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Abbeyvie/DemonicFowl ban appeal [Resolved - Ban Maintained]


Lord of Altera
Hello. Most of you probably don’t know me, but a few of you might remember me. I’m an old player, and the last time I played on this server was around a year ago, yet I’m not the one banned¬– my girlfriend is. Due to the fact that her forum account(s) have been banned for a little over year now, she is unable to access the site and post for herself. I’m simply copying and pasting her appeal. :)

Thank you.
– SC


I’m not quite sure on what to say now. I could reintroduce myself as DemonicFowl, or I could explain how the change from fourteen to fifteen has alter(a)ed (@bettemus99) my life. (I’m sorry for the pun. It’s an inside joke. ;)) I’ve grown up a bit more than last year. As those who remember me, I ran off last year pretty much fan-girling a guy and craving a little bit of a change. Yes, I made my own little “community” around a year ago. The reason I use “community” with quotation marks is because after a while I was given the boot due to my limited activity. It’s a long story, and anyone is welcome to ask me about it over some private messaging, but my ban appeal isn’t a brilliant place to convene my feelings about it.

My last few days here weren’t very– mature. I was constantly bickering with people like the beautiful people known as: SallyPirate, cherbert, and mairinbaihn . I bet there are many more people, but a year to a teenager is like going from being a tadpole to a frog. We grow up so fast, and I don’t remember everyone, but I do owe a lot of people a sincere apologize.

But if I were in your shoes right now, I’d probably be asking as sassily or as curiously as the world would allow before the Apocalypse the important question of, “Why the heck is this person back here?” Good question.

I’m back here to find some casual RP. I’ve been away from the hobby since I left the “community” in February. I searched for a decent RPing server for around a month. Most servers were either too stringent or too new, so I gave up for a while. ScootyOwl and I spent a good while just playing games and focusing on our studies, but over time, we both started to miss RPing. We both thought long and hard for a while, and eventually we agreed upon returning to the place where we both started.

To conclude, I’d like to apologize. Last year, I was immature, annoying, and a little too stubborn. I acknowledge how crazy I was previously, and I’m sorry that so many people had to manage a pretty-depressed kid.

I’m sorry. – Abbey V.


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Abbey (via SC~),

I know that you have been gone for quite some time, and I am also aware of some of the circumstances under which you were banned. However, I cannot in good conscience unban you with an appeal as vague as this. Successful ban appeals specifically address what they did wrong, which you do not, and demonstrate sincere and deep regrets and apologies. It feels almost as if your apology was an afterthought to telling us what you had been up to since you had left.

You are welcome to address the specific things that you did wrong, but until you do so satisfactorily, I'm afraid the ban must stand.

Good luck,



The Great Leper
Retired Staff
Just to inform you, abbey's forum account is now unbanned so she can attempt to appeal without having to go through someone else