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Ban appeal for Justinh77 and ZombeHTac0

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Lord of Altera
Its a real shame that you went to all that effort, Hoptoad, to help your friend and he or his friend just instantly ruined their chance to come back to the world's greatest minecraft server. Which may I add is about to go through the most awesome changes of our Alterean history (the Exodus for those of us that are less informed).

I was online when he got banned and was completely stunned since he was just barely unbanned before he got then hammer thrown at his face again. :confused:
yea zombe was being a normal airhead (dont want to say anything to get myself in trouble) and decided "oh im gunna start digging in Port Silver"


Legend of Altera
Yeah, I'm pretty bummed.

yea zombe was being a normal airhead (dont want to say anything to get myself in trouble) and decided "oh im gunna start digging in Port Silver"
Like I said, it weren't Zombeh. It was Matt, one of our friends. It's rather ironic, actually. I'd told Matt that he should get Minecraft, so he was at Brent's testing it out. Unfortunately, he decided to test it out on Hollow World while Brent was off to the side, watching a movie. Brent had kicked him off and was going to type that he was sorry and offer to fill in the hole, but Sirix banned him before he could type it.

Again, I'm fully aware that you don't accept the "it wasn't me" excuse. I just want you to know that we didn't mean for it to come out this way. It wasn't Brent's intention to take a crap on your face, Lars. Real sorry about that.

I imagine this is as sorted as it will ever be. Unless, for whatever reason, you're willing to debate Brent's second ban (I recall there being a three strikes, you're out system), then you can lock this thread and we'll be on our way.

However this ends, I thank everyone for their input. I wasn't sure of the reaction I'd receive.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Account sharing in any form isn't allowed Hoptoad.
No way i could have know it was someone else playing on his account so i had to assume it was him.

Besides that I didn't ban him right away, I was talking to him for about 5 minutes, asking him questions what he was doing, if he thought it was oke, if he had ever read the TOC and messaging other admins to come take a look.

During those minutes i had to tp him out of the tunnel back to me. Instead of answering he moved right back into the tunnel to resume his work, rather then to answer me.


Legend of Altera
Account sharing in any form isn't allowed Hoptoad.
No way i could have know it was someone else playing on his account so i had to assume it was him.
I know. I said I'm aware of that fact.

There was no way for you to know. I wasn't telling you it wasn't Brent so he'd get another chance. I wanted people to know he didn't mean to throw Lars' and the rests kindness back in their faces.

It was Matt on Brent's account. I know Brent's responsible, and he knows it too. If he'd been a bit faster to spot what Matt was doing, he might have had time to make amends. I'm just disappointed at how this turned out, and wanted you lot to know we didn't mean it. Even though, as Lars was kind enough to point out, this wasn't my fault, it still reflects badly on me and I feel terribly guilty.

'Tis all. If that's that, then feel free to lock the thread. So long as the thread is open, it makes me feel as if I have a chance to get Brent out of this, and it's doing my head in. The three of us were pretty excited when the decision was made to lift the ban, and we'd started making plans; if the thread gets locked with this current decision, I know that I have to change those plans.

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