Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Ban Appeal TexasHistory


Hmm- Where to start.

Hello, Hollowworld. Alot of you may not remember me or know me, but I was a person who constantly avoided the rules, metagamed, and did a bunch of other horrid things that are against the server. Back when I did all that I wasn't mature at all. I blamed it on "My brother" of which I don't have, and all together gave a bad experience to the server. I know most of what I have done is terrible and I have said some rude crude and obnoxious things, but I ask of you another chance. I was a terrible person- but I think I have matured and grown up, and I want to try again on the server. I also continued after I was banned, using friends accounts and constantly joined back, causing chaos. I actually said a few mean things to people and I am willing and happy to give out apologies.


Also, i'd like to add I trolled on TS3 and continuously poked people, sorry for that. ( Things are coming to mind that I did slowly. )


Lord of Altera
Please list all your alternate accounts, and I mean ALL of them, the friends accounts you used as well, do they play on HW or are they all you?


Please list all your alternate accounts, and I mean ALL of them, the friends accounts you used as well, do they play on HW or are they all you?
indigogirl ( Used to be my sister's, not that it mattered. )
I did however not use my friends, kyle1322 and xxslygamerxx happen to be actual friends.


Yes ma'am. I have no idea but no lie I do have siblings who currently live with me, but those are all the accounts I personally have played on.


2. TexasHistory
3. StealthxWarrior
4. Tritonx9
5. indigogirl
6. MC_Spammer
7. MokiPC
8. orangepinapple
The other two I can't remember.


Lord of Altera
Alright. The matter of the fact is that a majority of those accounts have caused some disruptive behavior, we've been aware of the account sharing (or whatever's going on) for a long time and I just needed confirmation.

I'm going to ban your IP and all related accounts. On that note 5 of those accounts are already banned, I think that says all that's needed.