Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Ban Appeal

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I was banned for using black magic. The only black magic I have on my computer is xray but I never turn it on when using this server. I only used it once in my friends server to troll him. But that was once! I use mc patcher and the mod isnt loaded on it and I dont know how to load it. I do not want to be banned from this server because I love it. I never used xray. If I did, I'd have soo many diamonds! I spent all day yesterday mining for diamonds and only managed to pull out enough for a set of armour and a sword. My friend gave me a pick and shovel to help him build the town.


It took me forever to get accepted into this community and I do not want to leave or lose it. I love the RP and everything about this server


Lord of Timbervale
I'm sorry but you will need to wait for the Staff member who banned you to respond. It was SallyPirate so just hold on until she gets the chance to respond here.


Lord of Altera
Well I don't see the point to replying properly, but I'm just going to say that even if you make a.. I'm not sure what kind of mine it was,forked I think. It was well laid out, but you went through and picked diamonds and iron hidden in the wall. I was nice and considered "Oh this one could've been chance." Buuut I couldn't do that for the small staircase to diamond in the mine, or the small upward staircase, and the diamond hidden behind the wall of gravel, or the sharp random turn away from the mineshaft that conveniently got more diamonds.

If you wanted to stay on the server, you shouldn't have xray'd. Simple as that.


I dug a staircase downward but i never found diamond in it? I think i found it right after i started digging my fork. I dug forks and found diamonds. I saw this technique on youtube. Go to y 11 and dig forks with 2 rows of blocks inbetween and ocassionaly up and down 1 block for a better chance of finding diamond and always dig through dirt and diamon and clay because it is easy to break and it downs harm checking it. And try you best to keep your mine compact. So, the next best lvl to find diamond is around lvl 4. So try your best to keep expanding between these two levels. And i dug 2 forks to find diamonds and was planning to expand it. And if you find a lava cave at lvl 11, diamonds are most likely nearby. I know it looks bad but I love this server A LOT and I never wanted to get banned and so I never xrayed because I saw that it was strickly forbidden.


Wait a second, does surface lag count as xraying? Because I found i think about 3 or 4 diamonds like that when i relogged in and saw it to the right i think of one of my forks. If thats considered xraying I am sorry for wasting your time.

Trouble Kelp

Loyal Servant of Altera
I personally have never been able to use surface lag to mine just doesn't work that way. The surface is way up there. Also, that excuse has been used multiple times before.

But, you know, I'm not a mod. I prefer for Sally to settle these things. She's s goddess with the x-ray investigations.

EDIT: Nevermind...she already responded....I am really failing lately.


Oh, well im sorry then. I made a mistake and I wont use it ever again to my advantage. I did not know it was considered xraying. I am extremely sorry and I apologize.


It says "using it as an unfair advantage". I did not purposly use it. I just timed out in my mine, relogged in, was in my house. did /home and i saw it right in front of me.


Ok, well i understand. I am extremely sorry and you have no clue how bad I feel. I do not want to leave this awesome server because I enjoy the RP and how this is the only server without extreme griefers. I love the whole idea of this server and believe me, I do not want to leave it. I am truly sorry for this and again, I apollogize and thankyou for doing your part in keeping the server safe for other players. I now understand that if i see something when i log in, to ignore it and I wont do it. I know I probably wont be forgiven by you guys for this but I understand that what I did was a breach in my agreement with you and the rest of Holloworld and I am sorry.


Moderating the herps & derps
*error error ur carrier is unable to localize ur position*

i think u meant career :), but yeah i go with sally and p.s. checking his excuses its like he's goin in a

i didnt use anything!
well i kinda did have some lag that helped me..
im sorry i used blackmagic

sorta list that actually leads into the truth XD
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