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The Golden Crusade- In-depth informations


Lord of Altera
I decided post this new thread since the other was becoming a mess.
This thread is STRICTLY reserved for members of The Crusade, sponsors, and allies.


High Inquisition:

-Grand Master: The grand master is the ''head'' of the crusade. He takes final decisions and deals with vital moments. He is also the one that welcome every new crusader, and names the other members of the High Inquisition. This title is presently held by Magnus Arcturus IV (valonyx).

The High-Advisor is the diplomat of the Crusade. He is skilled in taking what seems the best choices for the order and is the one especially listened by the Grand Master for political problems and intrigue decisions. This title is presently held by Zanros Hawklight (thecastellan).

-High-Crusader: He is the master of weapons, and leader of the knights and paladins. The High-Crusader generally leads the troops in the front lines and is the first on the walls of a sieged castle. He will be the one that trains recruits.This title is presently held by Andros Hilter (mister_Hilter).

-High-Admiral: The high admiral is the leader of the Golden navy, and the captain of the boats. He will be the one charged with transport of men and goods, potential hostile encounters while being at see and reporting vital information to the rest of the council, that he got from his men. This title is presently held by Epikus Descartes (epikplayer).

-Interrogator: The Interrogator's job is both symbolic and useful. He will be the one keeping track of everything that happens related to the Crusade. We could also call him the librarian, and he will be your source if you need informations. This title is presently held by a secret source.

-Archbishop: He is the leader of the Crusade's priests and is the master of Harateth's Holy Cathedral of the Crusade (still not built). He will administrate everything that is related to magic and gods within the Golden Crusade. This title is presently held by Kraven Hawklight (dogbew).

-Seneschal: The Seneschal is the man that will make sure everyone has always the good things. He is the manager of all the Crusade stocks. He will know how much the crusade has of almost all resources, and will keep counting. He is also the leader of the Engineers. This title should be held by one of the most loyal and good crusaders. This title is presently held by Jack Blackhair (jakp25)

being a member of the High-Inquisition is a great honor and should be taken seriously.

the holy army:

-Crusaders: The Crusaders are our general fighters and soldiers that you will see anywhere where the Crusade wages war. All new recruits of the Order start as crusaders and may decide to change professions or stay a crusader. Keep in mind that being a crusader, you have the same prestige as a paladin or a priest would, there is no discrimination in the Golden Crusade.

-Paladins: paladins are special crusaders that are gifted with Harateth's holy light. Apart from their military knowledge, paladins can also call upon Harateth's magic to fight. Paladins may also be sent in small inquisitor groups to seek and solve minor problems throughout the realm.

-Priest: The priests are Harateth's chosen. They have knowledge in alchemy and enchanting, and are the ones you need to seek for health potions, enchantments or food. The priests are leaded by the Archbishop and will have their quarters in the Cathedral.

-Navy: The sailors and pirates of the order are feared throughout the seas as they roam it in their golden fortified Galleons as they seek wealth and allies for the Crusade. They will be the Crusade's most trusted informators and will help us prevent our enemies assaults.

-Engineers: Regrouping the Crusade's tinkerers, saboteurs and builders, the engineers are a small group lead by the Seneschal. Their job is to plan, build, and destroy. They will be the main builders of all of the Crusade's forts, although everyone will take part in the buildings. they will also plan redstone devices, and will lay their siege machines upon our enemies.

(P.S: at all times, you may ask the High-Inquisition to be a member of an other category of the holy army, if you are suited to fight in it.)


This category is mostly work-in-progress, we do not own a cathedral or a proper stronghold to now.

I would thanks Lord Bodejodel from Heaven's Reach who has granted us with a barracks and training facilities in his city to start our operations.




the crusade's history and more informations can be found in the other thread related to the crusade.

Whenever you see a purple flag with a golden cross in it (made of minecraft wool), it means the area you are in is held/taken by the golden crusade, so that evil characters know where they should not go.

Feel free to ask me if you want to add extra informations or think i forgot something important in this category, i would be glad to add it/them.