Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active Anastas the Lark


Loyal Servant of Altera
Anastas the Lark
An Adventurous Urchin with a tendency towards collecting
MUSIC: Greenpath (Hollow Knight)
Age: 10? 12?
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Social Status: Orphan
Height: 4' 2" (127cm)
Weight: ~40 lbs (~18 kg)
Date of Birth: Unknown. Will sometimes claim its his birthday.
Homeland: Unknown.
Current Home: Hideout outside Storm's Landing (IG representation pending)

Build: Slightly Malnourished
Hair: Messy Black, shoulder length
Eyes: Greenish-Blue
Skin: Dirty and tanned
Identifying Marks: Tan Birthmark beneath his cheek on the right side, branching and spindly
Appearance: A round face and round eyes
Clothing: A very worn woad-blue cloak, slightly newer green tunic and woolen hose, something like shoes
Weaponry: A greatknife, with a straight edge and an angled tip (something like a tanto). Not Stolen, he swears.
Prized Possessions: His Cloak, His Knife, and his "old stuff" Collection
Hygiene: Very Poor, but the smell isn't noticeable unless you get real close.

Personality: Curious, Possessive, Courageous, Vulgar, Independent, thinks that showing you cool stuff will make you like him.
Strengths: Clever, skilled in survival, climbing, & swimming. Good at reasoning. Good at fighting for an untrained child.
Fears: Bears and some of the worse monsters. He's pretty good at swallowing fear, but he's still a child.
Weaknesses: Distractable, unused to genuine connection, unexamined PTSD from the daily life of a medieval orphan
Education: Semi-literate. Knowledgeable regarding some plants, ruins, and middens, but only in practical terms.
Languages: Common. Sometimes can pick out a snatch of elvish.
Profession: Survivalist, Mudlark
Alignment: Non-lawful Non-evil
Short Term Goals: Find neat stuff for his collection, start going on proper adventures, make some friends, have fun, eat food
Long Term Goals: ???

Place: His Hideout
Pastime: Exploring
Food: Candied fruit from the Saccharine Shrine
Drink: Whole Milk
Colour: Blue
Animal: Birds maybe?
Least Favourite...
Place: Tavern (too many people, smells worse than a shit pile)
Pastime: Math
Food: Blue cheese (He's tasted mold and its gross)
Drink: Anything Alcoholic
Colour: Yellow
Animal: Bears

Anastas' earliest memories are... confused. Sometimes he remembers very clearly a comfortable cottage in the country. Sometimes he remembers a house in the Landing, fire blazing in the hearth. Did he always live on the street? Were those dreams? He's always had his blue cloak. Its thin now. He hasn't always had the name Anastas. He sometimes has the feeling he has a life he's missing, like he slept in or lost his way when he was going to meet someone.

Sometime, he went to school, or something like it, for a year or two. He didn't mind it, but didn't think it was very useful. Probably that's when he started collecting things. Brightly colored pottery shards, little idols, greened copper trinkets, stones with holes worn in them. Old stuff. By the river, in the forest, in ruins away from the city. They're the treasures of his adventures.

Friends have come, and they have gone, and right now he is alone.
INSPIRATIONS: Legend of Zelda, Fallen London, Hollow Knight, The Door in the Wall, Ni No Kuni, the circumstances and difficulties faced in implementing earlier versions of this character

My in-game name is: poke9dude
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