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An apology (not an appeal)

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The original mute
Ok so first off, while this is in the ban appeals section this isn’t an appeal. I made my appeal and it got declined, this means that though it’s in this section, normal users should be allowed to respond. If they aren’t, well don’t punish them.
Firstly I am going to apologise to ninjai for what I said, we both know what I did was wrong, and the fact that he hasn’t acknowledged a single of the three apologies I’ve tried. I understand that what I did was cruel and necessary, However, I feel a complete lack of acknowledgement of the fact that I’ve even attempted to be rude, and while it may be said that I deserve this, two wrongs never made a right. Before I go on, I have to say this is not meant as an attack, I’m just stating how I feel I understand ninjai has been having a time as rough as mine in many ways. Then there is the fact of the swearing, that too I apologise for, and while the fact that I’ve been stressed, and that means more aggressive, this isn’t an excuse for my behaviour, rather an explanation. If you see this as another attack, then I apologise for the aggressiveness of my standpoint here too, I know I am in the wrong and wish I had never come on hollowworld that day.
Secondly, I’d like to apologise to the community in general for abusing your trust in such a way, while few of you are actually affected, I feel I have let you all down in my breaking of the rules. I fully understand all of you that now are disappointed in me, and those of you that aren’t, why not? I broke rules that for 12 weeks I was tasked with upholding, I failed at that, and have now failed to follow those same rules.
Third, I wish to apologise on behalf of my friend kelethelos, who replied to my appeal in an aggressive way when I hadn’t properly filled him in, if I had been more awake I might have been able to stop his reckless action. I am merely glad that the permanent ban was altered to a temporary one.
Fourth, I wish to apologise to the whole staff team for the trouble I’ve caused. I have been getting a fair few of my friends saying how much ruckus has been caused by this, and I ask you all, stop, there is no longer any need to argue whether to let the mingy flea ridden dog that is I back in.
Fifth, and finally, I would like to thank everyone for all the highs and lows being on hollowworld has brought me. My only wish is that you all forgive me one day...
Now you may be wondering why I wrote this, well it’s because I’ve been told I’m not allowed to appeal ever again. Thus meaning I’m never going to be allowed to come back, even if the staff want me to. Again, sorry to ninjai, and the staff. I’ll remain an active observer on the forums, but I shan’t reply to any threads no matter how much I desire, I have forfeited my right to be in this community, and so have forfeited my right to reply to threads. However, I would appreciate being allowed to reply to my character threads.
I guess this is goodbye hollowworld, please don’t forget what an idiot I am, because I don’t want anyone feeling this is an unjustified ban.

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Ok so first off, while this is in the ban appeals section this isn’t an appeal. I made my appeal and it got declined, this means that though it’s in this section, normal users should be allowed to respond. If they aren’t, well don’t punish them.
Firstly I am going to apologise to ninjai for what I said, we both know what I did was wrong, and the fact that he hasn’t acknowledged a single of the three apologies I’ve tried. I understand that what I did was cruel and necessary, However, I feel a complete lack of acknowledgement of the fact that I’ve even attempted to be rude, and while it may be said that I deserve this, two wrongs never made a right. Before I go on, I have to say this is not meant as an attack, I’m just stating how I feel I understand ninjai has been having a time as rough as mine in many ways. Then there is the fact of the swearing, that too I apologise for, and while the fact that I’ve been stressed, and that means more aggressive, this isn’t an excuse for my behaviour, rather an explanation. If you see this as another attack, then I apologise for the aggressiveness of my standpoint here too, I know I am in the wrong and wish I had never come on hollowworld that day.
Secondly, I’d like to apologise to the community in general for abusing your trust in such a way, while few of you are actually affected, I feel I have let you all down in my breaking of the rules. I fully understand all of you that now are disappointed in me, and those of you that aren’t, why not? I broke rules that for 12 weeks I was tasked with upholding, I failed at that, and have now failed to follow those same rules.
Third, I wish to apologise on behalf of my friend kelethelos, who replied to my appeal in an aggressive way when I hadn’t properly filled him in, if I had been more awake I might have been able to stop his reckless action. I am merely glad that the permanent ban was altered to a temporary one.
Fourth, I wish to apologise to the whole staff team for the trouble I’ve caused. I have been getting a fair few of my friends saying how much ruckus has been caused by this, and I ask you all, stop, there is no longer any need to argue whether to let the mingy flea ridden dog that is I back in.
Fifth, and finally, I would like to thank everyone for all the highs and lows being on hollowworld has brought me. My only wish is that you all forgive me one day...
Now you may be wondering why I wrote this, well it’s because I’ve been told I’m not allowed to appeal ever again. Thus meaning I’m never going to be allowed to come back, even if the staff want me to. Again, sorry to ninjai, and the staff. I’ll remain an active observer on the forums, but I shan’t reply to any threads no matter how much I desire, I have forfeited my right to be in this community, and so have forfeited my right to reply to threads. However, I would appreciate being allowed to reply to my character threads.
I guess this is goodbye hollowworld, please don’t forget what an idiot I am, because I don’t want anyone feeling this is an unjustified ban.
Don't beat yourself up too badly man! We should still play some steam games like Gary's mod sometime! Even if it takes ages too find a server you can join -_-


