady nammed Bella.
A strange lady, I don't know what she'd be do'in now.
There was a lot of adventure in the time I known her.

I mean, she is a lovely person, but also an Assassin.
Well, I did not know whatta to think anymore.
But through Bella, I also met a sworn enemy of mine, but also, friend in the future.
He was corrupted when I met him.
Which means he tried killing me much of the time!
Me dwarven senses hated this every bit.
But I wanted 'ta help 'im!
One time, he kidnapped me! But I don't wanna talk about 'tat story...

One day though, I found a way to cure him...
...but it was a great sacrifice to make.
If he were 'ta kill me, he might have became clean, uncorrupted.
'Dis...did not work.
But he did kill me.

Let's just say....
That my body did not rest easy.

For the next long time of me life...
I was undead.
It was a nightmare!
I did not like it one bit!

I went on a undead rampage.
Albright's corruption got to me, it did.
And I went crazy and attacked Thraall! Ack!
Seth, whom was me friend...
...kicked me off Thraall bridge.
It was a long drop. Me body flopped like a fish.
I died. Again.

Anyhow, me brother, Cooke, came 'ta save me.
He found me ghost, and let me stay in his body, so he was possessed, eh hehe.
But then he died! Ack, the crazy fool!
So, at the peak of non-living, we found our long lost sister.
She was a dream come true, she was.
She made me alive again!
As for Cooke, well...he haunted me for another year.

Dodging Albright, and not hearing from Dani for a while, I thought it was time to move out of Heaven's Reach.
To my sister, Ormild, whom lives in Mirage. a lovely city. And has no war of crazy dwarfs and politics.
A free city!
And the Mayor, oh he be lovely.

And, Ormild introduced me to 'ta captain of the guard.

'Tis was all great.
I joined 'ta guard of Mirage!
And I was once again, happy, away from war, and still on adventures, some of 'ta time.
Then the worst happened...
Albright killed me again.

'Dis time, I was undead, but I possessed by brothers ghost.
And my brother, Cookes, possessed his body.
'Tis was very odd, but how else was I gonna live?
A ghost told me in the Gypsy camp, that I cannot die anymore.
I can't be killed.
A curse, ye, but I like it.
Immortal life suits me 'jus fine.

I spent the next week of me life living in me brothers ghost.
Was a bit cramped, and me brother wanted me to move.
But, eh...
...I 'Jus wanted me own body back.
So, Ormild, me great sister whom I love, turned me alive again when we found me body at the bottom of Thraall bridge, where I left it.

I was alive again!
And the first thing I started doing, was playing around with my old bow, I remember Dani giving me long ago...

Well, I did not see Dani for a while, really.
No work, nothing to do, but to 'jus mess around for a while.
I was fired by Mirage guard because of my 'dark appearance'.
Not many people like Corrupted ghosts.
But I ain't that anymore.
I am, once again, alive! More then likely, I'll die again, aye, but then I become a ghost again.
Bloody curse.

I spent some time on adventures, but I noticed, day after day...
There was less adventures to go on.
So I started to build some 'tings.

Then I felt like empty goods.
Albright became good, for once.
Dani was not to be seen.
Got no job.
Had little to do...

I heard of the Bards College. Only rumors.
Thought I'd go give it a look.
I must say, Sir Powderpuff is a really great fellow.
Posh too.

How quickly I learnt how to turn words into songs.
I made a song 'Peace and Rain' which I loved.
I sing it to myself a bit. (And In real life, may I add xD)

I became a bard.
And yet, still little to do.
I was running out of adventure, and had very little fame.
My mission had been a disappointment.

Hope still sprang at me.
Hawklight, a house whom I never heard of, had a city.
A city, empty.
Karuk-Thol. I went there, and built myself a nice home.
And met some more people and friends!
In fact, for a long time, I built a lot there.

The war of corruption came.
I thought in it, ye know.
Without a cause.
Got a bonk on the head from a pigman, then was knocked out the entire time.
Never woke up until 'ta end.
Silly me.

Anyhow, times change.
I met Eala, an elf, whom I am a very fond and best friend of.
And yesterday...I did an adventure.
I was asked to find a poor kids dad.
Eala introduced me to Scoot...and Scoot, he had never had the chance of adventure.
It was a new experience.
It reminded me of me when I was younger.
Wanting fame and adventure.
Scoot was excited when I gave him a sword, and took him to Heavens Reach...
...he was...
...he is a beacon of hope.

I hope I can be of more use to everyone.
Me life so far seems to be very poor.
Not poor money-wise, 'jus poor as 'nothin to do.
'Nothin to be famous for.
To me, I ain't done much, but hanged on to life, lost life, then gripped it by the neck.
Me, Gromm, am a very clumbsy person.

Well, I am Gromm.
'Tat is me story so far.
I dodged Mermaids.
Became hated by my own Kinsman.
Died again.
Moved city from city.
Became friends with an Assassin.
Met millions of people.
Been on millions of adventures.
I done lots.
And yet...
I ain't done enough!

'Tis is me story for now.
I ain't done much to me.
But I been through a lot.
Met a lot of people. Killed a lot of monsters. Fell in love a lot.
And I still am go'in!

-Gromm Wake II


Lord of Altera
Don't you worry, this won't be the last of your adventures. Not as long as I'm here :)

Also, thank you for all the kind words :D

-Mountainpuma -AKA Scoot

Be seeing you :)


Be seeing you soon!
And, sorry I logged out yesterday when I said 'Come to my home!'

My laptop crashed. And it was 11PM.
I can't come on soon either! 1.4 stops me.

But, see you as soon as I can!


Lord of Altera
First of all, don't apologize, sh*t happens ;) ( we knew you wouldn't just leave, so we figured as much )

Also, i did read your comment on the other thread saying that you would be gone for a little while because of 1.4, so I'm aware :)

And also, you should know. Don't bother yourself thinking about how to interact with me ingame, because Eala's my carer, which means that every time ( or most of the time ) you're with her, you're also with me ;) So i don't reckon it'll be too long before we meet again :D

Im looking forward to it :)

-Mountainpuma -AKA Scoot