Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Official Alteran
Dear HollowWorld,

I have not been banned (yet) For this is an apology, not an appeal, and I couldn't find a right place to put this.

I've been on this server for exactly 9 months. (as of the 25th) I realize I have been inactive or a long time. I've been sick, and school just started. I also have another reason. When I first joined this server, I didn't realize how close knit everyone is here. When I was looking for role play servers to play on I searched it up on YouTube. I found this server, and went on this site, and joined. I love this server. I really do. And I feel just plain awful for lying to you all. I have been away because I feel so bad about doing this. When I joined I had no idea how close I would come to this server, and how many friends I would make. I wish I had waited until my birthday to join, but i just couldn't wait. I am actually 12, not 13 going on 14. I wish I was, and I just hadn't been born in 2000. I've seen the ban graveyard a while ago and saw all the "graves" with people who have been banned for lying about their age. I am so sorry Hollow World. I know I may be banned for lying about my age, it's happened before, however I pray that I won't be banned forever, because I truly love this server. My birthday is on September 27th, and I hope you can still trust me on that. I am so, so sorry. I can't express it in words. I hope you will forgive me, and I won't be banned for long, however if you do ban me forever, I understand. I have lied to you all for 9 months, and that is unforgivable. I thank you for your time,

Deleted member 12912

I've had not encountered problems with you, nor have others, meaning you did a good job. You were mature and that is good enough for me.


Coffee Enthusiast
+ 10000 respects,
Honestly Reelru, I have always viewed you as much older!
You're a really good person, and being honest just shows how mature you are.
( Unrelated note: Also ye have the same birthday as me brother! )


Official Alteran
+ 10000 respects,
Honestly Reelru, I have always viewed you as much older!
You're a really good person, and being honest just shows how mature you are.
( Also ye have the same birthday as me brother! )
Thanks, I really appreciate it. I have been told I don't act my age, mainly because I started school early and have had to grow up with people 1-2 years older then me (and 5000 meters more tall) But really, I really appreciate it.


Lord of Altera
I don't think you will be banned, even if it is a something you can get banned for. If what I typed made any sense. Which is what I am trying to get at is the server wants mature users who know how to follow rules and behave like adults. And which seems like you are mature enough for this server in my eyes despite your age. So it is awesome that you came out and said this. Respect.