Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Alteran Farmer Guild


Not that it matters to much but a plot is a 16*16 square :p
...No melon for you! >=[
Ok, so I've been informed that I actually only plot...I guess...But I still produce nice amounts of melon! =] and I wondering when we were going to go ahead and start establishing rules and when we need to share part of our harvest, our base and etc.


King's Hand
At the moment I have no computer to play minecraft :(.
But when I rejoin I will start our first base and a storage for the guild in Stormhold.
After this we will try to get enough money to start our own region (not town!) for farming and the guild.


I think I might like it here
  1. Ingame Name: Kierkegaard
  2. Town: Mirage
  3. Race: Human
  4. Main cultivation: Wheat
  5. Size of your Farm: 1st plot, 6 x 20, 2nd plot 12 x12


I think I might like it here
Soo... Mirage has decided to start some city guilds for it's own purposes. We have a fighters guild, and I am currently working on a "famers/builders" guild. Anyway, I have a structre that I'm building. Perhaps we could make this the headquarters of the farmers guild??


King's Hand
Yea we could do it, even if I planned to build it in my new castle. But if you get a big headquarter from rauyran, we could do it and I will just make a little branch office. Also I planned to ask cherbert or another admin, to give us a house in PS for the guild, so we could be more official.


I think I might like it here
Feel free to come take a look. I like the idea of farmers only being able to sell farm goods. The prices I have at the guild are the cheapest on the server, at least that I know of.


I think I might like it here
Unfortunately, Mirage is taking a different route when it come to farming, and I will no longer be able to participate in this guild. :( Sorry. If you could please remove from the roster.


King's Hand
Ok, done. I removed all others too, because of inactivity or character changes.
I will work on this Guild after I done my job with the house Lonmar.
At the moment this Guild have the status "Build up".


I will find space to build a farm, my friend.
I am interested in joining, finally going to live a peaceful life.
Allow me to build a farm, and I will send you a request! I would love to farm!
But mostly.....
...make cookies :D


If I step into Stormhold, there is a high chance I'd be killed.


King's Hand
Ok, waker I can't give you a farm, but maybe the mayor of your town allow you to be Farmer and build a little farm.

@Freya yes its ok

I also wait for Draco to build the guild HQ at Ulrych's Motte.


Lord of Altera
  1. Ingame Name: gamemonster55
  2. Town: Thundervall
  3. Race: Human
  4. Main cultivation: Wheat, Corn, and Carrots. (Corn is in RP not in minecraft)
  5. Size of your Farm: I would have to get on and check, but an estimated amount is probably 5 plots.
Yes I am aware this topic has not been replied to in a while.