Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Bettemus99 Application [Approved by cherbert]

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Roleplay keeper
1. user name: bettemus99 skin: femal in green mediavel queen kinda dress.
2. name: Christina
3. 12
4. girl
5. i come from denmark
6. i have
7. i think the "roleplay thing" is some fun thing that does minecraft a bit more exiting. i have tryed befor being on a kingdom server and tryed some stuff so yes i guess so. i have tryed to play queen and citizen in a kingdom with an enemie and tryed to play in war and peace.
8. i like dance and sing. i draw alot and like be together with all my friends. party is a thing i think is the best ever. i use alot of time on minecraft. i go in 6 class in school. and all in all i dream alot and thats why i like rpg servers.
9.i have alot of dragons i have built and i would love to create some more
10. i would like to share all my creations and happyness and help too thoes who ask for it :)



King ForumStalker
those are some pretty amazing builds you have there!

Would you be able to add some more to parts 7 and 8 please? This allows us to get to know you more.
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