Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Loyal Servant of Altera
i am very upset
he picked on me and it has made me cry irl
i know noone sees me as a real person bc i am just pixels on a screen
but i would like you to know this not kosher
he was invis and i had pvp toggeld off from day 1
i do not get to play very much bc of working over nights
and you have ruined my game this is no longer fun today
i am very sad as i was trying to be nice then got picked on and stole from
i know this is a temp ban so its not an appeal
i just had to write down how much i am very hurt


Loyal Servant of Altera
steel i made an ass out of myself :(
but he made me cry irl
and my hours of farming are wasted and not by my own stupidity


Moderating the herps & derps
you have been unbanned love, you need to calm down and dont use caps, and wish for people to die irl alright, we shall look out for him and check it out, im closing this 1


Lovelorn we can't keep letting the things you say slide, your profanity is really off the charts when you are angry, infact its so bad noone takes it really very serious either.


King ForumStalker
I know you don't mean to upset anyone love but that swearing can get really bad.

I'll see what david has to say too.


Lovelorn, I suggest you do NOT listen to davidmurray, hes a fool.... don't let them get you down.
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