Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Septimus, Lawgiver of the High Church of Altera


The Undying Scholar.
Retired Staff
Name: Septimus Aetherson II
Age: 46
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Build: Average
Hair: Greying Brown
Eyes: Piercing Blue
Skin: fair
Tattoos/Scars: none
Distinguishing Features: Beard
Traits or Blessings: Very intelligent, very good memory
Physical Flaws: nothing unusual
Physical Qualities: nothing unusual
Clothes: Expensive loose blue robes complete with a lot of inner pockets. Generally wears basic leather armour beneath.
Hygiene: Very well kept
Voice: smooth and calm
Family Heritage: Aetherson, Son to the first oracle, nephew of the first Arbiter of the modern high church
Object(s) owned of sentimental value: Uncles mask and mansion.
Worships: Respects all gods, particularly fond of she who is beyond names
Intelligence Level: Very High
Known Languages: Speaks Common fluently and most of the more common languages such as elven to some degree, given the time and the books in the cathedral library he could translate practically anything written.
Title: Lawgiver, Lord
Political alignment: None, the chosen of the church may not get involved in politics
Marital Status: Unmarried

Personality: Appears cold and efficient, often ignores small matters if he's focusing on something he deems more important. Can seem uncaring and often doesn't have time for people.
Fears/Insecurities/Phobias: Grief winning, being outsmarted.
Short Term Goals: Recovering magic.
Long Term Goals: Survival both for himself and the whole of Altera.
Alignment: Neutral / Neutral / Guardian of Altera.
Profession: Lawgiver
Hometown: Port Silver
Current Home(s): The Cathedral

Color: Blue
Food/drinks: the finer the better.
Animal: Phoenix as they're very intelligent for animals.
Activity: Research
Person: Finnall, one of the few people he feels he can actually rely on for anything.

Least Favorite:
Color: Orange
Food/drinks: Anything with mushrooms or alcohol
Animal: Cats as as far as he can see they serve no purpose.
Activity: anything he deems a waste of time
Person: changes frequently

Backstory: Having grown up in a small village with his father and mother and his uncle closeby he spent most of his time studying things that interested him which was almost everything. His Uncle left the village many years ago, his father much more recently, when he stopped getting letters from them he ventured to the northern kingdoms to discover what had happened to them. After uncovering their fates he decided to follow in their footsteps serving as a leader of he church to protect Altera in his own way.