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Archon's Legion Approaches


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Posters begin appearing in various cities across the continent, all penned in a different hand. Scribes have been hard at work copying these words while couriers carry them from message board to message board. Each one has the black wax seal of Kane at its end.

My name is Duchess Elizabeth Kane and if you are reading this missive, I beg you to take heed. Archon's threat is growing, and in light of recent events and discoveries, it is more important than ever that we stand together and stand united. If you know anything further than what is found here or in any of the other recent missives, find me, Sentinel Jaden Seeker, or Kronprinz Sigmund Hallon at the Storm Hall north of Storm's Landing.

With our current knowledge, it seems that our continental wards have either failed, or on their way to failing completely. The Undead were once kept at bay by these wards, yet a village has been discovered and dealt with that contained a hoard of undead. Unlike those in the Sorrows, these held a great intelligence and purpose in their movement. With death becoming more and more rare, and healers reporting peculiar recoveries, it can be assumed that this state is our inevtible end unless something is done.

As well, we know with certainty that Archon and his legion are growing nearer. I have seen Archon directly many times, and he is now closer than he has ever been within the Planar. His size is unimaginable, and it is as if he has simply moved and ripped open a tear within the Planar, directly into our world. No more is the veil simply thinning. It is torn wide open now. Behind him, a legion of thousands upon thousand souls approach. The river of the dead, once routed directly toward him, now empties through the tear and comes into our world. I believe that the wards being weakened is what allows this new step to occur.

What is worse, there are demons that have escaped from deep within the Planar. I do not know their true name, but for lack of information, I refer to them as the anima demons. They are vile and repugnant creatures capable of great influence. There are three types I have noted, but only two I am personally familiar with. The demons of Wrath and the demons of Avarice are known for certain. The third demon I have not seen up close, but I know it exists. These demons attached themselves to the souls as they flee the planar, and it is particularly the demons of Wrath that fuel the destructive and vengeful wraiths. The wraiths get their immense power and hatred from these creatures. These demons will try to make deals with the populace. They will whisper promises of power, and show visions to tempt you. They will change your emotions to make you more pliable, and if anyone takes these deals, they will be lost to an all consuming emotion that they cannot easily come back from. Do not bargain with them. Do not heed them. Do not give in to their allure.

However, there is a glimmer of hope. We have gained new knowledge of one of Archon's faithfuls, and where there is knowledge, there is salvation. The fog that surrounded the continent, and choked the seas all the way into the sorrows, is not just a fog. It has a name. It is an entity all its own. The fog's name is Strange, and is loyal to Archon. He feeds on the peculiar aspects of our world, and is the one responsible for several peculiarities. It was he that turned charcoal into gold on an ill-fated voyage to the Sorrows. It was he that birthed an elk of black crystal horns, with its insides flipped and mirrored. He is a transmuter, and dangerous. But with a name and more knowledge, we finally have more to work with. It is my intention to learn more about this Strange, and urge alchemists, scholars, blessed, and mages to come together to see what more can be gleaned from this loyal patron of Archon.

With this in mind, prepare yourself. Stockpile as much salt as you can. I can provide it from the Emberdust Mines for all who need it. Line your homes with it to prevent the spirits from entering. Speak with the Blessed around you to see if more holy water can be gathered. Search far and wide for any wivestales that will help repel or destroy the spirits and undead. Make sure your sons, daughters, wives, and husbands are all equipped with an enchanted weapon when the restless dead come crawling to our shores once more.

We must stand together. We must fight. And most importantly, we must prevail.

Stand in strength, my friends. Stand in strength.

Elz blargtheawesome Squidziod CloakedReaper Scardrac
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The Lurker
Retired Staff
also i'd been meaning to write this for a few days, but I had only now set aside the time.