Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Annabanana's Sweet 16

because of my daughters Bday,,,we will be going away for a couple of weeks,,,This includes Annabanana8796,Guinnesslove. and AngelofDea7h666,,,,Guinness and i will be back in 2 weeks...not sure when Anna gets back...hope u all can get on with out us. as i know we are very important to the server ☺...Any way we will cya all soon,,,,have fun ☺7


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
because of my daughters Bday,,,we will be going away for a couple of weeks,,,This includes Annabanana8796,Guinnesslove. and AngelofDea7h666,,,,Guinness and i will be back in 2 weeks...not sure when Anna gets back...hope u all can get on with out us. as i know we are very important to the server ☺...Any way we will cya all soon,,,,have fun ☺7
Have I finally found someone older than me on the server?