Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Ban appeal [Resolved - Unbanned]


Lord of Altera
So it's been 2 months now since I was banned for being OP and have since spent most of my time on another rp server practiceing and training many rp related things amongst this is learning to understand the diffrence between playing my char at his or her full potential and being OP

I would also like to inform all of you that I was not fully able to deal with all the diffrent people talking at the same time causeing me to panic somewhat oocly, this does not mean that im useing it as a excuse but that I am stateing somethnig that contributed to my mistake, this also brings me to my next point.

I now am takeing stronger meds wich 'should' help me stay focused and calm thus lowering thr chance I make such mistakes again within the same situation

Sorry if this is a short appeal but I always find myself in trouble when it comes down to makeing an apology longer than it should be

Thank you all for your time


P.S. someone give Mavlin a hugg for me I MEAN IT


Lord of Altera
Alright, I've thought over it for quite a while now.

You have caused some trouble in the past, but I would at least like to give you one last chance. This will be very strict, you will have to be on the best of your behavior.

I will only unban your main account, the other will stay banned until at least a month of good behavior.


Lord of Altera
Alright, I've thought over it for quite a while now.

You have caused some trouble in the past, but I would at least like to give you one last chance. This will be very strict, you will have to be on the best of your behavior.

I will only unban your main account, the other will stay banned until at least a month of good behavior.


P.S. can my town still be moved over or refunded?


Lord of Altera

P.S. can my town still be moved over or refunded?
you can refund it by using /noble region delete [region], regions are still at 100% refund