Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Bye Altera, see you soon!


The White Mage
The lone figure trudged up the dusty road. He didn't know where he was going, or how long he'd be gone, but he knew that one day he'd be back. So he shouldered his bag and pressed on into the night.

Basically, i'll be gone twice. Right now i'll be gone for a week or so, but still active on forums when I get the chance :)

Couple of weeks after that though and I have no clue how long i'll be gone for. Will be moving back to the UK, so won't see you scurvy landlubbers for a long while it seems :I

Bye Altera, see you all soon hopefully!


The Arbiter of the Gods
Bye bye Matto! Have a fun week off then another "unknown amount" after that! ^.^
Take care xD