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Canon Calan's flood...


Lord of Altera
"If the seas don't relent, Calan will surely flood." Saelihn thinks to herself as she stands on the muddy gravel path. She sinks in a bit if she stands still, rocks and pebbles slide aside making holes for her feet. If she stands longer mud and gravel tries to fill the hole back in, sucking her down further. She lifts her feet and pulls them from the much before heading over to the pond. It gargles and pukes out water, the shore seems to want to reach into the jungle around it. All the water seems to do nothing but climb higher.
There's a crash and a boom in the sky, signaling the start of another downpour. Calan was designed to handle a fair amount of water, and ahrug it off with relative ease - but the amount it has been receiving is just too much, the ground drowns, and the animals flee for higher ground. The mountains that typically protect Calan from the fiercest of storms now catch them and throw them back into the bay.
Saelihn sighs and climbs one of the spiraling stairs, heading up to dry ground. She sits in the kitchen and sips some wine as she looks out to the churning sea.


Lord of Altera
The storms seem to subside a bit, bringing a thick and heavy humidity into the jungle. Everything is damp, even the treehouse have squeaky slippery floors. A foggy haze rests in Calan and limits visibility. Candles have been placed all around, a strong smell of citronella-like scent drifts around. The efforts to keep bugs away have minimal effect, mosquitos, flies, ticks, cicadas... Bugs are everywhere, biting and crawling on everything. The conditions are perfect for an outbreak, and some of the residents seem to be coming down with something.

Saelihn has been cooped up with a heavy cold for a few days now. Most likely she wore herself down trying to fix all of Calan by herself. The other residents wouldn't let her do everything on her own though, and everyone pulled their fair share with repairs... But cleanup is an on going process... Everyone has been working in closer proximity to one another. Thordil has the sniffles, Logan is stumbling about more than usual... Illness seems to be falling into Calan, and unless something is done about it everyone is likely to get sick.
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Lord of Altera
Everyone is falling ill. The sickness is putting people on edge, everyone's more irritable than usual. The hot, thick conditions are only exasserbating this. The steps are all becoming slippery and difficult to walk on. Thordil has already taken a spill from one of the stairs, and may have suffered some broken bones. Murdoc, who visited with much needed supplies, has been pitching in as much as he can around Calan. It seems he may be getting sick too. Logan decided to head to the mainland and Toralin in an effort to find some sort of cure for whatever is going around. He fears Vevila may be developing the illness after his visit. Saelihn's condition isn't improving, whenever she starts to get better she goes and overexerts herself again - creating a vicious cycle of illness. The new pen seems to be holding, the livestock is handling the absolutely brutal heat as well as can be hoped and many of the sheep have been sheared to help them stay cool. The tension and illness is making everyone very ill at ease.... Something has to be done...


Lord of Altera
A strange calm falls over Calan. The seas are still. The wind stagnates. Even the heat seems to relent. Vines still reach for everything. Bugs still flock to people and animals. But there is an eerie calm that has fallen in Calan.
The heat persists, making the jungle into a sweltering bog of rainforest. Everything is still damp and squishy, there has been no dry heat to dry out Calan.
No one is fighting anymore... In fact Calan seems vacant.
Was everything before just a warning? Is this the so called " eye of the storm?"
It's an uneasy calm. It only seems to hearld more doom.