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Baz da Strong


Lord of Altera

Da Strong, Da Biggest, Da Best
Age: 44
Gender: Male
Race: Earthspawn
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 340 lbs
Date of Birth: Some time in the spring
Homeland: Unknown
Current Home: The Crossroads​
Build: Profoundly muscular, built to dish out and take heavy damage.
Hair: Long grey dreadlocks with a pushed back hairline.
Eyes: Dark and primal, with a barely noticeable yellow tint.
Skin: Vibrant green.
Identifying Marks: Baz is typically not recognised by scars, but rather his build.
Hygiene: Surprisingly clean, will always bathe after a workout.
Voice: Any ork from the 40k universe.
Strengths: Baz is a creature built entirely around strength and endurance, his punches have the power to destroy a weaker man in the right circumstances.
Fears: Drowning, falling, and generally things he can't punch his way out of.
Weaknesses: Despite his cunning and knowledge of combat, Baz is painfully stupid, and can easily be baited into things.
Intelligence: Limited to his knowledge of fist-fighting/boxing.
Languages: Common
Profession: Was once part of Aewin's gang, but after a long absence he no longer allies himself with said crew.
Personality: Typically crude, abusive, and sadistic, though he can be shockingly benevolent towards those he considers friends or allies.
Religion or Cults: Baz demands the attention of Crusade, and bears enmity towards the god for not recognising his previous physical achievements.
Alignment: (Chaotic) Neutral
Short Term Goals: Reunite with Aewin's crew.
Long Term Goals: Gain and audience with Crusade.
Due to his hiatus from the Northern Kingdoms, Baz's relationships to this land's residents have reset somewhat. Old grudges and friendships alike have been forgotten.

Baz was once a very successful boxer, participating in events where he'd face off against humans, elves, other earthspawn, and on occasion animals like bears and boars. Despite being renowned as one of the best fighters in the region, Baz abandoned his career in pursuit of challenge, finding none in beating up his opponents.

And so Baz travelled to the Northern Kingdoms, acting as a thug in service to a greyling for some time before meeting and allying Aewin, his new employer. The community that Baz found in Aewin's band of misfits was welcome, and he even came to befriend a couple of his crewmates, though the same ambition which caused him to quit boxing continued to nag at his mind. After learning of the god 'Crusade', Baz felt as though seeking audience with him was the best way to prove his status as a warrior. The ambitious earthspawn entered into a tourney, but was disqualified for failing to use his weapon properly, spinning Baz into a fit of rage and frustration. It was this loss that ultimately caused Baz to abandon his life in the Northern Kingdoms, leaving behind his colleagues without warning, in search of fiercer climates.

On the shores of a distant land, Baz made a living for himself as a bodyguard, often being hired by politicians, royals, or anyone else who thought that Baz was useful. Like before, coin was easy to come by, but fame and prestige were not. No matter how many assassins Baz crushed, no matter how many men he slew in combat, he was still nothing more than a thug to his employers. Spurred on by his ambition to make a name for himself in the annals of history, Baz ransacked the castle of the Duke he was charged with protecting, and left in search of a place to train.

After months of travel, Baz finally settled in sprawling forest, one whose trees scraped the very fabric of the clouds. In this dense wood Baz embraced his animal nature. His new schedule consisted of hunting, exploring, and training his body, a series of tasks which slowly brought Baz to levels of power he had previously not known. His life as a hermit would span the length of three years until he was reminded of civilisation when a band of woodcutters stumbled upon him. Their elven ears reminded Baz of his companions in the Northern Kingdoms, hitting him with a wave of nostalgia, and a new desire to reunite with the men and women he abandoned.

And so, Baz has returned, greyer and more practised than before, looking to both reconcile with Aewin and co. but to also find himself the attention of the might Crusade.
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