Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Amdor Sàralondë


Lord of Altera
Well..I love writing, and keeping balanced, since Limadan is quite evil..I made a character who is quite good..Enjoy

Volume 1: Part 1


A cold breeze struck to through my hairs, I was seated on a tall branch of a tree, enjoying my surroundings, enjoying freedom..For now.
Something was going on, I knew it, a growl is heard, followed by two other ones, this could only mean one thing. Wolves. I grabbed my bow, to get shocked by a scream, a scream wich was both inhumane, but human. I went to investigate the sound, a dwarf..Being eaten by wolves. I shot at the wolves, I killed one, the rest gathered around the tree I was in. The dwarf let out a moan, the wolves targeted him again, the only thing I was able to do then..Was put him out of his misery, wich I did.
Too late..The dwarf was from a expedition, wich saw me killing him..
I was guilty of murder, didn't even get a trial, just thrown in jail with a blindfold..