Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Audric (Agemennon) - Profile


Name: Audric, Son of Abert
Audric, Audie (Pronounced Aww-dee)
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 6'1''
Weight: 190 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Caucasian
Identifying Marks: None of note
Appearance: Audric is heavily built, coming from working with lumber for much of his adult life. His green tunic with stripes of gold and cyan serve to cover up most of him. A broad nose centers his face above a square jaw.
Strengths: Audric has been known to be incredibly lucky, when it comes to working with wood. He has injured himself but once, and that was mostly the fault of his master. He is oft to tell his story about his foray into siegecraft, where he almost lost his arm, but not quite. What he tells less oft to tell is when he almost fell into a bed of axeheads.
Weaknesses and fears: Audric's greatest fear is that he will never again find his father. A fear that, since he came to Altera, is in danger of being realized. He has begun to hope that his father will find him, and given current situations, is probably more likely.
Religion and cults: Audric has yet to aquaint himself with the religions and Gods of Altera, but he was a regular attender of sermons at the church his father built, and believes in a higher power.
Profession: Carpenter, mostly experienced in the art of Bowmaking