Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Azlith The Common Suspect


Lord of Altera
Name: Azlith
Nickname/Alias: Jack the Jacker
Age: 54
Gender: Male
Race: Elven
Height: 7 feet
Weight: 124 pounds
Hair: Rainbow
Eyes: Blue with black around them (Make up)
Skin: White and Black with make up
Identifying Marks: Rainbow hair
Appearance: Tall, jolly, thin, and all around crazy
Strengths: Making people laugh, to death
Weaknesses and fears: Weaknesses- Hand to hand combat: Fear- Separation
Religion and cults: Re-lig-on, whats that
Profession: Jester

Story: Corrupt lil' child. At 7 his favorite activity was making pie and pranking. Then at the age of 14 got kicked out of the house (Because he burned it on fire) and got a job as a guard. Got kicked out of that for bringing 7 highly poison-filled snakes into the barracks. He was 17 and got a job servin' drinks to the sailors of Port_Silver. Got kicked out of that when he put magical pig potion into a sailors drink! Then he got a makeup kit from a poor guy for 4 radiants. He opened ot and it got him were he i today, the jester!