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Banned? for what reason?

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I just joined the server about 2 days ago I played for a couple of hours and made some friends, joined a town, and started gathering materials to build a house. Today, I tried to log in and it says I'm banned. Reason? I don't know. The message says: Clearly you're not going to fit in here. I dont see why. I believe this might be a mistake. If it is not, then I would please like to know why I would not fit in.
Thank you.

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
I believe you came on and started shouting things about joining 'factions' in capital letters, then called everyone an idiot? I can't remember if that was you or not, if not apologies. If it is you, someone said 'we are not a faction server' and you said it again in caps.


Sorry for posting but I quote:
You: can I join a faction
Me: this isnt a faction server
Me: this isnt a faction server.
that what you said as far as I can remember...and I remember well.


Zalenfal Guardian
Sorry for posting but I quote:
You: can I join a faction
Me: this isnt a faction server
Me: this isnt a faction server.
that what you said as far as I can remember...and I remember well.
Exactly this.
If it wasn't you, who was it?
Your account is your responsibility, regardless of whomever did this.
Plus, I'd like to add: although it may not be relevant, choosing a name like yours doesn't exactly help you out in situations like this.
I'm so sorry. I was just told my friend he was the did do this. I take responsability for his actions
Darn it, i liked this server.
Is this a temporary ban, or is it permanent?


Zalenfal Guardian
I'm so sorry. I was just told my friend he was the did do this. I take responsability for his actions
Darn it, i liked this server.
Is this a temporary ban, or is it permanent?
If you had no idea that he did it, then presumably he did it without being near you - so he has access to your account.
If your account is insecure, we can't risk breaching that.
That's what your ban is dependant upon.
He was at my house, it was dumb of me to give him access to my computer and not monitor what he was doing.
I was already logged into minecraft. He dosn't know my password. No one but me does


The Anime loving Brony
He was at my house, it was dumb of me to give him access to my computer and not monitor what he was doing.
I was already logged into minecraft. He dosn't know my password. No one but me does
That is why, whenever someone goes to your house, you log off. To make sure that situations exactly like this one do not happen.


The White Mage
Isn't it a little strange that whenever stuff like this happens, the person always blames it on someone else? I know it's not my place to say at all, and I'm sorry, but i feel like some people (Not necessarily you forgotten_troll) lie right to the admin team and get away with it.

Feel free to delete this post if I'm stepping too far out of line. :oops:
99.9999% of the time when someone says it was a friend, a younger/older sibling, or their magical goldfish that suffers from schizofrenia, no slack is given and its a perma ban until we feel that the account is secure enough for the player to be let back. So no, we don't accept excuses like that :)

Edit: I second Aug on the temp ban


Grand Architect
hmmm...interessting developments, I agree on a temp ban. I mean calling us idiots doesnt make me want to take out the banhammer, hell sometimes I am an idiot :p
but offcourse this is all up to JS


Zalenfal Guardian
Alright. This time, I'll unban you. It's been over a week, I think that's a reasonable temp ban.
However, read these words carefully. Be very cautious with your account. If this ever happens again, and a friend/sibling/whatever else is blamed, you will not be forgiven a second time.
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