Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Finished [5th of April] [5PM EST/11PM GMT+1] *-* A Rejoining of Nature! *-*


Lord of Altera

- A Rejoining Of Nature! -

[!] It's posted in all the major cities. [!]

With Truebirth starting, with the spring continuing into the second month, it is that I, Rook Corvus, ask all of you whom are interested in learning the ways of Theodra to gather on the 5th of Truebirth, in the town of Blackrush. We'll be meeting at the tavern. From the town of Blackrush I'm planning on leading all of you to a safer spot within the forests nearby. Anyone whom is already a follower of Theodra may come of course, though there will be no hunting on the day of the teachings and sermon. Not unless some predator wishes to interrupt our sermon. Only then shall we strike it down, as Theodra would wish it so. We will all come together as one, and while I'm no blessed of Theodra, I am a devout follower. I shall answer your questions, for those that are interested in learning more about Theodra's tenets and guidelines. And for those whom are interested in learning the ways of the Huntsman and Huntress, you may talk to me after the teachings and sermon as well. I hope to see some of you appear. Wisdom guide.

Name: A Rejoining of Nature.
Date: 5th of April.
Time: 5PM EST/11PM GMT+1.
Event Description: Teachings held by Rook Corvus on the tenets and ways of Theodra, along with a sermon following that.
Location: Starting in Blackrush, though will be taken further towards the south into the forest.
Public/Private?: Public to everyone interested.
Rating: Peaceful/Moderate, depending on staff.

Elz blargtheawesome Rygan
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Official Alteran
Ah, what kind of rating of an event would it be such as: Peaceful, Moderate, or Violent? Hopefully Moderate or the later...looking forward to it.


Lord of Altera
Thank you to everyone who came. It was an amazing event and I hope that everyone liked the way Rook explained the tenets of Theodra and how the sermon overall was done. It was an eye-opening experience for Rook, that if you ask you may find out In-Character what exactly happened.