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Active Aragion


Lord of Altera
Name: Aragion

(Art: solus Music: Suiko)


Apparent Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Forest Elf
Social Status: Forgettable
Height: Five foot ten
Weight: 150 lbs
Current Home: Nowhere


Build: His body is thin and undefined, giving him a very average appearance for an elf, appearing to lack serious muscular definition even around his shoulders. He is also unusually short for an elf, standing at a mere five ten.
Hair: His hair is bright blond, cut short and left untended to.
Eyes: A dark and foggy shade of green.
Skin: A simple pale color with a very light tan.
Identifying Marks: His bright hair is fairly noticeable.
Appearance: He has a very neutral and almost androgynous appearance, which is only set apart by a pronounced jawline that is much like his father’s. Hee is also fairly short, with a oval shaped face, both traits he inherited from his mother.
Clothing: He wears a fairly simple set of clothing, consisting of a green silk shirt and brown trousers made from silk he obtained in Tauredal. Above this he wears a warm grey winter coat lined with white wolf fur, with a simple blue scarf hung loosely around his neck.
Hygiene: Due to his frequent bathing in clean rivers, he keeps fairly clean despite his travels.


Climbing has become somewhat of a hobby for Aragion, mostly due to his curious nature leading him to climb many obstacles throughout his life. From walls in his mischievous childhood to cliffs in his adventurous adulthood, aragion has continued his hobby, which has given him both skill in it, as well as some muscular strength in his forearms and shoulders. While this by no means makes him an expert climber, he is as talented as would be expected from a traveling forest elf.

Due to his habit of occupying his hands with puzzles or crafts when he has nothing else to do, Aragion has developed a bit of a knack for working with his hands. Due to this, working with materials or tools that require finesse and dexterity now comes easily to him, as he has learned to be very careful and deliberate with the movements of his hands. This often comes in handy when the task at hand requires agile and competent handwork.

Being quite young for an elf, Aragion still has a lot to learn and is still capable of grasping new subjects fairly quickly, even if he may not retain those lessons without repeated practice. This leaves him with the possibility to learn many trades, and still have plenty of time to some day master them through training.

Losing his friends is one of his worst fears, alongside losing himself.

Stamina is something he often finds himself lacking, despite his years of physical activity in both climbing and traveling. This is mainly due to his fairly lazy demeanor, which causes him to never exert himself for long enough to see significant growth in his endurance. In addition to this, his lack of formal training or actual combat has left him clueless to his need of further exertion, leaving him unaware to this weakness, despite how much it affects him.

Aragion has had several unfortunate injuries over the years, and this has left him quite vulnerable to blows near previous injuries, due to how poorly they healed over time. With injuries to his chest, left arm, back, and head that still cause him aches and pains to this day, which can incapacitate him if agitated further. This forces him to take great care of his body, so as to not allow his already fragile form to not sustain further, or more severe injury.

He remains very naive, often quick to trust others at their word even when they may be deceiving him. This is due to not only his attempts at being good natured, but his own ignorance on how to deceive others himself. With his inability to convincingly lie due to his natural tells, he's come to believe those who do are exceedingly obvious about it. This often leads to him trusting the wrong people.

Intelligence: While he is far from dull, his collection of knowledge is a bit lacking, leaving him very ignorance to many things.
Languages: Common and Elven
Profession: Wayfarer


Personality: Aragion holds a very kind and good natured attitude towards others, wishing only to help them with their troubles and trials. Despite this, he is not very outgoing, usually sticking to himself and keeping his mouth shut until it seems like he could help another. Naturally he is very curious, often openly acknowledging that he still has a lot to learn. Along side his good nature comes a great dose of naive faith in both others and even the world around him, keeping a constant belief that things will always work out in the end, even if it must take years.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Short Term Goals: Wander the new lands.
Long Term Goals: Discover his place in the world.

My in-game name is: Caedit
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Lord of Altera
Isabell "A good friend, who had many a trail forced upon her. I think she's found happiness now though." Ruulu

Kopii "A kind man who gave me some good advice when I was in need of it." Omikuji

Leila "A friend who has helped me when I was lost, I am thankful to her and they are happy with their family." Michcat

Aspen "Quite a interesting and kind Caparii, otherwise i'm not sure what to think about him even after all this time." Aspen
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Lord of Altera
Aragion has found a home in Tauredal, and is currently enjoying the peaceful life it is providing him.


Lord of Altera
Hey look at that overhaul. Aragion is back to being an active and hopefully interesting character.


Lord of Altera
Updated with a slight bit of a overhaul for a lot of his more personal and skill related traits. I wanted to tone down everything and make him a more realistic and down to earth character. I'll probably update more often from now on, but in much less drastic ways.