Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Application Mennoskappos [Approved - Itzzaboy]

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1. Mennoskappos
2. Your real name: Menno Jaspers
3. Age: 15
4. Gender: Male
5. Country: The Netherlands

6. I did and I agree

7. I have played Runescape and Metin 2. It sounds fun and I really wanna take a try.

8. Hi, my name is Menno. I come from the Netherlands and I'm 15 and a half years old. I searched on for a server and this server sounded fun. I play footbal and I game alot. I bought minecraft some months ago and played with my friends for a long time. We build some big things like a church or a big forgotten dwarfen city. I have never really bought medievil buildings, But I think i can make those. I played Runescape and Metin 2 for a long time and history inrest me alot. I'm not really talkative, but you can have a conversation with me. i hope thise is enough information about myself.

9. 2011-08-03_11.17.50.png
10. I really hope my application get accepted and i cant wait :)

11. yes, I dont use mods.

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