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The Cult of Kilrox


Lord of Altera
For ages the worshippers of Kilrox have been feared, hunted for their religion, doomed to perform it in caverns and basements, away from the prying eyes of society. Vyres are mindlessly killed by organisations as the Slayers "for the good of the people", while non-vyre worshippers are only slightly less despised. Well I say no more! Let us rise against the false oppression of morality and shine our glorious light on Altera! I have seen Kilrox and he told me to make you a sanctuary, a place, where we shall not be hunted because of these hypocrits! A place that shall bring back the pride in Kilrox worship, a temple for the mightiest god of all, for only he is unbound! Society's rules and codes are irrelevant here, this is for us! A temple for The Spiller of Blood! A throne worthy for Kilrox! Where he can sit down and rule Altera! Rule it through US!
Vyres, lone worshippers, hidden cults of Kilrox, let us UNITE! Let us bind our strenghts and abandon our weaknesses, for we are the only true believers! Join me in the Cult of Kilrox! Join me in the shaping of new world!

The cult of Kilrox will be a theocratical organisation ruled by a single High priest and a council of Elder priests. The cult will be based in Uliima Gurum, but be spread to all places of worship of Kilrox. It's members should at all times be worshippers of Kilrox. The structure of ranks shall be, from highest to lowest as follows:

-High Priest (The leader of the cult)
-Elder Priests (The council of well respected worshippers, including, if present, Kilrox's Chosen)
-Priests (A group of fanatic worshippers, these include but aren't exclusively vyres that joined the cult)
-Worshippers (A group of general worshippers, decent folk with healthy faiths)
-Servants (New members of the faith, to serve is to recognise might, and as the Bloody God says himself, might makes right.)

All members of a rank shall have the appropriate amount of respect for the members of ranks above them, with as punishments for lack of this either death or banishment.
All members of the cult will have full access to Uliima Gurum, The Throne of Death, in which the currently largest holy place of Kilrox is being built. This city is however still being built, so bear with us.

To sign up to our mighty and powerful community fill in the below form:
MC name:
RP name:
RP reason for joining:
Are you a were-creature?:
How long have you been worshipping Kilrox and when did you start?:


Lord of Altera
List of members:​
High Priest:​
Markisbeest - Markus Groothart​
Elder Priests:​
Jakp25 - Jack Bloodcloak, Kilrox's Chosen - gone missing​
SparkInSpace - Gurtha​
2 Worshippers​
2 Servants​


Lord of Altera
The cult is a secret.​
Everyone knows it exist, but that is it.​
You do not know who is and who isn't part of it, you can only have suspicions.​
I do not mind you having suspicions that I am a cultist, since I do not make much of a secret of it.​
I do mind it if your "spies" aka forum account, found out who is and who isn't a member.​
The location of the cult is a secret. It exists, that is what you know, nothing more, nothing less.​
Thank you for your attention.​


Lord of Altera
I used to be a bad guy but that always ends up in someone whining about you being too OP or being too "mean" :/
So i gave up and became an old librarian :I


Lord of Altera
I understand, I used to get a lot of hassle for running the slayers and that caused the majority of my members to leave. :/
All because I played it a little "mean".


Lord of Altera
Oh no im talking about my other account. I gave up on being evil, switched accounts became an elf, thought he was way too op so i killed him off and became a dwarf drunkard and then someone *looks angrily at Tang* decided to make me Heir to Yearnen and ruining my completely normal drunk who just so happens to own his own land :p
Theeen i went back to my first account and became a Librarian. Now i play as both, really confuzzling :I


Lord of Altera
But really.... Kilrox shouldn't be the god of the Vyres because firstly, Kilrox's detail thing:

Kilrox, the evil god of war.
God of the slaughter,slavery, rape, pillage, blood, carnage, evil and oppression.
Unholy symbol: an upward facing sword covered in blood on a field of black
Unholy colours: Black, red and white
Moto: Might makes right.

That sounds more like a chaotic berserking slaughtering raping plundering evil guy than a Vyre.
This however is Skraag, who i think is the right god for Vyres:

Skraag the Soul Stealer
Evil god of skeletons, zombies, vampires (Vampires got renamed to Vyres later), necromancy and all things dealing with undeath
Unholy symbol: Red Skull on a black field
Unholy colours: red and black
Moto: Death is unnecessary

That god is a lot more fitting for the Vyres than that measly weak wannabe Kilrox :p


Lord of Altera
MC name: jonni25
RP name: Jon Isak
RP reason for joining: My roleplay is really messy so hoping this might help clean it up a little :p
Are you a were-creature?: Nope.
How long have you been worshipping Kilrox and when did you start?: Pah Kilrox is a weak wannabe. Real evildoers worship Skraag! But it would be before Kilrox was officially invented since Jon has been here longer than most of our lore :3


Lord of Altera
...a temple for the spiller of blood..?
And you're telling people you're the "good guys?"
Thats as bad as the slayers lol


Wyvern740 said:
...a temple for the spiller of blood..?
And you're telling people you're the "good guys?"
Thats as bad as the slayers lol
Apart from the slayers are good and Kilrox worshippers are bad....


Lord of Altera
Apart from the slayers are good and Kilrox worshippers are bad....
How are the slayers good? O.O
They're basically a tainted inquisition, they do unnecessarily cruel things to their opponents. They even killed a young girl! They are radicals, no side is good in this war. Of course, is there ever?