Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Andrew: Search for a spot (Response for coolblox


Lord of Altera
As usual, Andrew had woke up in his Residence 7 o' clock in the morning, he ran down the stairs, grabbed some bread and tea, and ate it cheerfully. Usually he would just stay in his home, or go take an airship leading to some town, but instead, since now he had ideas of founding his own settlement, he had gathered the blueprints, and just after the breakfast he had ran down off to the lower district.

As he had began to see the legendary Stormbringer, he had glanced back at the gate leading to a rather mysterious place, all the residents were forbidden to enter it, and usually were killed on sight if inside, but Andrew found himself looking at men, they were all lying on the cold floor, their bodies bruised and bloodied, their wooden tools lying around them, most of them broken into rubble. Some other people were surrounding them, Andrew stepped towards them and politely asked "Who might they be, kind sir?" with that simple question, he had heard something clearly terrific! Some said they were aliens, some said they were enemies from the other town, but the most sensible answer, which came from a very intelligent halfling by the name of Olim, was that they were locals from the jungle, which stood close to Aeroch.

Andrew however, even though completely horrified by such thing, kept in mind that it was just a guess, and may be nonsense. He ran down to the lower district, and went off.

The nether darned jungle could not end, mosquitos bit into his flesh and sucked his blood, he sweated like a pig, and he could do nothing, but curse the darned jungle. "Ugh, i would never want to have a town in such place! But i've walked for miles, and going back to Aeroch would be foolish! foolish i say!" He cursed and cursed, until he saw a thing - a kind of thing that made his heart jump and get lost in the intense beating of his pulse, that might stop any second; He saw a tip of a spear.

He felt as if his heart popped and juice of adrenaline ran through his entire body faster than a leopard, before the spear could reach his forehead, he already threw himself to the left, grabbing on the vines and branches like an ape, forgetting about anything that might've not let him do that ; he did not care if right now he would cut his hands till he bleeds, he only wanted to survive, because survival was the most important thing for him, ever since he was born.

As he climbed the tall trees, the wild tribal men climbed after him, throwing their spears, just wanting to kill him.

Andrew pushed himself off from one tree to another, he already could see glimpses of civilization, a civilization! He could already feel tears of joy, but before he could jump on to another tree, out of nowhere a man appeared on it.

Andrew and the tribal man ran in each other and fell from a tree, the tribal man hitting the ground first, Andrew using his lifeless body as a pillow.

How could that be? Andrew - a killer? but he had a purpose, killers have a purpose if they want to kill someone, but murderers' don't.

The crazy men lost him, Andrew walked on towards the guild "Freemasons" from where he went to Mirage, but he still fears of going into such jungles again.