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Assahid - or - A nomad in Altera.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Hello, dear community. I'd like to start with telling you that I have never been in a community so close, caring and artistic as this one. Nor will I ever find one that can equal it. I have found that the desires I've had to develop my characters in game, do not match the guidelines of the server. In other words, I want to do stuff on the server that I am not allowed to do. For this reason, I have decided not to come back to the server itself, but to stay in touch with this lovely community through the artwork sections... Lately, as if it is an addiction, I've been thinking about characters again. How I'd like to develop some of mine, or what kind of character I'd like to have if I'd start anew. Yet, I know that it is not possible to go back on the server, because I will have the same problems as before. Namely that I do not feel free enough to do whatever I like, and I understand this. The server is something where a lot of people have to deal with each other and we need guidelines to make it run smooth. In this thread, there are no guidelines. In this thread I can develop my character bit by bit, as it experiences things that has been laid out for him, or things that are unexpected.

Character development is amazingly satisfying. It's like directing a movie. So, I'll tell you here, the story of Assahid, an arabic inspired nomad of Altera. I will use all information on Altera that I've gathered by playing on the server for 2 years, I'll use the characters I've met, but might have stopped playing like me as well. I will use the lore that has been set out and I will alter it, but I won't be violating any rules, because it's not happening in the server, but on a different place. I will use the places I've seen, houses I've visited. Etc.

Yes this is extremely Altera based, yet not on the server. Leave in the replies below you character profile or something that might happen to my character in which way he gets to know yours, and I might use it in the story. This will be updated regularly as time goes by, just like your character develops in game. For all those interested, read with me as I write. For the others, I can understand it's not interesting :)
P00f out, Assahid on.

Assahid, or, a nomad in Altera.
The Naught Inn... The people at the bar as shady as the Inn itself. Rarely does anyone leave the bar without witnessing a fight, or be in one. The inn does great business, renting rooms to those who are already passed out, either by the amount of alcohol or a punch to the face. It smells like beer impregnated wooden floors and smoke stained ceiling. Is there any place where you can find more interesting outlaws than you would find in the Naught Inn? That's where you find him, a nomad. His face looked somewhat satisfied, but definitely tired. His stature was that of a young man, but his skin, behind his mustache and goatee, seemed weathered. Like any Alteran would do, as it was expected from them, you sit with him at his table and start a talk. Wondering what brings this intriguing nomad to a place like the Naught Inn, you ask him.

"Are you sure you have time for me to tell you what brings me here?" He asks in return, to which you nod firmly. He gives a short laugh and sits back, his weathered sleeve runs down his arm as he lifts it to light the candle on the table.

"I was born in the year 2213, the year of Blossom, on the first of Springrise. It is now the year 2259, year of Rebirth. I'm neither old nor young, at an age of 46 I still feel agile and alive. My name is Assahid. I am a nomad from the deserts and it is not by chance that I have finally made my way to Port Silver... This is my story...

upload_2014-3-20_17-29-0.png I grew up on the desert-island south west of Deephurst. The larger island, where I lived close to the oasis. The tribe stayed there for an unusual long time of ten years, because there were so many young children growing up. My childhood was amazing, we would spend the hours of the day swimming around in this big lake. The water was salty, as the water from the sea came up through the soil, so we couldn't drink from it. Neither could we use it to fertilize the crops we were growing. The water we did drink came from the alum trees, as we called them. They were big, wide and white. The water that would fall on their leaves and branches would drip down to the center of the tree, which was hollow. There it amassed and we would take from it. There were alum trees a plenty in this region, so we had a good and easy life. My family was the wealthiest of the tribe and we often shared the profits of our trade with the rest of the tribe. My father was head of the tribe and he was responsible for the relations with the other tribes of the deserts. Growing up, I felt the expectations of others for me to one day take my father's role. When I was nine years old, I was brought along with my father to another tribe to see how negotiating worked. Our tribe Leyum had been friends with the other tribe Ahrid for decades. Leyum and Ahrid formed together the leading tribes of the desert island, where ours was the largest, the Ahrid tribe was the most well-equipped tribe. They had the most carts and camels of the region. I remember my father laughing and eating from what he was offered. The Ahrid tribe-leader was old and wrinkled, also his son sat beside him. He was much older than I was and looked as if he could eat me up! I was glad when we reached our camp again, at twilight.

"Assahid," my father told me, "one day, you have to take my place, whether you want it or not. By that time, the Ahrid tribe will have a new leader, the fierce one. You have to be strong enough to stand against a man like him. In ten years, I will send you to travel Altera, joining and leaving different tribes incognito. By the time you'll get back, you'll be stronger than anyone."

I was afraid of what he told me and I definitely didn't want to become tribe-leader. Thankfully I was only nine years old and had ten more years to go before this awful quest would be bestowed upon me. Yet ten years can rush by, especially at the age I was in. From now on I was obliged to go with my father to other tribes every now and then. In the tribe closest to us, I made a new friend. His name was @Lemarc , He was a bit older than I, but we got along quite well. Like most of his tribe, he was the adventurous kind of person. He was only 16 years old, but had already seen all of the desert and most of the smaller islands to the north of our own. The moment I got to know Lemarc, he was already bragging about what he called 'The Gemstone Isles'. A group of Islands just south of the desert Island. On most maps it fell just outside the charts, but he would see to it that it would become a well known series of islands. Me, being young and spontaneous, decided to keep a close eye on the progress Lemarc would have with his dreams. Our friendship grew stronger the more I visited his tribe. He was a normal boy, not from high stance, neither from the lowest bar. The fact that I, as tribe-leader's son, was so closely befriended with him, was very satisfying to his family. Sometimes we went out into the desert just by the two of us and I was completely depended on him, the adventurer, and his expertise in survival. Any of all those many times in the deserts that we went out on our own, he could have betrayed me. He could have left me somewhere, thus ruining the future of our tribe. Yet he did not and the trust we had in each other grew only more. I talked with Lemarc about the future tribe-leader of the Ahrid tribe, how we would surely come to war when his father died. Lemarc and I thought of many ways to escape a war with this jealous man. But none were fruitful enough to risk..."

[To Be Continued!]
<Sometimes the end might look rather odd, but I just type when I got time and I might not have the time to finish it properly>​
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