Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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A Promotional Roleplay


Legend of Altera
After some thinking, I think I've finally come up with a rough idea of what we could do. Since this roleplay will be for promotional purposes, I don't think it's necessary we include such an elaborate and unique story line. Instead, we want to include as many major themes and features of HollowWorld so the viewers themselves can have a fairly accurate idea of what HollowWorld is by the end of the video.

Here's the list of themes and features that are symbolic of HollowWorld:
-Port Silver
-The Port Silver Market (representing the economy)
-The High Kings/Queens
-The Community
-Queen Grief and Minions
-The Tome of Citizenship
-Port Silver docks (representing an established travel/teleportation system)

So far, this is what I had envisioned in terms of a story line. We begin in Port Silver, with a bustling marketplace and people arriving from the docks, hailing from the far reaches of Altera. People barter over goods, and others talk amongst friends about recent news.
Suddenly, the crack of lightning interrupts the murmur of voices and activity. Every eye turns skyward as a second crack splits the air. The sun becomes suddenly eclipsed by a sudden bank of thick dark clouds, and rain pours in sheets from the heavens. Lightning continues to strike against the darkened skies as people begin to panic and run for shelter.
Back in the Port Silver Palace, the High Kings and Queens look on at the foreboding clouds with mixed emotions, none of them quite gathering the nerve to voice their fears aloud.
Port Silver is quickly abandoned as the citizens all return home on their ships, not a single one pleased with the turn of events. As the scene fades out on the Port Silver docks, lightning strikes multiple times in quick succession in the distance, followed by a hollow cackle that seemed to emanate from the heavens itself.
What few stubborn citizens remained were huddled under the arch that connected the docks to the rest of Port Silver. ((At this point, we can initiate some dialogue between these characters, and have them introduced as our protagonists.)) Lightning strikes nearby, igniting a small fire in the grass just outside of the arch. As the citizens look closer, they realize something was happening within the flames. To their horror, a zombie emerges from the unnatural fire, and begins to shamble towards the group, groaning from within it's rotten throat. ((The camera zooms out to show a large view of a large portion of Port Silver, with similar fires spawning various mobs))
(Narrator) And so came an end to the normalcy of what Altera's citizens had previously known, and so came the rigors and strains of conflict. Word quickly reached the cities surrounding Port Silver of their capital's plight ((Messengers are shown running into the main halls of the major cities in Altera))
But the forces of Altera refused to simply lie and wait for the storm to pass. At the slightest mention of trouble, every citizen raised a hand against the threat, and soon the might of the entire realm was arrayed before the once familiar gates of Port Silver. ((The camera flies above the thriving mass of ironclad and diamond plated warriors of Altera, none of them clumped in any particular fashion or separated by city))
When the gates were pried open, the warriors of Altera spilled through the gate, charging into the heart of Port Silver to meet Queen Grief's minions in combat. On a particularly open space in the center of Port Silver, the two masses of power collided head on and the battle between Altera and Queen Grief ensued.
Quietly, on the outskirts of the conflict, the protagonists we previous saw were slipping into the palace as the battle distracted the minions. Carefully, the band scoured the halls for any signs of their missing Kings and Queens.
Finally, after a few tense minutes of searching and hushed arguements, the band happens upon the topmost chambers of the palace, where they could just barely hear the pacing of feet on a wooden floor.
Quietly, the group gathered just outside the doorway, eavesdropping in case they could hear anything more.
A voice broke the silence, "You cannot win, you can't summon enough monsters to even come close to stopping the Alteran warriors."
A shriek close to a monster's responded harshly, "Fool! I need only delay them long enough before my plan can be carried through."
((The arguements between Queen Grief and the Kings and Queens continue on for some time))
Having heard enough, the band of warriors burst into the room, their weapons pointed at the figure of Queen Grief pacing before the window. The evil being hisses and casts a wave of fire at the band that staggers them backwards. With the opening, the evil creature bursts through the window and flies above the battlefield, where the Alteran warriors were finishing off the last of the monsters.
The band quickly checks on the Kings and Queens before turning their attention to the floating figure above the battlefield. Lightning strikes the ground all around the evil being, forcing the warriors to retreat to safety.
In a blinding fury of light and a deafening crash of sound, the floating figure vanishes, leaving a giant crater in its wake.

((Generic non-conclusive ending that leaves more to be desired))

As I'm sure you've noticed, this is a tentative idea, always open for poking and plastic surgery.