Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Deceased Aryus Fuvur


( Credit to Elz for the incredible artwork; filter applied. )
Aryus P Divider.png
Aryus Fuvur Logo.png
| Current Status |

Drowned in the crash of The Cradle, on the shores of the new land.

Name: Aryus N. Fuvur. Widely recognized association with the family's surname despite lack of birthright.
Pronunciation: Ambiguous, to some extent. Variations include "ah-rye-us" and "ar-ree-us."
Other Names/Alias: There are a handful that drift about occasionally in regard to his name, his person, or past deeds.
Full Titles: "Crowned Prince of the Jungle," informally and within jest. Beyond that, none of proper nobility.

Age: Deemed it simpler to abandon precise count as time passed. Presumes himself to be within his forties or fifties.
( While this may be the case, elven aging entails he remains youthful in appearance. Actuality of age is indeterminate. )
Race: Some variety of elven. While once vague, his lifestyle, mannerisms and appearance largely point to that of 'forest.'
Gender: Thoroughly, undoubtedly and indisputably male.
Sexuality: Heterosexual and fairly confident in his preference, though does not frown upon opposing considerations.
Relationship Status: Desires an answer, himself.
Current Residence: Dragging himself along with the remainder of the family, following Riseport's destruction.
Social Status: Elevated beyond that of peasantry, perhaps some form of minor nobility based upon observation alone.

Height: Peaks at the modest elven height of five foot, eleven inches (5'11"), narrowly brushing six foot.
Weight: Measures in at approximately twelve stone (12.4), or one-hundred and seventy-four standard pounds (174 lbs).
Build of Body: Lean, with a particular bulkiness about his shoulders and upper body.
Posture: Faintly slouched, albeit with a certain sense of near constant attentive about his demeanor.
Skin Colour: Likely an unexpected degree of tanning in regards to racial composition, with the southern jungles to credit.
Complexion: Clear of many blemishes or disturbances, serving as yet another nod to his elven blood.
Shape of Face: Diamond, angular with prominent cheekbones. His features leave little to be desired.
Distinguishing Features: Pointed ears that have a habit of protruding from loose hair. Unusual vocal quality. Thick brows.
Scars: While he exercises great caution to avoid facial scarring as best he may, he is certainly not free of his bodily share.
To the back of his upper left leg, some ways above the knee, is the scar of a penetrated barbed arrow.
The pair of his forearms bear erratic and unpleasant scarring, as if once gashes - the left moreso than the right.
To his upper back is similar scarring as the above; deeper, longer and more in quantity.
Along the entire span of his back is faded scars of indistinguishable variety. Fainter, now.
In accordance to the "left" trend, that side of his neck shows the thin, wiry scar of an arrow's graze.

Eye Colour: An arguably dull shade of brown. On account of this, they would be considered rather boring if not for the reflect depth of emotion to their gaze.
Hair Colour: While once a darkened, chocolate brown, the frequent exposure to Riseport's environment and sun has lightened its shade to some extent.
Hair Style: If held untied, it falls slights beyond his shoulders, thick and swept back. If not, pulled into either a bun or knot at the upper back of his head.
Voice: {Sam Worthington}, albeit with a faint scratchiness to his tone, as if due to a bothersome itch within his throat.
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How many characters do you have?
At this time, two ongoing. Soon to be three when a certain little event takes place. Aryus is my main on Dayshark, and D47DR34M will be used for the said "soon to be three" character. Arngeir_Brument isn't mine, @Arken persuaded me to use the account for our silly character duo, which is a change of pace and relaxed RP more than anything. Most of my time will be for Aryus/Dayshark, though.
You should ask @VanquishedVyre how many characters he has!

.. This is wow, really~
Oh, you.~

*.. announces his favorite child*
*wiggles his eyebrows*

You wish!