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
Everyone makes mistakes, what's important is that you learn from those mistakes.

Little as we may have rp'ed, I valued you as a member of this community, farewell for now, Matyio, may we meet again somewhere :)

Dark Auras

Matyio, I don't know you well but youve never done anything bad to me. It sucks to be in your position, I know how it feels. Keep in touch with me on Skype and maybe we can game together on steam or something. Good luck on your future endeavors and stay strong man... its always sad to see something end this way


Lord of Altera
Matyio was the first person I ever spoke to on TeamSpeak, and I've known him fairly well since. It's sad to see you go, but I promise to talk to you over Skype often. :heart:


The original mute
Thanks everyone for actually caring, I know I don't mean much to anyone really, and it touches me that even. Though I broke rules people are still willing to show some form of support.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Matyio, I've already forgiven you, not because of what you did or why you did it, but because that is what friends like us do for one another, they forgive each others mistakes, because at the end of a day, a mistake is a mistake, and no matter how big or small, it is forgivable

My mute, my friend, my super-fast book reading besty, I'll miss you, so, stay on the forums a while, because it just isn't the same hollowworld without you :')


The original mute
And again, the apology isn't acknowledged by its intended recipient. Ninjai, I'm trying to make amends, yet you decide that I'm not worth your time? I'm sorry but why? Even if you pmed me telling me that you believed my apology false that would be more understandable, set my mind more at rest than this arrogant ignorance you are maintaining. I guess if I'm not worth your time however, then I am not worth anyone who does not want me, not worth their time.
You've ignored me 4 times, I shan't apologise again ninjai, all 4 of them were sincere. I wish to make peace with you, why do you to wish the same?


Arrogant ignorance? No. It is for reasons like these words you chose to use that I refuse to respond. I stand by my decision.

Appologise to everyone else who you hurt. I don't care if you appologise to me or not.

Even when you are banned you have the nerve to insult me.

You put me through months of this. The people who defend you are the ones who don't know what you did and are instead listening to the sob story's. Go back and read the things you said and did.

I do NOT want your apology. I will never accept it. Do not appologise to me just to get unbanned. I did this to stop you hurting other people like you have been doing with your destructive behaviour. Appologise to each and every one of them.

If and when you do that publically, I will forgive you.. But you won't get another chance. An I mean what I say.


Retired Staff
This is going to sound blunt and quite likely hostile, but matyio;

Get help. Depression isn't something anyone should have to deal with, especially when it's expressed in such a destructive manner regarding yourself and those around you. You aren't worthless or pathetic or any number of adjectives I've seen you use, but you seriously need to see a professional and get better. Hollow World is an escape, not a cure.
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